Instituto cuauhtemoc - 90740 Tlaxcala

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Instituto cuauhtemoc

Address :

Calle Nextlalpa sin número Primera Sección Zacatelco, 90740 Tlaxcala, Tlax., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9778
Website :
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City : Tlax.

Felipa Cortes castro on Google

Buen Instituto ??
Good Institute ??
Nanncy P on Google

¡Excelente nivel académico!
Excellent academic level!
Anonymous on Google

Es muy buena escuela no se por que le ponen malas reseñas
It's a very good school, I don't know why they give it bad reviews
Cristopher Barceinas on Google

Muy buena escuela con guardia y camaras muy buen lugar para sus hijos ;)
Very good school with guard and cameras very good place for your children;)
Fernando Carrillo on Google

El personal docente es muy prepotente, los costos supera elevados, y el guardia de seguridad que se encuentra en la entrada es muy grosero
The teaching staff is very pushy, the costs are higher, and the security guard at the entrance is very rude
Victor Duran on Google

Excelente calidad educativa y personal altamente calificado con valores y principios sólidos.
Excellent educational quality and highly qualified personnel with solid values ​​and principles.
mario quirarte on Google

pésima escuela y de bajos valores, fíjense bien donde mandan a sus hijos, mucho ojo con los directores y el profesor de ingles que todos son familia, así que si tienen problemas con alguno de ellos va a ser una pesadilla su estancia en ese instituto mediocre. cabe mencionar que esa escuela ya tiene demandas y reportes por maltrato y salarios de hambre hacia los profesores.
terrible school and low values, take a good look at where they send their children, be very careful with the principals and the English teacher who are all family, so if they have problems with any of them their stay in that mediocre institute will be a nightmare . It is worth mentioning that this school already has lawsuits and reports for mistreatment and starvation wages towards the teachers.
Angel Munoa G on Google

Para las personas que quieran inscribir a sus hijos. Tengan mucho cuidado!!!! Yo tuve a mi hijo hace unos años. Es cierto todos son familia y es verdad que agreden a los alumnos. A mi hijo la directora lo ofendio con groserias y es verdad no digo mentiras. También lo ponian hacer 80 planas de ingles el esposo de su hija. cuando el ya habla y escribe el ingles perfectamente. por Dios que clase de educación era esa? me dijo que mi hijo les daba problemas. los de los problemas son ellos. les sugeri que tuvieron un psicologo en la escuela para ayudar a los alumnos que tuvieran problemas de conducta lejos de señalarlos como problematicos eso fue lo que los ofendio. Yo quise hablar con la directora para ver lo que estaba pasando y me enserraron ella con su esposo y otra maestra y se portaro muy groseros conmigo me amedrentaron a tal grado que su esposo en esa epoca me saco un palo y me lo ponia en la cara señalandome. Que falta de respeto!. le dije que se les olvidava quien era yo?. que que les pasaba? y ese es el respeto que le daban a los padres de familia que si asi escuchan ello?. en seguida llego la hija tambien a la defenciva. Y que no se les ocurra decir que yo fui porque nunca yo me porte violenta trate de dialogar son muy agresivos no aceptan criticas. les gusta intimidar a las personas. Les falta mucho ser profesionales. no tienen idea lo arrepentida que estoy por haber expuesto a mi hijo con estas personas que se dicen maestros" No lo son, quisa tengan un titulo. Pero no desempeñan su trabajo como un verdadero maestro lo haria. con amor a la profesión para encaminar bien a sus alumnos y ayudarlos a motivarlos y orientarlos. les bajan la morar y la autoestima a sus alumnos. Yo tuve que ir a las oficinas de la Sep a poner mi queja. Y la maestra se habia adelantando para protegerse pues claro sabia su pecado. pero aun asi me escucharon y le toco regresarme parte de mis colegiatura. Pienselo 2 veces antes de meter a su hijo a esta escuela. evitenle una mala experiencia a sus hijos. Por favor no los expongan. No les puedo decir que esto paso recientemente. pero esta experiencia jamas la voy a olvidar. y escribo esto porque un alumno que estuvo ahi me conto que también lo agredieron y fueron muy malos con El. y da coraje el abuso que sufren los alumnos alli. Esto no es una Escuela. Son amantes al Dinero. eso es lo que les interesa
For people who want to enroll their children. Be very careful!!!! I had my son a few years ago. It is true that they are all family and it is true that they attack the students. The director offended my son with rudeness and it's true I don't tell lies. His daughter's husband also made him do 80 pages of English. when he already speaks and writes English perfectly. My God, what kind of education was that? He told me that my son gave them problems. they are the ones with the problems. I suggested that they have a psychologist at school to help students who had behavioral problems, away from labeling them as problematic, that was what offended them. I wanted to talk to the director to see what was happening and she locked me up with her husband and another teacher and she was very rude to me, they intimidated me to such a degree that her husband at that time took a stick out of me and put it in my face. pointing at me What a lack of respect! I told him that they forgot who I was? what happened to them? And that is the respect that they gave to the parents of the family, if they listen to it that way? immediately came the daughter also to the defensive. And don't even think of saying that I went because I never behaved violently, I tried to talk, they are very aggressive, they don't accept criticism. they like to intimidate people. They need a lot to be professional. You have no idea how sorry I am for having exposed my son to these people who call themselves teachers" They are not, they may have a degree. But they do not perform their work as a true teacher would. With love for the profession to lead well their students and help them motivate and guide them. They lower the morale and self-esteem of their students. I had to go to the Sep offices to file my complaint. And the teacher had gone ahead to protect herself because of course she knew her sin. but even so they listened to me and they had to give me back part of my tuition. Think twice before putting your child in this school. Avoid a bad experience for your children. Please don't expose them. I can't tell you that this happened recently. But I will never forget this experience. And I am writing this because a student who was there told me that they also attacked him and were very mean to him. And the abuse suffered by the students there is angering. This is not a school. They are lovers to Money. that's what interests them

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