Juego de Pelota (The ball game)

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Juego de Pelota (The ball game)

Address :

Zona Arqueológica de Uxmal, Uxmal, Mexico

Categories :
City : Uxmal

Zona Arqueológica de Uxmal, Uxmal, Mexico
Giacomo Mardegan on Google

Dopo Chichén Itzá e Tulum è il sito Maya più affascinante...è l'unico assieme a Chichén Itzá che ha le strutture ben tenute (negli altri siti le strutture possono più definirsi ruderi, compreso Tulum - che però ha dalla sua l'atmosfera del mare sullo sfondo) ed essendo poco frequentato si gode del misticismo che emana il sito.
After Chichén Itzá and Tulum it is the most fascinating Mayan site ... it is the only one together with Chichén Itzá that has well-maintained structures (in the other sites the structures can be defined as ruins, including Tulum - which however has the atmosphere of the sea in the background) and being little frequented, you can enjoy the mysticism that emanates from the site.
Luis Javier Enriquez Jorge on Google

Un espectáculo increíble. Muchas aves vuelan sobre sitio Arqueológico.
An incredible show. Many birds fly over the Archaeological site.
Gerardo Alonso Robledo Reynoso on Google

Las ruinas están muy conservadas y esta es la cancha de pelota antigüa más pequeña que he visto. Un lugar muy tranquilo, es la transición entre varios espacios, como un punto medio, puedes tomar varios caminos aquí para ir a una parte del complejo o hacia otra.
The ruins are very well preserved and this is the smallest old ball court I have seen. A very quiet place, is the transition between several spaces, like a midpoint, you can take several roads here to go to one part of the complex or another.
Zbig foto on Google

Rytualne boisko do gry w Pelotę w bardzo dobrym stanie. Polecam zobaczyć to piękne miejsce.
A ritual playing field in Pelota in very good condition. I recommend seeing this beautiful place.
Martin B on Google

Der Ballspielplatz von Uxmal. Die Ringe hängen hier wesentlich tiefer als in Chichen Itza. Es erscheint daher auch wahrscheinlicher, dass wirklich nur der Torso genutzt werden konnte, um den Ball zu spielen.
Uxmal's ball court. The rings hang much lower here than at Chichen Itza. It therefore seems more likely that only the torso could really be used to play the ball.
suhiman rasmad on Google

Dmitry Matyukhin on Google

Robert Chomicz on Google

A well preserved ball court used by the ancient Maya for the ritual ball game that had both athletic as well as religious attributes. This court has a preserved layer of stucco still present in its bottom section as well as a well preserved hoop through which the players aimed to shoot the ball through.

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