IMSS General Hospital of Zone 13 - 87300 Heroica Matamoros

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact IMSS General Hospital of Zone 13

Address :

Sexta Ocampo 800, Centro, 87300 Heroica Matamoros, Tamps., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8889
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City : Tamps.

Sexta Ocampo 800, Centro, 87300 Heroica Matamoros, Tamps., Mexico
Jose Luis Lerma on Google

Muy mal
Very bad
orlando garcia on Google

El servicio es pecimo de parte de loa de seguridad, algunoa doctores tiene la vocacion y se toman en serio su trabajo, pero el personal femenino siempre es altanero y te dejan morir si no ellas pueden permitirlo. Mal servicio
The service is pecimo on the part of the security, some doctors have the vocation and they take their work seriously, but the female staff is always arrogant and they let you die if they cannot allow it. Bad service
Lic Alejandro Salazar on Google

Pésimo servicio... Pocos son los enfermos a comedidos.. Por que si los hay no digo que no... Pero la mayoría no te ayuda para nada uno va allí por necesidad no por que quiera estar allí si ya sabemos como es el mal servicio que siempre tienen... Los guardias a veces se ponen en su plan de amargados y no te dejan pasar... Esperemos que allá una trasformación en todo el sistema de salud en México que mucha falta nos hace que pongan a gente con mejor tacto humano por que con ese carácter que la mayoría tiene solo hacen sentir peor al paciente...
Terrible service ... Few are the patients to be restrained .. Because if there are any I do not say no ... But most do not help you at all you go there out of necessity not because you want to be there if you already know how it is bad service that they always have ... The guards sometimes put themselves in their plan of bitter and do not let you pass ... Let's hope that there a transformation in the entire health system in Mexico that much lack makes us put people with better human touch because with that character that most have only make the patient feel worse ...
lizveth friaz on Google

Nefasto trabajo que hacen, estoy embarazada de gemelos, tengo 35 semanas para el viernes cumplo 36 (8 meses y medio) todos me comentan que sería cesaría porque seria riesgoso normal , y cuando me daba la orden el ginecólogo me indicó que seria en dos semanas mas para la cesaría aproximadamente, y talvez no pueda aguantar pero que tenia que ir a que me sellaran la orden en archivo e ir a sótano en Jefatura de Ginecología para que me citaran a ese tiempo, Cuando llego me dice la doctora que con que método me cuidaría , porque mi embarazo es Dr alto riesgo, y así , yo se que es su trabajo preocuparse pero , no estamos obligadas , ya es decisión de una , me estaba obligando a que me hicieran el salpingo o ponerme el diu, junto con otro doctor que hace la cesaría que si no me lo pongo que me podría morir y ya no sería culpa de ellos , nadie esta obligado a ponerse algo que no quieren, no es manera de consejar al paciente, ellos deben de hacer la mejor atención al paciente porque nada es gratis ,pagamos por el servicio que merecemos, ellos comen por nosotros por eso hay demasiada negligencia mucha capacitada, no sirven para nadanada. Hay mejor servicio en el pumarejo y eso que hay muchos estudiantes.
Nefarious work they do, I'm pregnant with twins, I have 35 weeks for Friday I'm 36 (8 and a half months) they all tell me that I would cease because it would be normal risk, and when I gave the order the gynecologist told me it would be in two weeks but for the cesaría approximately, and maybe I can not stand but I had to go to have the order stamped on file and go to the basement at the Gynecology Headquarters to be summoned at that time, When I arrive the doctor tells me what method I would take care of, because my pregnancy is high risk, and so, I know it is her job to worry but, we are not obligated, it is already a decision of one, she was forcing me to do it the salpingo or put the diu, along with another doctor who does cesarean that if I do not put it to me I could die and it would not be their fault anymore, nobody is forced to wear something they do not want, it is not a way to advise the patient , they must do the best patient care because nothing is free, we pay for the service we deserve, they eat for us, that is why there is too much negligence, very capable, they do not serve for nadanada. There is better service in the Pumarejo and that there are many students.
Gabriel Gonzalez on Google

Los especialistas se encuentran entrando a mano izquierda. Hay que presentarse por lo menos de 30 a 45 minutos antes de la hora de la cita ya que hay mucha demanda pero la atención es rápida
The specialists are entering on the left. You must show up at least 30 to 45 minutes before the appointment time since there is a lot of demand but the attention is quick
Dephesa Dp on Google

Tuve un accidente y no había ambulancias ni silla de ruedas para un paciente con probable fractura en pierna
I had an accident and there were no ambulances or wheelchairs for a patient with a probable leg fracture
Frankois Martinez on Google

Tienen una Pésima atención en cuanto al Paciente,evidente falta de organización y sobre todo una infraestructura deplorable. Es algo que el Gobierno Municipal y Gobierno Federal deben de dar Prioridad ya que es más que obvio que estamos muy por debajo de un Servicio de Salud Digno para los Derechohabientes.
They have a terrible care regarding the patient, evident lack of organization and above all a deplorable infrastructure. It is something that the Municipal Government and Federal Government must give priority since it is more than obvious that we are far below a Decent Health Service for the Rightholders.
Elyy D on Google

Couldn't give it a zero star because it wasn't available. Premises outside are super nasty and the inside is worse. A hospital in the middle of a war or desert has better sanitation and basic cleanliness. I would not be surprised that people would literally get weird diseases like cholera and malaria. The facilities are not funded as they should be, by the government and 1 nurse is in charge of 1 floor and there are over 50 patients in that 1 floor Patients are literally laying on the floor because there are no beds. The poor conditions would make me so scared to be a patient there. The nurse tries her best, but there is only so much they can do.

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