Infinity Luxury Travel Club - 77500 Cancún

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Infinity Luxury Travel Club

Address :

Boulevard Kukulkán KM 17, L1 Manzana 53, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99897
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City : Q.R.

Boulevard Kukulkán KM 17, L1 Manzana 53, Zona Hotelera, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Tania Sánchez on Google

Con respecto a la membresía vacacional que ofrecen : COMPLETO FRAUDE. Tengo varias semanas tratando de obtener respuestas. Recién intenté hacer uso de ella y, oh sorpresa!! Las tarjetas RCI estaban canceladas por la misma compañía INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL CLUB. Posteriormente al quierer usar la plataforma nos encontramos con una sorpresita más, me doy cuenta que fue una total mentira la forma en que la ofrecen: "vacaciones con precios muchísimos más bajos que los registrados en las plataformas de viajes conocidas" "le saldrá por mitad de precio que lo que vaya a gastar con cualquiera otra agencia", bueno pues resulta que al cotizar con la plataforma INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL cualquier viaje sale muchísimo más caro que incluso con el hotel directo y hasta excede las cifras de esas otras plataformas con las cuáles, según ellos, más barato saldría. En verdad es una mentira, farsa y fraude total. LE RECOMIENDO SINCERAMENTE NO ADQUIERA ESTA MEMBRESÍA INSERVIBLE QUE SOLO LE HARÁ PERDER MILES DE PESOS Y PASAR MALOS RATOS.
Regarding the vacation membership they offer: COMPLETE FRAUD. I have been trying to get answers for several weeks. I just tried to make use of it and, oh surprise! The RCI cards were canceled by the same company INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL CLUB. Later, when we wanted to use the platform, we found one more surprise, I realize that the way they offer it was a total lie: "holidays with prices much lower than those registered in the well-known travel platforms" "it will be half of price than what you are going to spend with any other agency ", well it turns out that when trading with the INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL platform, any trip is much more expensive than even with the direct hotel and even exceeds the figures of those other platforms with which , according to them, the cheaper it would be. In truth it is a lie, sham and total fraud. I SINCERELY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT ACQUIRE THIS UNSERVABLE MEMBERSHIP WHICH WILL ONLY MAKE YOU LOSE THOUSANDS OF PESOS AND HAVE BAD MITS.
Santiago Suarez on Google

UNA CLÁSICA ESTAFA PIRAMIDAL. Son muy amables, hasta que les dices que no. Te ofrecen y te muestran maravillas, te hacen perder tu tiempo y no te sueltan. Me mostraron muchas cosas pero ya traía otro viaje cotizado para dentro de poco tiempo. Al momento de decirles tengo este viaje para dentro de 5 meses a este destino. Yo se cuanto me cuesta, con tu aplicación mejórame el precio ahora y te compro la membresía. Les di dos opciones, ese viaje o uno a Disney que estoy evaluando y conozco los precios. Al momento de querer mostrarme, me presentaban en precios de expedía y otras paginas que nunca utilizo por lo mismo (precios altos). Pues resulta que ninguna de las 2 opciones me pudieron mejorar el precio. Al decirles que no me convencía su club ni su aplicación y que tendría que revisar referencias para tomar una decisión te fuerzan a decidir en ese momento. Pues les dije que no y se pararon, se terminó la amabilidad y sale la realidad de esas personas. Quieren tu dinero, engancharte con una buena cantidad para que después sea más difícil salirte y si te sales pues ya les regalaste una muy buena lana.
A CLASSIC PYRAMIDAL SCAM. They are very nice, until you say no. They offer you and show you wonders, they waste your time and they do not let you go. They showed me a lot of things but I was already bringing another trip that was quoted for a short time. At the time of telling you, I have this trip for 5 months to this destination. I know how much it costs me, with your application improve the price for me now and I buy you the membership. I gave them two options, that trip or one to Disney that I am evaluating and I know the prices. When I wanted to show myself, they presented me with shipping prices and other pages that I never use for the same reason (high prices). Well, it turns out that neither of the 2 options could improve the price. When I tell them that I was not convinced by their club or their application and that I would have to check references to make a decision, they force you to decide at that moment. Well, I told them no and they stopped, the kindness ended and the reality of those people comes out. They want your money, hook you up with a good amount so that later it will be more difficult to get out and if you leave then you already gave them a very good wool.
maria manzo on Google

