Juridico Colemart S.C - 06030 Ciudad de México

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Jurídico Colemart SC-Abogados - Colemartsc.com.mx


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Contact Juridico Colemart S.C

Address :

Lafragua 18, Tabacalera, Cuauhtémoc, 06030 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.colemartsc.com.mx/
Categories :
City : CDMX

Lafragua 18, Tabacalera, Cuauhtémoc, 06030 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
jorge bautista on Google

Yo les recomiendo a todos los q tengan problemas con los d cobranza d este jurídico, q busquen a la Defensa del deudor cheqen mi papá, falleció el año pasado y por obvias razón ya no le pago a banorte yo me presente ante banorte hacer el trámite por defunción d mi padre 3 veces tuve q ir a la sucursal porq los asesores no hacían bien el tramite y según ellos se les traspapeleaban los documentos q yo les dejaba, yo la verdad me canse la última vez q me marcaron diciendo q tenia q dejar otra vez documentos porq habían tenido un problema y se extraviaron los papeles, me hacer que a defensa del deudor y ahí me asignaron un abogado para mi caso le entregue los 3 folios d cada trámite q hice ante banorte, y solo tengo q esperar q su actuario venga. Dejar la demanda d juicio mercantil en contra de mi padre para empezar la demanda d acoso e intimidación en contra mía, porq según ellos yo quede como aval d mi padre, y q según tienen mi firma (ya saben quieren intimidar) pero yo les recomiendo q contacten a la DEFENSA DEL DEUDOR S.C y ellos les ayudarán mucho.
I recommend to all those who have problems with the collection of this legal, that they look for the Defense of the debtor to check my father, he died last year and for obvious reasons I no longer pay Banorte I present myself before Banorte to do the procedure Due to the death of my father 3 times I had to go to the branch because the advisors did not do the paperwork well and according to them the documents that I left them were misplaced, I really got tired the last time they marked me saying that I had to leave Again documents because they had a problem and the papers were lost, make me the defense of the debtor and there they assigned me a lawyer for my case to deliver the 3 pages of each procedure that I did before Banorte, and I only have to hope that his actuary come. Leave the commercial lawsuit against my father to start the harassment and intimidation lawsuit against me, because according to them I remain as an endorsement of my father, and according to they have my signature (you know they want to intimidate) but I recommend that contact DEFENSE DEL DEBOR SC and they will help you a lot.
Morales Silva Benjamin on Google

Se la han pasado acosandonos todo porque tinen un número equivocado!
They've been harassing us all because they have the wrong number!
Marco Perez Cienfuegos on Google

Llaman y llaman y nunca responden, solo molestan y solo supe quienes eran por el identificador y lo busqué, no debo nada pero como molestan!!!!
They call and call and never answer, they just annoy and I only knew who they were by the identifier and I looked for it, I don't owe anything but how annoying they are!!!!
Grace Salmur on Google

Pésimos, realizan convenios inexistentes, pides convenio y te quieren cobrar por el, no respetan pagos, aun realizados ellos los reportan cuando quieren y por esa causa en tu cuenta se cobran los "atrasos" como si uno no hubiera cumplido.Rateros.....y siguen, aun realizando los pagos ellos siguen mandando mensajes amenazantes, ni siquiera tienen control de sus carteras, se supone que tengo un convenio desde Diciembre por el cual he estado dando mis pagos, que por información de uno de sus asesores NO DIERON DE ALTA , en Enero di el pago correspondiente ...y mandan mensajes como si no estuviera cumpliendo.
Terrible, they make non-existent agreements, you ask for an agreement and they want to charge you for it, they do not respect payments, even when they are made they report them when they want and for that reason "arrears" are charged to your account as if you had not complied. Burglars... ..and they continue, even making the payments they continue to send threatening messages, they do not even have control of their portfolios, it is assumed that I have an agreement since December by which I have been making my payments, which according to information from one of their advisors THEY DID NOT GIVE HIGH , in January I gave the corresponding payment ... and they send messages as if I were not complying.
Acceso Equipo T on Google

Son un súper fraude, te proponen negociar conbla finalidad de ayudarte, y según proporcionarte carta finiquito pero es una gran mentira, la verdad es que te siguen cobrando y además son muy acosadores porque te dicen que nunca pagaste, la verdad que no deberían confiar en esas lacras estafadoras
They are a super fraud, they propose to negotiate with the purpose of helping you, and according to providing you with a settlement letter, but it is a big lie, the truth is that they continue to charge you and they are also very harassing because they tell you that you never paid, the truth is that they should not trust those scam scourges
Larita Montijano C on Google

Unos raterazos de primera y mentirosos como no tienen idea... Así deberían hacerle a la más vieja de su casa (ya sabrán ellos ) Prometen carta finiquito y a la semana te andan cobrando otra vez,a pesar de que les digas que ya pagaste, ellos insisten y súper juran que no, que tienes un adeudo y te amenazan, se lo toman ya personal y te insultan, o sea no deberían contratan los del banco a ese tipo de despachos de cobranza porque en realidad el hecho de que les den cartera para recuperar su dinero, ellos abusan y tratan de sacar algo extra para ellos
Some first-rate thieves and liars like they have no idea... That's what they should do to the oldest in their house (they'll already know) They promise a settlement letter and after a week they charge you again, even though you tell them you already paid, they insist and swear no, that you have a debt and they threaten you, they take it personally and insult you, I mean no They should hire those from the bank to that type of collection offices because in reality the fact that they give them a wallet to recover their money, they abuse and try to get something extra for themselves
Fuentes Liliana on Google

alejandro torres salinas on Google


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