Instituto Thomas Jefferson - 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz

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Contact Instituto Thomas Jefferson

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Gardenia 5, Ex-hacienda de Santa Monica, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico

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City : Méx.

Gardenia 5, Ex-hacienda de Santa Monica, 54050 Tlalnepantla de Baz, Méx., Mexico
ChicodiscO 2 on Google

Hay bullying en esta escuela y lo peor es que los profesores los permiten, no les gusta molestar a los padres de los niños bulleadores. Mi hijo pasó experiencias horribles! tuve que sacar a mi hijo de urgencia.
There is bullying in this school and the worst part is that the teachers allow them, they don't like to bother the parents of the bustling children. My son had horrible experiences! I had to get my son out urgently.
a bagpiper you met in Mexico on Google

Dicen ser una escuela con un sistema de aprendisaje nuevo, y es la misma experiencia de modelo prusiano de memorizar y olvidar. Demaciado cara para lo que ofrece, efectivamente el ambiente es tranquilo y el personal es respetuoso, pero son fríos y apegados al modelo educativo prusiano.
They claim to be a school with a new learning system, and it is the same Prussian model experience of memorizing and forgetting. Too expensive for what it offers, indeed the environment is quiet and the staff is respectful, but they are cold and attached to the Prussian educational model.
Ricardo Iglesias on Google

Hace años tuve una pésima experiencia en la que uno de sus delincuentillos robó a otro y nos hecharon la culpa a quienes sólo estábamos ofreciendo un servicio y no nos pagaron, si tienen ese tipo de alumnos y aparte los defienden no creo sea muy conveniente mandar a sus hijos a mezclarse ahí. Por lo que veo en los comentarios sigue siendo así... Es más, vean como las opiniones positivas son de cuentas con un solo comentario, el de la escuela.. Al parecer la deshonestidad viene desde arriba
Years ago I had a terrible experience in which one of their criminals robbed another and they blamed those of us who were only offering a service and did not pay us, if they have that type of students and they defend them, I do not think it is very convenient to send to their children to mingle there. From what I see in the comments, it is still like that ... What's more, see how the positive opinions are from accounts with a single comment, that of the school. Apparently the dishonesty comes from above
Liz KI on Google

Yo amo el Thomas Jefferson mi hija estuvo desde pink and blue, despues en el Thomasito y despues Elementary en el Thomas Jefferson, me encanta lo vi en mi hija desde los 2 años 11 meses hasta los 12 años que termino la primaria, y ahora iré a inscribir al bebe ahí amo el Thomas y lo súper recomiendo.
I love Thomas Jefferson, my daughter was from pink and blue, then at Thomasito and then Elementary at Thomas Jefferson, I love it, I saw it in my daughter from 2 years 11 months to 12 years who finished elementary school, and now I will go to register the baby there I love the Thomas and I highly recommend it.
Emiliano Viezcas on Google

Yo soy Thomas!. Best school ever.
San San สานิสร San San สานิสร on Google

Lucian Badescu on Google

What do you expect? All are hungry for money, Baur, Kipling, Washington to name a few. Education in Mexico, is preparing students to be button pushers in a factory... the most. Critical thinking, innovators, is the things that are promulgated to parents, in order to make them feel good. But, the next generation will be just that, button pushers. Of course, mother and father will get them a comfy job in an business handicapped and unprofitable Mexican company or an inept government position. As for international companies that have a presence in Mexico, good luck surviving 3 months. They prefer to hire expats or Mexicans that are educated in US, UK or Canada. So, in the end, why bother? The system is designed to satisfy the parents, which in turn believe that they get their money’s worth…ha ha ha.
Sean Kilfoy on Google

I actually have been a teacher there. The administration is very unorganized, and the true goal of the school is to earn as much money as possible. They don't care about learning, teaching, guiding, or values, etc; all that I've seen has shown me otherwise. For example, if I have a student that is doing poorly in my class, he or she should deserve a poor grade, and if that grade is a failing grade, that is his or her fault, because they didn't study well or pay attention in class. But, if I give that student a bad grade (which is a 7 or lower, according to the administrative staff), I will get in trouble by the administration, because they only want the parents to be happy. They don't care about what is important, which is guiding the students to do well in life and really work hard to learn. We also have a rule that if a student gets a warning four times, he or she should be expelled from the school, but I have many students that have many more than four warnings and they are still in this private school, disturbing other students and class and causing problems. This only teaches irresponsibility, because the students know that they can do anything they want and get away with it. The worst part is that if I send a student to the administrative office, half the time administration isn't there, and the other half of the time, I get reprimanded because I'm too strict, or I didn't give them enough chances or something like that. This is horrible. Also, as a teacher, I have no support from the administration, OR THE OWNER. Jeanine, the owner, doesn't even greet her teachers when she visits the school, and her visits are only to talk to the parents about how great her school is and to try to convince them that they should send their children there. THEY SHOULD NOT. The teachers don't enjoy working here, and the children think school is play time and don't take anything seriously.

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