KFC - Azcapotzalco

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact KFC

Address :

Avenida Aquiles Serdan Unidad 1341, El Rosario, Azcapotzalco, 02430 Ciudad de México, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 02430
Website : https://kfc.com.mx/
Categories :
City : Ciudad de México
Description : Restaurant chain known for its buckets of fried chicken, plus wings & sides.

Avenida Aquiles Serdan Unidad 1341, El Rosario, Azcapotzalco, 02430 Ciudad de México, Mexico
Viri lucker on Google

Es de mi pollo frito favorito, en cuanto al personal solo una empleada que está ahí es medio grosera, pero la comida es buena ??.
It's my favorite fried chicken, as for the staff, only one employee who is there is kind of rude, but the food is good ??.
Miguel Suarez on Google

Pues ya soy cliente de KFC, cuando no dan muy poquitas catsup, o en época del COVID los repartidores entraban al área de producción, ahora me tocó lo siguente, pague y vi que la cajera estaba contando mucho el cambio que me iba a dar, me dió puras monedas de 2 pesos, sin problema con eso, eso hizo que yo desconfiara y mientras salía la orden conté y me faltaba dinero, se lo hice saber a la señorita, y me dijo, ah sí, abrio la caja y me dió lo que faltaba. Ni siquiera se molestó en contar lo que ella me había dado. Siento que pensaba quedarse con el dinero.
Well, I'm already a KFC customer, when they don't give very little ketchup, or at the time of COVID the delivery men entered the production area, now I had to do the following, I paid and I saw that the cashier was counting a lot about the change she was going to give me, He gave me pure 2-peso coins, no problem with that, that made me distrust and while the order came out I counted and I lacked money, I let the lady know, and she said, oh yes, she opened the box and gave me what was missing. He didn't even bother to tell what she had given me. I feel like he was going to keep the money.
Ingrid Rivera on Google

Fui a serviplaza el rosario ,eran las 9:28 y dijeron que ya no iban a hacer mas piezas siendo que faltaba media hora para cerrar , pesimo servicio
I went to the Serviplaza el rosario, it was 9:28 a.m. and they said they were not going to make any more pieces since it was half an hour before closing, terrible service
funky kitty girl on Google

Se tardan mucho ... Las salsas y catsup te las cuentan como si te las regalarán te atienden con mala cara.. Hablando por teléfono puedes estar parado esperando a que tomen tu orden mientras pasan y no te dicen nada
They take a long time... The sauces and ketchups are told to you as if they were given to you, they treat you with a bad face... Talking on the phone you can be standing waiting for them to take your order while they pass by and they don't tell you anything
Tecno Animal on Google

El servicio fue relativamente rápido, sin embargo pedí un paquete clásico de 8 piezas para llevar, que incluye dos purés y tres bisquets, el precio era de $245 y me cobraron $295 porque me incluyeron sin preguntar dos pays extras, y al llegar a casa me faltaron mis purés, así que si piden para llevar chequen lo que les entregan porque así como puede ser un error, también puede que lo hagan regularmente los trabajadores...
The service was relatively fast, however I ordered a classic package of 8 pieces to go, which includes two purees and three biscuits, the price was $245 and they charged me $295 because they included two extra pies without asking, and when I got home I My purees were missing, so if you ask to take away, check what they give you because as well as it can be a mistake, it can also be done regularly by the workers...
Mallinali Mejía on Google

Recomiendo que pidan por apps de comida para que esperen en la comodidad de sus casas porque ir a la sucursal es un fastidio. Al menos, en domingo, hay un montón de gente y el servicio es leeeeento. Hoy me cambiaron el nombre y cuando después de unos veinte minutos volví a preguntar por mi comida me dijeron en tono mamón que me habían estado llamando ? Dije MALI, anotaron MAR. Sería mejor que no pidan el nombre y llamen por número de orden. De comida rápida no tiene nada este sitio. Ahhh y las k-tiras parecían naturales, no bbq, no se les vaya a terminar la salsa ?
I recommend that you ask for food apps so that you wait in the comfort of your homes because going to the branch is a hassle. At least on Sunday, there are a lot of people and the service is soooo slow. Today they changed my name and when after about twenty minutes I asked for my food again they told me in a sucker tone that they had been calling me ? I said MALI, they wrote down MAR. It would be better if they don't ask for the name and call by order number. This place has nothing to do with fast food. Ahhh and the k-strips seemed natural, not bbq, don't run out of sauce ?
Ricky T. on Google

Good and fast
3A Selena Naomi Popoca on Google

Great! Do it all usually takes some time 5 to 15 minutes, but that's normal nowadays. Thanks.

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