Usualmente no dejo ni buenos ni malos comentarios en ningún lado, Pero mucho CUIDADO CON INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL CLUB. y antes de firmar oh pagarles tomen su tiempo de investigar bien, yo según fui a desestresarme de salir de la rutina y todo se convirtió en una Pesadilla gracias a ellos.. Pero esto me sirvió de experiencia SON UNOS MENTIROSOS Y TENGO MUCHAS PRUEBAS PARA COMPROBAR LO QUE DIGO.. MUCHO OJO NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR
I usually don't leave good or bad comments anywhere, but BE CAREFUL WITH INFINITY LUXURY TRAVEL CLUB. and before signing or paying them, take your time to investigate well, as I went to de-stress from getting out of the routine and everything became a Nightmare thanks to them... But this gave me experience THEY ARE LIARS AND I HAVE A LOT OF EVIDENCE TO PROVE WHAT I SAY... BE CAREFUL, DON'T BE FOOLED
Jerry Crain on Google

Store was busy but I found what I was looking for.
Desmond Marshall on Google

PLEASE do not sign up for Infinity Travel Club Membership. IT IS A SCAM. They will not let you cancel your membership. It is not worth 1000 of pesos. Book Elsewhere!
Mar Wayne on Google

SCAMMERS and SHYSTERS! These people are not genuine, they will smile in your face and compliment you all day to get your money. Me and my fiancé recently visited SeaDust resort in Cancun and of course they were very nice and hospitable in the beginning, they tried signing us up for a $15,000 or $12,000 for 10-15 year membership. Eventually they went as low as $367 but that was “too low to qualify” so we settled on $453. However until we paid a total of $904 our membership couldn’t be activated meaning (no upgrades or anything they offered like top shelf liquor or private yatch) so they told us we can pay the balance in 30-60 days. So after thinking everything over we went back to them and told them we couldn’t afford it and we would have to cancel which they told us wouldn’t be a problem when we originally signed up. They told me all we needed to do to cancel was to send an email within 6 days of signing up and everything will be cancelled and we’ll get our money back. We sent several emails that same day and didn’t hear back from them. I had to actually call myself and of course I got the run around “we didn’t get your email..where’d you send it..I’m gonna have customer service reach out to you..yada yada” eventually through my persistence I got back on the phone with the manager I originally signed up with who tried to tell me “we can’t give your money back because your membership was activated” I had to remind him that he told us multiple times our membership couldn’t be activated until we paid the total $904 remember? He responded “oh yes that’s right, however there is a $431 cancel fee” at this point I knew I was dealing with a SCAMMER AND SHYSTER. We signed up 11/5 and cancelled 11/7. It even said in the contract our membership won’t activate until we paid the necessary balance. So I threatened to get my lawyer involved and this man had the audacity to say “don’t get a lawyer, that’ll cost you money”, like sir don’t worry about my pockets and what I spend over here. FIGURE OUT HOW YOU’RE GOING TO GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK! Never again and I don’t recommend anyone to deal with these people.
juan rodriguez on Google

Too bad i cant give negative stars, Don't let your selfs be fooled by this company, if you really want to join take the contract and take your time to read it before signing, they will give you a really hard time and run around to cancel, the sales manager threatened us saying that the company had a lot of lawyers the funny thing that I saw someone else that was told the same, they say that they provide packages to companies like travelocity and expedia but I called bolth of those companies and they said that they don't know them, also they will give you a separate contract stating that if you take any insensitive or gifts from them you are giving your right to appeal so do your research and don't be fooled. I cancelled early because i saw so many people having bad experiences with them and i didn't wanted to deal with it for a long time,The statement I'm giving is from my personal experience and I'm not saying that it won't work for you but at the end is all up to you, do your research...
fernanda perez on Google

I travelled to Cancun with my husband october 2021. The hotel was great, good amenities for kids. They offered us a membership that at first seemed to good to be true very different from what we heard before with time shares. We decided to go for it as it was a great deal. Thanks to the prices we found in the platform my husband surprised me with a trip to madrid for New Years it was the best experience great hotel and AMAZING PRICE!!! Definitely loving the membership. Would recommend if you like traveling and saving money!!

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