Jardín Salesiano - 14370 Ciudad de México

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jardín Salesiano

Address :

San Juan Bosco 6, Coapa, Villa Lázaro Cárdenas, Tlalpan, 14370 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98
Categories :
City : CDMX

San Juan Bosco 6, Coapa, Villa Lázaro Cárdenas, Tlalpan, 14370 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
mixproaudio on Google

Un buen lugar para eventos especiales !!!
A good place for special events !!!
Fercho ferchoe on Google

Es muy lindo
It is very cute
Dalia Carolina Sánchez Hernández on Google

Todos muy amables! Excelente servicio.
All very friendly! Excellent service.
Israel Demonier on Google

Es un lugar enorme, tiene un super jardin donde puedes realizar eventos, siemore esta super cuidado el pasto bonito el jardin se ve siempre bien, hay 2 kioskitos que le dan un toque muy lindo, tiene una alberca auper grande a la cual le estan dando mantenimiento. Originalmemte era una escuela salesiana asi que hay varios patios con canchas de basket volley y futbol, un estacionamiento enorme del lado del jardin que rs la entrada por viaducto tlalpan y otro igual enorme por la entrada de san juan de dios, tambien esta la iglesia la cual si opera en domingos para quien toma misa. Tiene dormitorios y varios salones, las arquitectura es como tipo hacienda con muchos arcos y tiene un pequeño teatro yo diría que 200 personas sentadas y comodas si entran, esta genial este lugar si quietes hacer tu evento aqui si te lo tecomiendo porque ademas es todo cerrado super privado.
It is a huge place, it has a super garden where you can hold events, the beautiful grass is always super cared for, the garden always looks good, there are 2 kiosks that give it a very nice touch, it has a large auper pool to which they are giving maintenance. Originally it was a Salesian school so there are several courtyards with basketball, volleyball and soccer fields, a huge parking lot on the side of the garden that is the entrance through the Tlalpan viaduct and another equally huge by the entrance of San Juan de Dios, there is also the church. which if it operates on Sundays for those who take mass. It has bedrooms and several lounges, the architecture is like a hacienda with many arches and it has a small theater, I would say that 200 people are seated and comfortable if they enter, this place is great if you want to do your event here if I eat it because it is also all closed super private.
Claudio Nieto on Google

