KINDER CANINO ALAMOS - 03580 Ciudad de México

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Puedes empezar a enseñar a tu perro desde los 2 meses de edad para evitar todos los problemas de comportamiento o enseñarle cosas para estar en la calle. Siempre de forma divertida para ambos (mucho texto)


Address :

Miraflores 911, sineo, Miravalle, Benito Juárez, 03580 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7898
Website :
Categories :
City : CDMX

Miraflores 911, sineo, Miravalle, Benito Juárez, 03580 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Leticia Luna on Google

Tenía la idea de solicitar sus servicios para mi cachorro (entrenamiento básico), pero después de ver sus costos y que en la llamada no supieron decir qué tipo de certificaciones tienen para brindar el servicio... Decidí entrar a los comentarios para evaluar si valía la pena y me encontré muchos comentarios de que no reciben a perros grandes, mi cachorro de 6 meses ya pesa más de 30kg al ser raza gigante, así que, no perderé mi tiempo. No dudo que sean buenos para entrenar razas miniatura (finalmente, no representa gran desafío). Ojalá pudieran ser más claros con sus posibles clientes. Por mi parte, seguiré buscando una escuela seria para entrenar a mi ejemplar.
I had the idea of ​​requesting their services for my puppy (basic training), but after seeing their costs and that in the call they could not say what kind of certifications they have to provide the service ... I decided to enter the comments to evaluate if it was worth it and I found many comments that they do not receive large dogs, my 6-month-old puppy already weighs more than 30kg being a giant breed, so I will not waste my time. I have no doubt that they are good at training miniature breeds (finally, not much of a challenge). I wish you could be clearer with your potential clients. For my part, I will continue looking for a serious school to train my exemplar.

Deje a mi perrito en pensión, me lo entregaron con temperatura, lo lleve a urgencias y me dijeron que lo monitorearamos esa noche ya que corria peligro de que no pasara la noche. Los de la pensión nos dijeron que podían administrarle su medicamento sin ningún problema y fuimos muy puntuales en las instrucciones pero llegando a casa me doy cuenta que solamente le dieron la mitad de las pastillas. En cuanto a los videos, solamente salía por 2 segundos y en el del último día se veía claramente que algo se encontraba mal en el. Cuando les comente lo sucedido me dijeron que no lo revisaron ya que ese día iríamos por el y le atribuyeron su estado de animo a su ansiedad cuando su temperatura era perceptible incluso al tacto. Una experiencia horrible.
I left my puppy at the boarding house, they gave him a temperature, took him to the emergency room and told me to monitor him that night since he was in danger of not spending the night. The pensioners told us that they could administer his medicine without any problem and we were very punctual in the instructions but when I got home I realized that they only gave him half of the pills. As for the videos, it only came out for 2 seconds and in the last day it was clearly seen that something was wrong with it. When I told them what happened they told me that they did not check it since that day we would go for it and they attributed their state of mind to their anxiety when their temperature was perceptible even to the touch. A horrible experience.
María Guadalupe Gómez Cruz on Google

Excelente lugar para cuidar a tus perritos. A mi 'Mantequilla' le encanta ir a jugar con los otros perritos.
Excellent place to take care of your dogs. My 'Butter' loves to go play with the other dogs.
José Alberto Martínez Alcaraz on Google

Muy buena atención. Comprometidos y preocupados por nuestros amigos peludos
Excellent atention. Committed and concerned about our furry friends
monica aguilar on Google

Gran lugar para que los perros se diviertan
Great place for dogs to have fun
Nere Bernal on Google

Tratan muy bien a los perritos y los precios son accesibles. Siempre me quedo tranquila cuando los dejo ahí. Comparten videos diarios de cómo están los perritos. Tienen estética canina y también le pueden poner las vacunas a los perritos. Los entrenamientos particulares o en grupo son muy buenos.
They treat the puppies very well and the prices are affordable. I always stay calm when I leave them there. They share daily videos of how the puppies are. They have canine aesthetics and can also give puppies vaccinations. Private or group training is very good.
Valentina López on Google

Excelente lugar para entrenamiento, entretenimiento y pensión de lomitos. Los cuidadores son veterinarios, envían videos y cuando se quedan en pensión constante mente mandan update y fotos. Son muy buenos en control de urgencias/accidentes. También tienen cursos de entrenamiento para perritos. Un lugar muy muy recomendable.
Excellent place for training, entertainment and lomitos pension. The caregivers are veterinarians, they send videos and when they stay in the pension they constantly send updates and photos. They are very good at emergency/accident control. They also have dog training courses. A very highly recommended place.
Laura Sophie Spengruber on Google

A horrible place! First they told me that they accept all kind of dogs and when I arrived they said my dog is too big?!?! He is a Labrador and very friendly (just young) but they didn’t even touch him or tried to have a nice first time with him. I gave my dog to 2 pensions in Mexico City and they accepted him without any problem and told me that it was great with him, he loves to play etc. Due to that we moved to a new neighborhood I tried this place but I’m really disappointed, never have seen something like that! Very unprofessional and rude!

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