iShop Mixup Marina Town Center Cancun - 77500 Cancún

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Contact iShop Mixup Marina Town Center Cancun

Address :

Blvd. Kukulcan Km 1.5-Local A25, Puerto Juarez, Puerto, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +99877
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City : Q.R.

Blvd. Kukulcan Km 1.5-Local A25, Puerto Juarez, Puerto, 77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Adrián M. Medina on Google

Buenas tardes, Quisiera saber si tienen una fecha de abasto para el iPhone 13, me cuesta trabajo entender que en buen fin y siendo su producto estrella no pudieran tener ni uno solo en existencia, no solo iPhone 13, sino tampoco 12 Me he tratado de comunicar constantemente via telefonica dandole seguimiento y jamas contestan
Buenas tardes, I would like to know if you have a supply date for the iPhone 13, it is hard for me to understand that in good order and being their star product they could not have a single one in stock, not only iPhone 13, but not 12 I have tried to communicate constantly by phone giving follow-up and they never answer
Fredi Reyes Vargas on Google

Súper rápido y muy atentos. Dieron solución rápida a la solicitud de garantía de mi tel.
Super fast and very attentive. They gave a quick solution to the guarantee request of my tel.
Andres Buzo Franco on Google

El gerente de esta tienda no hace nada sobre las malas practicas de como te venden los seguros de los equipos donde cuando lo compras te dicen una cosa y cuando aplicas tu seguro te dicen otra. Encima maneja un trato prepotente y sin afán de ayudar.
The manager of this store does nothing about the bad practices of how they sell you the insurance of the equipment where when you buy it they tell you one thing and when you apply your insurance they tell you another. Above handles an arrogant treatment and without desire to help.
Eric Stockmann on Google

Al Apple Store ubicado en Plaza Américas ya no voy debido a que un día tuve un problema con un empleado que contestaba de manera muy sarcástica y grosera, en esa ocasión por descuido se le cayeron mis AirPods frente a mi por una reclamación y no se hicieron responsables, al ir a la tienda ubicada en Marina Puerto Cancún me encuentro que los empleados presionan demasiado en vender algo y al entrar ves en sus caras la mala gana de atender, muchas veces uno quiere entrar a la tienda simplemente a ver los productos (Por algo los tienen en exhibición) pero constantemente los empleados te siguen y no te dejan ver las cosas tranquilamente, te están acosando constantemente, cuando se dan cuenta que solo vienes a ver te dicen que si no vas a querer algo o “información” sobre algún producto hasta cuando se dan cuenta que no vienes a comprar ya van con otro cliente. Es muy notorio que cuando entran personas con aspecto de poseer mucho dinero te dejan ahí y se van con las otras personas brindando un buen servicio. Son ya dos pésimas experiencias en estas tiendas manejadas por Mixup que no capacitan de manera correcta a sus empleados en algo tan sencillo como la educación y cuidar la manera de contestar. Revisen los comentarios de Apple Store de Plaza Américas y verán la cantidad de problemas que hay.
I no longer go to the Apple Store located in Plaza Américas because one day I had a problem with an employee who answered in a very sarcastic and rude way, on that occasion my AirPods dropped in front of me due to a claim and they were not made. responsible, when I go to the store located in Marina Puerto Cancún I find that the employees put too much pressure on selling something and when you enter you see on their faces the reluctance to attend, many times one wants to enter the store simply to see the products (For they have something on display) but the employees constantly follow you and do not let you see things calmly, they are constantly harassing you, when they realize that you only come to see they tell you that if you are not going to want something or "information" about some product until when they realize that you don't come to buy and go with another client. It is very notorious that when people come in who look like they have a lot of money, they leave you there and go with the other people, providing good service. There are already two terrible experiences in these stores managed by Mixup that do not properly train their employees in something as simple as education and taking care of the way they respond. Review the comments of the Apple Store in Plaza Américas and you will see the number of problems there are.
Juliano Stocchero on Google

Que decepção! Que atendimento RUIM! Tive que ir a esta unidade pois no shopping La Isla, onde fui muito bem atendido, não tinham IPad Air 4a geração de 256 GB e não faziam avaliação para trade in (up grade) do celular. Nesta unidade Comprei o IPad com caneta 2a geração e pedi para avaliar o meu celular para fazer up grade na loja La Isla, onde reservei um 13 pro Max. Eles pedem cerca de 40 minutos para realizar a avaliação, até aí tudo ok… findo o tempo solicitado volto para retirada do telefone e me informam que terei que esperar mais 40 minutos… Pôxa, mas o que houve? Quando deixei o aparelho o funcionário que faz a avaliação tinha saido para almoçar… mas porque não me avisou desde o início? Faz o cliente de bobo sabendo que vai demorar muito mais tempo… estamos em Cancún o tempo aqui é pra ser gasto em passeios e não esperando a organização da loja da Apple… parabéns Apple! Que belo gerente vcs possuem lá. Olha que parece shopping de gente rica, tenho certeza que com esse nível de atendimento vcs não vão muito longe.
What a disappointment! What a BAD service! I had to go to this unit because at the La Isla shopping mall, where I was very well attended, they didn't have an iPad Air 4th generation of 256 GB and they weren't evaluating for trade in (up grade) cell phones. On this unit I bought the iPad with 2nd generation pen and asked to rate my cell phone to upgrade at the La Isla store, where I booked a 13 for Max. time requested I go back to pick up the phone and they inform me that I'll have to wait another 40 minutes… Wow, but what happened? When I left the device, the employee who carries out the assessment had gone out for lunch… but why didn't he tell me from the start? Make a fool of the customer knowing that it will take much longer… we are in Cancún the time here is to be spent on tours and not waiting for the organization of the Apple store… congratulations Apple! What a beautiful manager you have there. Look, it looks like rich people's shopping, I'm sure that with this level of service you won't go very far.

Good Location, new ishop store
Hanna Beron on Google

Very helpful and accomodating. They helped me to run a diagnostics test and troubleshoot my Iphone. They saved the day for me! Gracias a Fidel y a todo el staff!
D_Fantastic_ Drone on Google

This store is full of Apple Gadgets and Very helpful people. If you having issues with your Apple product, they can help. Just like the Apple store in the States, make sure you make an appointment for the tech guy to see you.

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