JosCrash Elite Body Shop - 66400 San Nicolás de los Garza

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact JosCrash Elite Body Shop

Anastacio Bustamante 103, Centro, 66400 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., Mexico
Andres Arrambide on Google

Muy buen taller. Recomendado 100%. Me entregaron mi carro a tiempo y quedo muy bien reparado. Las piezas se tardaron un poco pero fue por culpa de la aseguradora. El taller me mantuvo siempre informado del proceso del carro y me dieron muy buena atención.
Very good workshop. Recommended 100%. My car was delivered to me on time and it was very well repaired. The parts took a while but it was the fault of the insurer. The workshop always kept me informed of the car process and gave me very good attention.
Every Arteaga on Google

Me gustó mucho como quedó mi camioneta! Felicidades excelente trabajo. Te dan seguimiento a tus incomodidades, nunca quedan mal con el servicio, súper atento el encargado, lo recomiendo ampliamente, si tienes algún incidente no dudes en llevarla a este taller!
I really like how my truck turned out! Congratulations excellent work. They follow up on your discomfort, they never look bad with the service, the manager is super attentive, I highly recommend it, if you have any incident do not hesitate to take it to this workshop!
Yadira Mendoza on Google

Tuve muy mala experiencia, muy tardados para entregar y con detalles, tuve que dejar mi camioneta una semana más, el dueño/gerente nunca da la cara.
I had a very bad experience, very slow to deliver and with details, I had to leave my truck for another week, the owner/manager never shows his face.
Agustin Gallardo on Google

Un taller de confianza buen trato personal, sus servicios muy profesionales. Y muy cumplidos en la entrega de tu auto.
A trustworthy workshop, good personal treatment, very professional services. And very compliments on the delivery of your car.
Luis Martinez on Google

No lo recomiendo para nada. Este taller no tiene ética. Ingrese mi vehículo honda fit 2019, mi cuenta. reparación de fascia delantera. Primero te dan un precio y al día siguiente te dicen que aumentó de precio. Mi sorpresa es que me pusieron la misma fascia que ya tenía y me quieran cobrar como si fuera nueva fascia. El día de hoy paso por mi vehículo y me di cuenta que es la misma es que veo que es la misma porque en las orillas venía quebrada y veo algo de pasta en esa área, ademas que la tapa del tirón viene reconstruido. Y esta por lo regular viene suelta. claro que al principio lo negaron y les pedí ver la fascia que que ya tenia y pues era obvio que no la tenían. Terminaron por aceptarlo y la excusa fue que alguien de adentro lo hizo. Ya había dado algo de adelanto y todavía me querían cobrar más. Tengan mucho cuidado y pidan ver las piezas que les quitan para que estén seguros que si las cambiaron. Aseguradoras con que confianza envían sus vehículos ahí. Y se reportará con las aseguradoras. Espero que a mi me contesten, he visto que solo le responden a los buenos comentarios, espero que el dueño no sea el que me engañe a la gente. Réplica. Qué mentiras dices? Ya no le muevas. Grabe en video lo que me dijeron. Lo subo? Ese video va con el abogado para demanda y a las demás aseguradoras, Donde dicen que prácticamente aceptan que alguien de su personal puso la misma fascia. Ya acepten que son tranzas. Tengo la orden donde especifica otra fascia. Y actualizaremos la información porque la gente no merece caer en negocios fraudulentos como el suyo. Gracias, nos vemos pronto.
I don't recommend it at all. This shop is unethical. Enter my 2019 honda fit vehicle, my account. front fascia repair First they give you a price and the next day they tell you that the price has increased. My surprise is that they put the same fascia that I already had and they want to charge me as if it were a new fascia. Today I went by my vehicle and I realized that it is the same one, I see that it is the same one because it was broken on the edges and I see some paste in that area, besides that the pull cover has been rebuilt. And this one usually comes loose. Of course, at first they denied it and I asked them to see the fascia that I already had and it was obvious that they didn't have it. They ended up accepting it and the excuse was that someone inside did it. I had already given some advance and they still wanted to charge me more. Be very careful and ask to see the pieces that are removed so that you are sure that they were changed. Insurers with what confidence they send their vehicles there. And it will report to the insurers. I hope that they answer me, I have seen that they only respond to good comments, I hope that the owner is not the one who deceives people. Replica. What lies do you tell? Don't move him anymore. Videotape what they told me. I put it up? That video goes with the lawsuit lawyer and the other insurers, Where they say they practically accept that someone on their staff put the same fascia. Now accept that they are tranzas. I have the order where it specifies another fascia. And we will update the information because people do not deserve to fall for fraudulent businesses like yours. Thank you, see you soon.
jose mauricio salazar on Google

