Jardin Real De San Mateo - 53250 Naucalpan de Juárez

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jardin Real De San Mateo

Address :

Cjon. Hornos 10, Santiago Occipaco, 53250 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Méx.

Cjon. Hornos 10, Santiago Occipaco, 53250 Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx., Mexico
Vaes C on Google

Definitivamente si quieren una buena experiencia, este no es el lugar! No les sirve ni la instalación eléctrica , la dueña no se hace responsable de las fallas y hasta la comida es pésima. Cero recomendable!
Definitely if you want a good experience, this is not the place! Not even the electrical installation works for them, the owner is not responsible for failures and even the food is lousy. Zero recommended!
izebel ortiz on Google

Para empezar, la persona que llevaría mi evento, nunca estuvo, mandó a su hermana que, ni idea tenía. La comida de los niños me la cobraron (pizza) y nunca llegó. Dejaron entrar a vendedores de globos y algodones sin preguntar primero. NO LO RECOMIENDO PARA NADA!!!
To begin with, the person who would take my event, was never there, he sent his sister who had no idea. I was charged for the children's food (pizza) and it never came. They let in balloon and cotton vendors without asking first. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT AT ALL!!!
Mariana Ruiz Leal on Google

El lugar completamente descuidado, luces de árbolito de navidad que ni prenden, no soporta la luz. Los meseros metiendo botellas en sus mochilas. Y lo peor de todo, el encargado del lugar no haciendose responsable. Arruinaron la boda de una persona y en vez de tratar de arreglarlo, crearon una situación horrible para los novios. Nadie merece llorar en su boda por equivocaciones muy fuertes por parte del lugar.
The completely neglected place, Christmas tree lights that don't even turn on, can't stand the light. The waiters putting bottles in their backpacks. And worst of all, the manager of the place not taking responsibility. They ruined someone's wedding and instead of trying to fix it, they created a horrible situation for the bride and groom. No one deserves to cry at their wedding for very strong mistakes on the part of the place.
Daniela Lozano Jiménez on Google

Pésimo servicio, un evento organizado desde hace dos años y tuvieron el peor de los servicios, se robaron botellas, todos los invitados lo vieron, los meseros súper groseros, la encargada, Claudia, ni para dar la cara pero cobró demasiadas cosas que no cumplió, no tienen en orden sus pagos de luz ni cuentan con planta, todo el tiempo senwetugo yendo, el baño sin agua. El valet parking entregó las llaves antes de que se acabara el evento y todavía agredieron a los novios De verdad NO TIREN SU DINERO
Terrible service, an event organized for two years and they had the worst service, bottles were stolen, all the guests saw it, the super rude waiters, the manager, Claudia, not even to show her face but she charged too many things that she did not comply They do not have their electricity payments in order nor do they have a plant, all the time senwetugo going, the bathroom without water. The valet parking handed over the keys before the event was over and they still assaulted the bride and groom Seriously DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY
Monserrat Maldonado on Google

Pésimo servicio, pésima organización, no tienen educación, ni respeto por el cliente y lo peor que fueron los mismos encargados del lugar, nefasto el que después de dos años de espera para un evento especial personas como ustedes a las que se les paga por el servicio, no tengan ética y mucho menos el valor de devolver o resarcir el daño, nunca funcionó bien la luz de los baños sin agua. Deja de mentir y de robar a la gente no puedes, no te rentes.
Lousy service, lousy organization, they have no education, no respect for the client and the worst that were the same managers of the place, disastrous that after two years of waiting for a special event people like you who are paid for the service, do not have ethics and much less the courage to return or compensate for the damage, the light in the bathrooms never worked well without water. Stop lying and stealing from people you can't, don't give up.
Fanny Moshe on Google

Pésimo!!!!! se queda corto con lo que ofrece este jardín, desde el minuto hasta el último. Desde que llegamos no había luz, cada 5 segundos se les iba, pésima organización del coordinador, dj, meseros, comida, música del evento, no había agua en los baños, la tarima toda chueca lo cual pudo provocar un accidente, la dueña es déspota y gorsera, al final se lavo las manos y no cumplió con nada de lo que ofreció en el contrato.
Appalling!!!!! it falls short with what this garden offers, from the minute to the last. Since we arrived there was no light, every 5 seconds it went away, terrible organization of the coordinator, dj, waiters, food, music of the event, there was no water in the bathrooms, the platform was all crooked which could cause an accident, the owner is despot and filthy, in the end he washed his hands and did not comply with anything he offered in the contract.
Its Me on Google

No se merece ni una estrella, es el peor lugar al cual he asistido, no hay agua en los baños, tampoco alguien que este al pendiente de la limpieza de estos, la pista de baile (si se le puede llamar asi) son solo unos huacales super inseguros, varias veces se me atoro el tacon y me torcí el tobillo, no tienen planta de luz y se va cada 5 minutos. NO cumplieron con el contrato que se firmó. La señora Claudia y su personal son super despotas se robaron varias botellas de tequila y vino. Eviten un mal rato y busquen otro lugar. E Cero recomendado
It doesn't deserve even one star, it's the worst place I've ever been, there's no water in the bathrooms, nor is there someone who is on the lookout for cleaning them, the dance floor (if you can call it that) are just a few Super insecure crates, several times my heel got stuck and I sprained my ankle, they don't have a power plant and it goes off every 5 minutes. They did NOT comply with the contract that was signed. Mrs. Claudia and her staff are super despots, they stole several bottles of tequila and wine. Avoid a bad time and find another place. AND zero recommended
Tania Moreno on Google

Fui a un evento en este lugar y todo pésimo. La luz se fue más de 5 veces al principio del evento, ni servilletas tenían, tuve que comprar mi propia comida y alimento porque ni refresco sin azúcar había, los baños horribles y difíciles de acceder. Una pena que le vean la cara así a las personas que deciden realizar sus eventos en su “jardín”.
I went to an event in this place and everything was terrible. The power went out more than 5 times at the beginning of the event, they didn't even have napkins, I had to buy my own food and food because there wasn't even a sugar-free soft drink, the bathrooms were horrible and difficult to access. It's a shame that people who decide to hold their events in their "garden" see their faces like this.

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