Fui ex alumno del ICA (Instituto Centro América, AC) de 1973 a 1976 y no saben los gratos recuerdos que me trae ese lugar. El jardín sigue igual de bien cuidado. En ese entonces no existía nada de la UVM alrededor ni nada. Donde está el auditorio (que sigue idéntico y super bien conservado) mas al fondo se ve un estacionamiento. Pues bien, ese estacionamiento gigantesco eran las canchas de futbol soccer (si mal no recuerdo había 5, mas 2 canchas de básquet Ball, mas zona de bebederos de agua y vestidores). Las canchas eran tamaño reglamentario, por lo que se podrán imaginar la extensión del terreno conteniendo 5 canchas dentro. Aunque eran casi de tierra nos ponían a jugar futbol dos veces al día, después de comer (medio raro pues todos traíamos pereza por acabar de comer) y alrededor de las 5 pm como recreo entre las horas de estudio. La alberca jamás la vi en operación pero da gusto ver que la siguen teniendo operativa. En la parte trasera, justo al lado de la parte trasera de la capilla estaba el laboratorio de química y el de física. Como la construcción se trataba de una Hacienda estaba idónea para tener mejor control de todos los alumnos durante clases y durante recreos. El patio central era donde nos formábamos todos por dormitorio (había 3 dormitorios enormes). Entrando al patio central del lado izquierdo estaba el acceso a la capilla y al lado estaba el comedor. Justo enfrente pegado al comedor estaba el comedor de los padres que por lo general daba envidia porque obviamente a ellos les servían mejor que a nosotros los alumnos y además estaban en un ambiente mas sereno y mas grato que en el comedor principal. Arriba del comedor estaba el dormitorio de los niños de primaria (era internado de solo hombres, no había mujeres en ese entonces), arriba del comedor de los padres estaba el dormitorio de los de secundaria con sus baños, obviamente. Dentro de los recuerdos que tengo de aquellos tiempos (estamos en 2021) me llega a la mente que el Padre Alfonso Muñoz que era el prefecto de disciplina nos despertaba a las 7 am (creo) con una trompeta que sonaba de en medio del patio central, otras veces con la campana o timbre con el que separaban los horarios y terminaban los recreos. No siempre había agua fría por lo que es de suponerse que en invierno, estando pegados al Ajusco y zonas frías de aquella zona, hacía muchísimo frío y varios a veces preferíamos bañarnos mejor después del futbol de las 5 pm. La estancia promedio de todos era del domingo en la noche al viernes a las 5 pm, a excepción de aquellos que no llegaban a cierto puntaje o promedio en sus calificaciones de la semana se tenían que quedar una noche mas como castigo y salían el sábado a las 3 pm, teniendo que regresar a las 26 horas (domingo). En el primer recreo del día (creo era a las 11 am) había por lo general misa en la capilla para todo aquel que quisiera asistir libremente. Recuerdo que en esa capilla hice mi confirmación. Ver parte 2...................
I was a former student of the ICA (Instituto Centro América, AC) from 1973 to 1976 and they don't know the fond memories that place brings me. The garden is still just as well cared for. At that time there was nothing of the UVM around or anything. Where the auditorium is (which is still identical and super well preserved) further down you can see a parking lot. Well, that gigantic parking lot was the soccer fields (if I remember correctly there were 5, plus 2 ball basketball courts, plus an area with water fountains and changing rooms). The courts were regulation size, so you can imagine the extension of the land containing 5 courts inside. Although they were almost earthbound, they would put us to play soccer twice a day, after eating (kind of rare since we were all lazy because we finished eating) and around 5 pm as recess between study hours. I never saw the pool in operation but it is nice to see that it is still operational. In the back, just off the back of the chapel was the chemistry lab and the physics lab. As the construction was a Hacienda, it was ideal to have better control of all students during classes and during breaks. The central patio was where we all formed up per bedroom (there were 3 huge bedrooms). Entering the central courtyard on the left side was the access to the chapel and next to it was the dining room. Right in front of the dining room was the parents' dining room, which was generally envious because obviously they were served better than the students and they were also in a more serene and more pleasant environment than in the main dining room. Above the dining room was the bedroom for the primary school children (it was an all-male boarding school, there were no women at that time), above the parents' dining room was the bedroom for the secondary school children with their bathrooms, obviously. Within the memories I have of those times (we are in 2021) it comes to my mind that Father Alfonso Muñoz, who was the prefect of discipline, woke us up at 7 am (I think) with a trumpet that sounded in the middle of the central patio , other times with the bell or bell with which they separated the schedules and ended the recesses. There was not always cold water, so it is to be assumed that in winter, being close to the Ajusco and cold areas of that area, it was very cold and several of us sometimes preferred to bathe better after the 5 pm soccer. The average stay of all was from Sunday night to Friday at 5 p.m., except for those who did not reach a certain score or average in their grades for the week had to stay one more night as punishment and went out on Saturday to 3 pm, having to return at 26 hours (Sunday). On the first recess of the day (I think it was at 11 am) there was usually mass in the chapel for anyone who wanted to attend freely. I remember that in that chapel I made my confirmation. See part 2 ...................
Marvin Mendoza on Google

Tranquilo y cómodo
quiet and comfortable
zaida Zurita on Google

Jardín salesiano lindo lugar, el personal muy atento, sin duda. Trabajamos en conjunto con Corte a comer servicio de catering y banquetes, todos muy atentos, su servicio altamente recomendable.
Nice Salesian garden place, very attentive staff, no doubt. We work together with Corte to eat catering and banquet service, all very attentive, their service highly recommended.
Martha Velazquez. on Google

Un jardín increíblemente bien cuidado y arreglado, sumamente recomendable yo fui a una boda y Lucio muchísimo gracias a la instalaciones, Lo único malo es que de dónde está la fiesta o el baile el baño está un poco retirado entonces hay que atravesar el jardín para llegar al colegio y ahí están los baños, pero de ahí en fuera todo perfecto.
An incredibly well-kept and well-groomed garden, highly recommended I went to a wedding and Lucio very much thanks to the facilities, the only bad thing is that where is the party or the dance the bathroom is a bit removed then you have to cross the garden to get to the school and there are the bathrooms, but from then on everything is perfect.

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