Pésimo servicio se tardaron 3 meses en entregarme el vehículo primero las refacciones las pidieron mal luego el personal no estaba capacitado y el encargado del taller lo corrieron cada ves que asistíamos nos decían algo diferente el asesor o la secretaria ninguno sabía que estaba pasando. Se pusieron a jugar con la llave porque tenía una correa y la quebraron se le salió volando dejaron todo roto adentro del carro y la correa la quisieron esconder abajo del asiento según ellos no se hacen responsables se tardaron 3 semanas más para dejar peor la llave a lo cual te comentan que te están aciendo un favor por qué ellos no fueron según ellos la llave se les entrego rota y uno los quiere estafar. A la hora que entregaron el carro lo entregaron sucio lo entregaron mal mecánicamente le purgaron una línea de freno con líquido reutilizado o sucio el carro tenía dos semanas que se le avía cambiado todo el líquido de frenos se les pidió garantía para que le cambiarán la pieza dañada como ya no pudieron comentaron que el seguro nos iba a pagar el daño para eso lo teníamos que reparar nosotros por nuestra cuenta primero para poder darnos el pago de los daños se reparo por fuera es fecha que no sé a recibido ningún depósito y el carro entro la primera semana de agosto cabe mencionar que cada ves que pides ablar con el dueño para que se aga responsable te dicen que el no está o que tubo un problema familiar
Terrible service, it took 3 months to deliver the vehicle, first the parts were badly requested, then the staff was not trained and the manager of the workshop ran it every time we attended, the advisor or the secretary told us something different, none of them knew what was happening. They began to play with the key because it had a strap and they broke it and it flew away, they left everything broken inside the car and they wanted to hide the strap under the seat, according to them they are not responsible, it took 3 more weeks to leave the key worse which they tell you that they are doing you a favor because they did not go according to them the key was given to them broken and one wants to swindle them. At the time the car was delivered, it was delivered dirty, it was delivered mechanically incorrectly, a brake line was purged with reused or dirty fluid, the car had been changed for two weeks, all the brake fluid had been changed, they were asked for a guarantee so that they would change the part. damaged as they could no longer commented that the insurance was going to pay us for the damage for that we had to repair it on our own first to be able to pay us for the damage it was repaired from the outside it is a date that I do not know has received any deposit and the car I entered the first week of August, it is worth mentioning that every time you ask to speak with the owner so that he is responsible, they tell you that he is not there or that he had a family problem
Luis Daniel Maldonado on Google

Buen servicio, se toma evidencia fotográfica del automóvil pre a su reparación. Están en convenio con varias aseguradoras.
Good service, photographic evidence of the car is taken before it is repaired. They are in agreement with several insurers.
Abraham Hernandez marin on Google

Tuviste un percance ? Y no sabes a dónde acudir? Acércate con nosotros joscrash . Contamos con servicio a las compañías de seguros Qualitas Chubb El águila Área de partícular Acude al centro de reparación y solicita tu valuación Bustamante 103 centro San Nicolás .. Asesor de servicio Abraham hdz ..
Did you have a mishap? And you don't know where to turn? Come with us joscrash. We have service to insurance companies Qualites Chub The Eagle particle area Go to the repair center and request your valuation Bustamante 103 downtown San Nicolas.. Service advisor Abraham hdz ..

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