Jardín de Niños Picolo - 11590 Ciudad de México

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jardín de Niños Picolo

Address :

Buffon 8, Anzures, Miguel Hidalgo, 11590 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://www.picolo.edu.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Buffon 8, Anzures, Miguel Hidalgo, 11590 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
juan villa granados on Google

Berenice Pacheco on Google

Sofía Carrasco Zanini on Google

Excelente kinder. Los mejores recuerdos.
Excellent kindergarten The best memories.
Jesús Jiménez on Google

Yo trabaje en esta estancia infantil, había varios nivles, la calle se llamaba lafayette 8 y es una escuela que recuerdo porque fue la primera escuela en la cual trabaje y en la cual aprendí que a los niños y niñas se deben tratar con mucho amor. Un beso a miss Pily.
I worked in this children's room, there were several levels, the street was called lafayette 8 and it is a school that I remember because it was the first school in which I worked and in which I learned that children should be treated with a lot of love. A kiss to Miss Pily.
Aymee Pelayo on Google

Escuela muy familiar, los niños van contentos. Las maestras hacen comunidad con las mamás. Excelente escuela por su nivel de educación, el ingles bueno, clase de arte. Actividades como natación, karate y ballet. Excelente escuela para todo tipo de niños y mamás. Cuidan la economía familiar.
Very familiar school, the children are happy. The teachers make community with the mothers. Excellent school for its level of education, good English, art class. Activities such as swimming, karate and ballet. Excellent school for all types of children and moms. They take care of the family economy.
Adriana Cols on Google

Picolo es como nuestro segundo hogar. Si hay una decisión de la cual estamos orgullosos y felices de haber tomado fue inscribir a nuestros hijos en Picolo. Es una institución donde respetan el ritmo, el tipo de inteligencia y sobretodo la magia especial de cada niño, acompañan a los padres a ser la mejor versión de sí mismos para poder ser los guías que los hijos necesitan. Se fundamentan en pedagogías innovadoras y muy empoderantes para los niños como: el Método Macarsi, High Scope, E-MAT, Gimnasia Cerebral y aún así cumplen con los lineamientos de la SEP. Los valores y la integración familiar son claves en el colegio. Ha sido el lugar ideal para que las raíces sentipensantes de nuestros hijos se hayan nutrido con los valores y el paradigma con el que resonamos en casa. Gracias Miss Pili, Miss Tere, Miss Norma, Miss Erica, Miss Roxana, Berenice, Lupita y a los Directores Académicos que nos han acompañado en la educación preescolar de nuestros peques.
Picolo is like our second home. If there is one decision that we are proud and happy to have made, it was to enroll our children in Picolo. It is an institution where they respect the rhythm, the type of intelligence and especially the special magic of each child, they accompany parents to be the best version of themselves in order to be the guides that their children need. They are based on innovative and very empowering pedagogies for children such as: the Macarsi Method, High Scope, E-MAT, Brain Gymnastics and still comply with the guidelines of the SEP. Values ​​and family integration are key at school. It has been the ideal place for the thoughtful roots of our children to be nurtured with the values ​​and paradigm with which we resonate at home. Thank you Miss Pili, Miss Tere, Miss Norma, Miss Erica, Miss Roxana, Berenice, Lupita and the Academic Directors who have accompanied us in the preschool education of our little ones.
salvador tinajero on Google

Pícolo es la mejor decisión que hemos tomado respecto a la educación escolar de nuestros hijos. Todas las maestras, desde maternal hasta kinder 3, son excelentes educadoras, pero sobre todo grandes personas. Tenemos 3 hijos y hemos pasado por todos los niveles, en todos ellos los niños han sido felices. Salieron de Pícolo sabiendo leer y escribir, y siendo capaces de hacer operaciones matemáticas sencillas (sumar y restar), pero sobre todo, sintiéndose muy seguros emocionalmente para iniciar primaria. En estos meses de pandemia, el profesionalismo que mostraron en las clases en línea fue excepcional, mi niña a la que todavía le tocó, incluso va a extrañar esas clases. Lo más valioso sin duda es que Miss Pili y todos los miembros del equipo docente y administrativo tienen una calidad humana excepcional. Es una gran escuela.
Piccolo is the best decision we have made regarding the school education of our children. All teachers, from nursery to kindergarten 3, are excellent educators, but especially great people. We have 3 children and we have gone through all the levels, in all of them the children have been happy. They left Piccolo knowing how to read and write, and being able to do simple mathematical operations (adding and subtracting), but above all, feeling very emotionally safe to start primary school. In these pandemic months, the professionalism they showed in the online classes was exceptional, my girl who still had it, will even miss those classes. The most valuable thing, without a doubt, is that Miss Pili and all the members of the teaching and administrative team have an exceptional human quality. It is a great school.
Zuzana Stiborova on Google

We arrived to Mexico City two years ago, and Picolo was the School that my Embassy recomended me for their good academic level, great management and caring approach. I thank them for that. Getting into a new big city was not always easy but Picolo made our landing so much softer. They have such a lovely and caring staff, my kids fitted in super fast. Having other international kids, they pay lot of attention to the personal needs of each kid. On the academic side, they have a very well established curricula and experienced teachers. My kids not only now speak Spanish as natives but the older one was even able to read small stories when he graduated from Picolo. Their academic level is equal or better compared to the international schools in Polanco, one of which my older kid now attends. They also offer afternoon activities such as ballet, karate, swimming, all very reasonably priced. I happily recommend Picolo as a great option for a preschooler in Mexico City.

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