Kinder Kids - 45070 Zapopan

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kinder Kids

Address :

C. Sagitario 5029, La Calma, 45070 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Sagitario 5029, La Calma, 45070 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
Valeria Robles on Google

Luisa Guerrero on Google

Ricardo Ashida on Google

Jaky Zebadua on Google

Fabiola Barreto on Google

Martha Gonzalez on Google

No es la primera vez, que me entero que sucede ese tipo de situaciones en este kinder.
It is not the first time that I find out that this type of situation happens in this kinder.
Alfredo Del Toro on Google

Mala experiencia, durante los meses de Agosto a Diciembre 2018, inscribí a mi hijo a esta escuela, durante esta fechas, mi hijo se quejo de golpes y mordidas por partes de diferentes niños , de inmediato reporte este caso con su maestra la cual comento que estos situaciones eran normales y no podían catalogar como Bullying o algo similar, al recibir mas quejas por parte de mi hijo me reporte con la directora del plantel, expuse mi caso pero desafortunadamente la directora y subdirectora me explicaron que en todos los salones se tenia un niño problemático, y que estas agresiones eran normales, se me informo que ya estaban consientes del problema pero que no tratarían de resolverlo por que, según ellas todo estaba bajo control.
Bad experience, during the months of August to December 2018, I enrolled my son in this school, during this time, my son complained of blows and bites by different children, immediately report this case to his teacher who commented that These situations were normal and could not be classified as Bullying or something similar, when I received more complaints from my son, I reported to the principal of the campus, I exposed my case but unfortunately the principal and assistant principal explained to me that in all the classrooms there was a problem child, and that these attacks were normal, I was informed that they were already aware of the problem but that they would not try to solve it because, according to them, everything was under control.
Carlos Romero on Google

Excelente Kinder los niños aprenden y se divierten mucho
Excellent Kinder children learn and have a lot of fun

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