K83 FYC SA DE CV - 29034 Tuxtla Gutiérrez

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact K83 FYC SA DE CV

Address :

2a. ORIENTE 1883 Y 17 NORTE, LA PIMIENTA, 29034 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Chis.

2a. ORIENTE 1883 Y 17 NORTE, LA PIMIENTA, 29034 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico
Fabricio González on Google

Un lugar grande y bien ubicado, pero no cumplen con las fechas de entrega, te ponen excusas y pretextos para entregarte tu vehículo en tiempo y forma. La atención de las personas de recepción muy bien, educadas y atentas.
A large and well located place, but they do not meet the delivery dates, they give you excuses and pretexts to deliver your vehicle in a timely manner. The attention of the reception people very well, polite and attentive.
GS Vlogs on Google

Muy mala atención al cliente, no te informan el status correcto de la unidad. Nunca contestan las llamadas.
Very bad customer service, they do not inform you of the correct status of the unit. They never answer calls.
Javier Flores on Google

Fui a solicitar una evaluación de mi vehículo con un pase de aseguradora el dia jueves 18 de junio, pero el encargado de recepción que estaba en el momento que llegue, de mala manera me señalo que no me atenderia, si quería me presentara hasta el dia lunes. Esto no me parece correcto, al cliente se le debe dar atención ya que son la fuente de ingresos de un negocio. Ojala mejoren esa situación.
I went to request an evaluation of my vehicle with an insurance pass on Thursday, June 18, but the reception manager who was in the moment I arrived, in a bad way pointed out that he would not attend me, if I wanted to present myself until the day Monday. This does not seem correct to me, the customer should be given attention since they are the source of income for a business. Hopefully they improve that situation.
Ariosto Mandujano on Google

Buen servicio,solo las piezas tardan un poco en llegar, pero trabajaron bien
Good service, only the parts take a while to arrive, but they worked well
Maria Jose Mandujano Gallardo on Google

No cumplen con tiempos de entrega, nunca contestan el teléfono y cuando lo hacen solo te dan largas y culpan de todo a las aseguradoras, no dudo que algún proceso dependa de las empresas pero al final el cliente sale perdiendo. Muy mal servicio.
They do not meet delivery times, they never answer the phone and when they do they just give you the runaround and blame everything on the insurers, I have no doubt that some process depends on the companies but in the end the client loses out. Very bad service.
José Luis on Google

No es muy buena la atención...mi carro entro al taller por un seguro Qualitas...y después que el taller tenía ya la responsabilidad se demora como 15 Días. Hasta ahorita que ya me entregaron mi carro..me quedé con una desconfianza...espero que en la marcha mi carro no presente otro problema. Pero quiero que entiendan que para uno es importante que la persona que te arregle un carro y que se quede en sus taller aún que sea solo un día. El mío quedaron 4 días. Queremos tener la seguridad que nuestro carro está en buenas manos. Y lo digo XK para mí. Mi carro es como mis zapatos.
The attention is not very good...my car entered the workshop for Qualitas insurance...and after the workshop already had the responsibility, it took about 15 days. Until now that my car has been delivered to me... I was left with a mistrust... I hope that my car does not present another problem when I drive. But I want you to understand that for one it is important that the person who fixes your car and stays in his workshop even if it is only one day. Mine had 4 days left. We want to be sure that our car is in good hands. And I mean XK for me. My car is like my shoes.
Mirna Acosta on Google

Mi hija tuvo un accidente, le arreglaron su carro le dieron una fecha, y no estuvo, luego por fin, un sabado, le dijeron a las 12, y llegamos 30 min. Antes y aun lo estaban lavando, luego le llamaron y le dijeron q en sabado no entregaban, ?‍♀️y ella les dijo, ustedes me llamaron, y claro que lo quiero, asi q fuimos a recogerlo, no chacamos la cajuela, y dejaron desordenada la maleta de herramientas, el carro quedo muy bien. Gracias
My daughter had an accident, they fixed her car, they gave her a date, and she was not there, then finally, on a Saturday, they told her at 12, and we arrived in 30 minutes. Before and they were still washing it, then they called her and told her that on Saturday they didn't deliver, ?‍♀️and she told them, you called me, and of course I want it, so we went to pick it up, we didn't break the trunk, and they left messy tool bag, the car is very good. Thanks
Nabila Nayeli Hernandez Velasco on Google

Realmente me dejan mucho que desear, la persona encargada quedó muy formal de entregarnos el auto la semana antepasada, se le contrató el servicio de pintura y cosas mecánicas por fallas que presentaba el auto es fecha que no me lo entregan poniendo de pretexto que le ha costado poner un soporte, nunca me habló para indicarme cuánto más tardaría y es la fecha aún que me sigue poniendo ese mismo pretexto. Definitivamente espero me entregue el auto bien y no tenga problemas en un futuro.
They really leave me a lot to be desired, the person in charge was very formal in delivering the car to us the week before, he was hired for the painting service and mechanical things due to failures that the car presented on that date that they did not deliver it to me, using the pretext that it has it cost to put a support, he never spoke to me to tell me how much longer it would take and it is the date that still gives me that same excuse. I definitely hope that the car will be delivered to me well and that it will not have any problems in the future.

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