K-1 Fight & Fitness - Vila Velha - ES

5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact K-1 Fight & Fitness

Address :

K-1 Fight & Fitness - R. Rosa de Ouro, 414 - Novo Mexico, Vila Velha - ES, 29104-015, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +79989
Postal code : 29104-015
Website : https://instagram.com/k1fight.fitness%3Fr%3Dnametag
Categories :

Lorrana Borges on Google

Academia de luta muito boa e o professor é excelente, muito didático e atencioso!
Very good fighting gym and the teacher is excellent, very didactic and attentive!
Gustavo Angelo on Google

Ótimo local para treinar Kickboxing! Professor super paciente e didático, aulas bem estruturadas, um iniciante e uma pessoa mais experiente conseguem treinar de forma tranquila no local. Recomendo!
Great place to train Kickboxing! Super patient and didactic teacher, well structured classes, a beginner and a more experienced person can train peacefully on site. I recommend!

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