Instituto Nórdico Universitario: - 44100 Guadalajara

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Facultad de Criminología y Criminalística -

Ciencia,Salud y Deporte

About Instituto Nórdico Universitario:


Calz. del Federalismo Sur 425, Col Americana, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal.

Teléfono: 33369830

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Instituto Nórdico Universitario:

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Calz. del Federalismo Sur 425, Col Americana, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
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City : Jal.

Calz. del Federalismo Sur 425, Col Americana, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
Miriam Tejeda on Google

Excelente servicio, personas amables y capacitadas!
Excellent service, friendly and trained people!
Sublirassic Park on Google

Buenos maestros pero justo acaban de subir los precios y son excesivos, hay escuelas con la misma calidad y con costos más accesibles
Good teachers but prices have just gone up and they are excessive, there are schools with the same quality and with more accessible costs
Iscel Sanchez on Google

Es una escuela accesible qué día día busca el mejorar sus instalaciones y mación académica
Alejandro Santos on Google

Un pésimo lugar para estudiar, muy mala organización de la escuela, uno que otro buen maestro, pagas la mensualidad y no de imparten clases, instalaciones pésimas, no están bien equipadas, con ningún material de práctica te apoyan, ni unos guantes mínimo. Hay escuelas más accesibles y mejores, si lo que buscas es aprender, yo te recomiendo que no te metas aquí, y busque otro lugar. Te lo dice alguien que estudio aquí …
A lousy place to study, very poor organization of the school, one or another good teacher, you pay the monthly fee and they do not teach classes, lousy facilities, they are not well equipped, they do not support you with any practice material, not even a few gloves. There are more accessible and better schools, if what you are looking for is to learn, I recommend that you stay away from here, and look for another place. Someone who studies here tells you...
hs time on Google

Es una pesima escuela, a mi me mintieron desde el de recepción diciendome que me iban a dar un descuento que no fue cierto, me dijeron que habia turno matutino (era el que yo nesecitaba por mi trabajo) y no era verdad, ya cuando me inscribi ahora si el coordinador me dijo que no habia ese horario y que la promocion no aplicaba, entonces tube que darme de baja , y cuando quise retirar mis papeles y pedir la devolucion de mi dinero, el director me trajo vuelta y vuelta diciendome que si me lo iba a dar y al final me dijo que no me lo daria, que porque el no tenía la culpa de la mala información que daban los de recepción, siendo que el debe dar la cara como director. Al final cuando yo le reclame se enojo mas y me dijo que no me daría nada ni mis papeles ni mis casi $3,000 pesos. Y no me dieron nada
It is a lousy school, they lied to me from the receptionist telling me that they were going to give me a discount that was not true, they told me that there was a morning shift (it was the one that I needed for my work) and it was not true, since when I I registered now if the coordinator told me that there were no such hours and that the promotion did not apply, then I had to unsubscribe, and when I wanted to withdraw my papers and ask for my money back, the director brought me back and forth saying yes He was going to give it to me and in the end he told me that he would not give it to me, because it was not his fault for the bad information given by the receptionists, since he should show his face as director. In the end, when I complained to him, he got angrier and told me that he would not give me anything, neither my papers nor my almost $3,000 pesos. and they gave me nothing
Stefanie Marquez on Google

MALISIMA ESCUELA, me aseguraron que se abriria el grupo que yo nesecitaba, faltaba 1 semana y dijeron que ya estaba el cupo lleno, pague todo y me dijeron que el coordinador se comunicaria, paso la semana y nadie se comunico, llame 5 veces y me decían lo mismo, deje mi numero y nada, hasta inicio el curso de inducción y lo supe porque me comunique con una alumna que estaba en el grupo de whatsapp, despues me dijeron que no se abriria siempre el turno que yo nesecitaba, yo les dije que a mi me habían dicho que si y me comentaron que siempre no, que fue un error, a causa de eso me comunique con el coordinador y pedí retirar mis papeles y dinero porque me parecía una falta de seriedad, me dijeron que no habia rembolso siendo que fue error de ellos. Como si uno sacara el dinero de las rocas, a muchos alumnos nos cuenta y tenemos que ahorrar mucho y ellos no lo entienden.
BAD SCHOOL, they assured me that the group I needed would be opened, there was 1 week left and they said that the space was already full, I paid everything and they told me that the coordinator would communicate, the week passed and no one communicated, I called 5 times and I They said the same thing, I left my number and nothing, until the induction course started and I knew because I communicated with a student who was in the WhatsApp group, then they told me that the shift I needed would not always open, I told them that they had told me yes and they told me that it was always not, that it was a mistake, because of that I contacted the coordinator and asked to withdraw my papers and money because it seemed to me a lack of seriousness, they told me that there was no refund being that it was their mistake. As if one were getting money out of rocks, many students tell us and we have to save a lot and they don't understand it.

No dan clases, los maestros faltan todos el tiempo nisiquiera vale la pena pagar, pagas una mensualidad de mas de $2,000 pesos para 1 o 2 clases mensuales y si no se abre el cupo de un cuatrimestre te meten a uno mas avanzado con materias que no conoces. PESIMO
They don't give classes, the teachers are absent all the time, it's not even worth paying, you pay a monthly fee of more than $2,000 pesos for 1 or 2 monthly classes and if the quota for a semester doesn't open, they put you in a more advanced one with subjects that you don't you know. APPALLING
Tania Alvarado on Google

Si pudiera poner cero estrellas lo haría. Ofrecen horarios que no existen, y cuando reclamas eso el director dice que no te cree que ibas para matutino, y que se lo compruebes, es un hombre muy sangron que solo quiere ver por su beneficio propio, y solo quiere echar culpas a los de recepción. No dan solución de nada si yo les pudiera decir es que no son un lugar serio.
If I could put zero stars I would. They offer schedules that don't exist, and when you claim that the director says that he doesn't believe you were going for morning, and that you check it out, he's a very bloody man who only wants to see for his own benefit, and only wants to blame those of reception. They do not give a solution to anything if I could tell them it is that they are not a serious place.

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