INE 05 Junta Distrital - 27000 Torreón

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact INE 05 Junta Distrital

Address :

Donato Guerra 101, Segundo de Cobián Centro, 27000 Torreón, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Coah.

Donato Guerra 101, Segundo de Cobián Centro, 27000 Torreón, Coah., Mexico
Lucía Corral on Google

Si tienes cita, programa todo un día para poder realizar tu trámite, alta demanda y el personal no es suficiente para toda la gente que se recibe, una vez que te atienden el personal es amable.
If you have an appointment, schedule a whole day to carry out your procedure, high demand and the staff is not enough for all the people who are received, once they serve you the staff is friendly.
Lorena Meza on Google

Están bien organizados, no tardas tanto en ser atendidos. Por pandemia te formas afuera pero no hay tanto sol en esa parte aunque tampoco hay tanta sombra de árboles. Son muy eficaces en su trabajo ya cuando logras entrar, hay clima adentro, tardas menos de 10 minutos en el trámite, y son unos 5 minutos para recogerla.
They are well organized, it does not take so long to be taken care of. Due to a pandemic, you train outside but there is not so much sun in that part, although there is not so much shade from trees. They are very effective in their work and when you manage to enter, there is weather inside, it takes less than 10 minutes to process it, and it takes about 5 minutes to pick it up.
Sebastián Alvarado on Google

Por cuestiones de la pandemia y el aforo reducido solamente abren hasta las 3 p.m. fuera de eso el servicio es rápido y solamente hay que checar bien que lleves los documentos para no tener que dar tantas vueltas. La fila afuera es un poco larga desde temprano y recogen la papelería también ahí afuera para darle rapidez, eso sí hay que sacar cita en línea para que te atiendan más rápido.
Due to the pandemic and the reduced capacity, they only open until 3 p.m. Other than that, the service is fast and you just have to check that you have the documents so you don't have to go around so many times. The line outside is a bit long from early and they pick up the stationery also out there to give you speed, you do have to make an appointment online so they can attend you faster.
César Rubén Torres Aguilar on Google

Fui a renovar mi credencial, no me entretuvieron ni una hora, tomaron mis datos, me sacaron mi foto y me la entregaron en 10 días aproximadamente. Todo bien. Hay que ir preparados con papelería, acta de nacimiento, comprobante de domicilio máximo de tres meses atrás, Curp, y la credencial vieja en su caso.
I went to renew my credential, they did not entertain me for an hour, they took my data, they took my photo and they gave it to me in approximately 10 days. Everything's fine. You have to go prepared with stationery, birth certificate, proof of address from a maximum of three months ago, Curp, and the old credential if applicable.
George Salazar on Google

Si tienes cita te atienden bien rápido, son muy amables y atentos. Excelente servicio.
If you have an appointment they attend to you very quickly, they are very kind and attentive. Excellent service.
Alquimia Najulam on Google

Buena atención afuera para la fila. Adentro una de las ñlicenciadas que expiden ine, pide una copia extra con un vecino pareciera que están asociados para esa copia, pues al regresar otra licenciada dentro no pide esa copia.
Good attention outside for the queue. Inside, one of the licensees that issues ine asks for an extra copy with a neighbor, it seems that they are associated for that copy, because when another licensee returns inside, she does not ask for that copy.
Eduardo Fiego on Google

Es aquí donde puedes tramitar tu credencial de elector por mayoría de edad, renovarla, solicitar una reimpresión con los mismos datos o actualizar la información. Tratan de mantener una base de datos actualizada y por cuestiones de Covid las medidas son estrictas como limitadas para los ciudadanos dentro del edificio. Suele haber empleo temporal para supervisores (SE) y capacitadores (CAE).
This is where you can process your voting credential by majority age, renew it, request a reprint with the same data or update the information. They try to maintain an updated database and due to Covid issues the measures are strict and limited for citizens inside the building. There is usually temporary employment for supervisors (SE) and trainers (CAE).
José Antonio López Véliz on Google

Nos brindaron una gran atención para mi Papá, a pesar de ser de la tercera edad, nos atendieron sin ningún problema, tienen las medidas basicas para La Covid-19
They gave us great attention for my Dad, despite being elderly, they attended us without any problem, they have the basic measures for Covid-19

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