Juarez Thompson Escaneo Láser 3D y Planos As Built, Modelado 3D, y Topografia con Drones LIDAR - 66269 Monterrey

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Juarez Thompson Escaneo Láser 3D y Planos As Built, Modelado 3D, y Topografia con Drones LIDAR

Address :

Arquitecto Pedro Ramírez Vázquez 200 Nº11, Parque Corporativo Ucaly, 66269 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87878
Website : https://juarezthompson.mx/
Categories :
City : N.L.

Arquitecto Pedro Ramírez Vázquez 200 Nº11, Parque Corporativo Ucaly, 66269 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Francisco Gamaliel Puga García on Google

Excelente servicio, cumplió íntegramente a nuestra necesidad, además de que el tiempo de respuesta fue muy rápido y los resultados estuvieron en menos de 24 horas. Alta precisión en la volumetría Vs Inventario real. Reporte elaborado muy claro y fácil de entender. Altamente recomendable para los cálculos de stocks mineros.
Excellent service, fully met our need, in addition to the response time was very fast and the results were in less than 24 hours. High precision in volumetry Vs Real inventory. Report prepared very clear and easy to understand. Highly recommended for calculations of mining stocks.
Rosa Elena Martinez Garza on Google

Excelente servicio. Obtuve lo que esperaba y más. la información generada por el scanner 3d fue de gran valor para que mi proyecto se lograra concretar y todos los involucrados lo pudieran entender. Creo que el plus de Juárez Thompson es que se involucran en tus necesidades y te ofrecen la mejor solución.
Excellent service. I got what I expected and more. The information generated by the 3d scanner was of great value so that my project could be achieved and everyone involved could understand it. I think the plus of Juárez Thompson is that they get involved in your needs and offer you the best solution.
Sara Ceniceros on Google

Excelente servicio, muy comprometidos con las fechas y la información que entregan es de primera, incluso si necesitas algunos ajustes los hacen.
Excellent service, very committed to the dates and the information they deliver is first class, even if you need some adjustments they do.
Josué Herrera on Google

Entrega y servicio puntual, muy profesionales, muy buen archivo de nube de puntos, ya armada en Recap para ver y navegar en ella, además gran facilidad para trasladar y trabajar en Inventor. Nos dieron una nube de puntos de bastante calidad, gran sincronía entre capturas, fotografías 3D de excelente definición; tuve algunos problemas muy pequeños con algunas medidas en algunas estructuras, pero justifico por condiciones adversas del ambiente en que se tomaron, en cuanto a luz y polvo. Excelente servicio.
Punctual delivery and service, very professional, very good point cloud file, already assembled in Recap to view and navigate, as well as great ease to move and work in Inventor. They gave us a point cloud of high quality, great synchronization between captures, 3D photographs of excellent definition; I had some very small problems with some measurements in some structures, but I justify it because of the adverse conditions of the environment in which they were taken, in terms of light and dust. Excellent service.
Emmanuel Soto on Google

Excelente servicio y calidad en la entrega de lo contratado. La asesoría que brindan es tan buena como su entregable; Ellos me guiaron para entender lo que realmente necesitaba. Es sin duda la empresa referente en la ciudad para escaneos láser tridimensionales.
Excellent service and quality in the delivery of the contract. The advice they provide is only as good as its deliverable; They guided me to understand what I really needed. It is without a doubt the reference company in the city for three-dimensional laser scans.
Carlos Ledezma on Google

Altamente recomendados en su ramo, cuentan con el equipo de escaneo 3D ideal para proyectos complejos que requieran revisión milimetrica y cuentan con personal altamente capacitado. Muy buena comunicación con el personal en sitio, fluidez de la informacion y calidad de entregables. Cumplieron el ATC dentro de lo establecido.
Highly recommended in their field, they have the ideal 3D scanning equipment for complex projects that require millimeter revision and have highly trained personnel. Very good communication with the staff on site, fluency of information and quality of deliverables. They complied with the ATC within the established.
Miguel Torres on Google

Excelente atención y profesionalismo, cumplimiento de compromisos. Los entregables electrónicos son útiles y agradables a la vista, aparte de diversidad de soluciones para diseños, trazos y mediciones.
Excellent attention and professionalism, fulfillment of commitments. Electronic deliverables are useful and easy on the eye, apart from a variety of solutions for designs, traces, and measurements.
Mark LaBell on Google

The company I have worked for has executed over 600 laser scanning projects worldwide for our clients and finding a scanning partner that conducts high quality work in industrial spaces is not as easy as one would think. As COVID has stopped all travel to and from the United States we needed to find a laser scanning partner to execute work on one of the many industrial projects we execute in Mexico. I found JT through a recommendation in my professional network and they not only provided a fair price, but an excellent service with high quality results. They had to re-adjust schedules several times as a result of COVID and have remained very flexible and accommodating. We have executed one project with the JT team and have two more opportunities that we are working out site access currently. So we definitely will be using them more in the future even after COVID as they haven proven they are a top notch scanning organization in Mexico. They are not a company that is just trying to sell a service of scanning, but rather making sure they create a highly accurate deliverable that adds value to your project.

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