La Adelita - 77710 Kantenah

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Adelita

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Carretera Chetumal-Puerto Juárez Km, 256-100, 77710 Kantenah, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98877
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City : Q.R.

Carretera Chetumal-Puerto Juárez Km, 256-100, 77710 Kantenah, Q.R., Mexico
Paco on Google

Servicio muy muy lento, te hacen esperar mucho para entrar cuando tienen muchas mesas vacías, luego ya para traerte la comida más de lo mismo. La comida en sí no estaba mal, tienen una isleta con las ensaladas para que cada uno coja lo que quiera
Very very slow service, they make you wait a lot to enter when they have many empty tables, then to bring you more of the same food. The food itself was not bad, they have an island with salads for everyone to take what they want
Nuria C on Google

Es una pena que en el Hotel Palladium no gestionen bien los restaurantes. No te dejan reservar en este, solo sí eres del hotel exclusivo TRS o eres un VIP. Llegas a las 20:00 y te dicen que hay una espera de 30 minutos y ves desde fuera un montón de mesas final pasas una hora después y entre plato y plato pasan tiempos brutales...cuando llega el postre (fue nuestro caso) la mesera no tenía ánimos ni de decirnos lo que había...era tarde por culpa de ellos mismos y sólo querían recoger e irse. Yo alucino, un montón de gente trabajando en el restaurante y no lo sacan adelante y la mala imagen de ver un restaurante con muchas mesas vacias y una espera brutal fuera.
It is a pity that the Palladium Hotel does not manage the restaurants well. They don't let you book at this one, only if you're from the exclusive TRS hotel or you're a VIP. You arrive at 20:00 and they tell you that there is a 30-minute wait and you see a lot of empty tables from the outside ... in the end you spend an hour afterwards and between times they go through brutal times ... when dessert comes ( it was our case) the waitress was not in the mood to tell us what was there ... it was late because of themselves and they just wanted to pick up and leave. I hallucinate, a lot of people working in the restaurant and they don't get it out and the bad image of seeing a restaurant with many empty tables and a brutal wait outside.
Asena Gür on Google

Wir sind Gäste des Hotels Grand Palladium White Sand und waren im la Adelita essen. Uns hat es sehr gut geschmeckt. Wir konnten uns die Vorspeise, den Hauptgang und den Nachtisch auf der Karte aussuchen. Zusätzlich konnte man sich weitere Vorspeisen am Buffet nehmen. Xiomara hat uns an dem Abend bedient. Wir können zwar kein Spanisch und sie kein Englisch, aber man konnte sich trotzdem gut verständigen. Es war sogar wirklich lustig, da sie seht nett war. Sie hat einen wirklich schnell bedient. Man musste nicht lange warten und auch die Getränke und das Essen waren schnell da. Dies hat in den anderen Restaurants im Hotel deutlich länger gedauert. Besonders gut hat uns gefallen, dass wir zusätzlich noch eine zweite Vorspeise serviert bekommen haben. Wir haben es so verstanden, dass das Hauptgericht in der Küche noch nicht fertig ist und es noch dauert und die zweite Vorspeise als Überbrückung war. Es war auf jeden Fall eine tolle Idee, da man so keine Zeit mit Warten verbracht hat, sondern noch eine zweite Vorspeise probieren durfte. Das Essen war auch sehr lecker. Die Vorspeisen, der frittierte Thunfisch und auch der Almond-Rosinenkuchen waren wirklich lecker und geschmacklich gut abgestimmt. Ich finde, es ist bisher das beste Restaurant in dem Hotel, welches wir bisher ausprobiert haben. Das einzige was uns gestört hat war, dass es anscheinend zu wenig Speisekarten gibt, wad aber nicht so schlimm ist. Was allerdings nicht so toll ist, ist dass man beim Vorspeisenbuffet nicht weiß, welche Gerichte scharf sind und welche nicht. Ich selbst esse nichts scharfes und hatte 1-2 sehr scharfe Vorspeisen, welche beim Probieren im Mund einfach gebrannt haben. Gut wäre es, wenn auf dem Schild mit dem Namen des Essens eine Peperoni oder eine durchgestrichene Peperoni drauf wäre, als Zeichen für scharf oder nicht scharf.
We are guests of the Hotel Grand Palladium White Sand and dined at la Adelita. We liked it very much. We could choose the starter, main course and dessert on the menu. In addition, you could take other starters at the buffet. Xiomara served us that evening. We don't speak Spanish and she doesn't speak English, but you could still communicate well. In fact, it was really funny because she was really nice. She served you really quickly. You didn't have to wait long and the drinks and food were there quickly. This took a lot longer in the other restaurants in the hotel. We particularly liked the fact that we were also served a second starter. We understood that the main course in the kitchen is not yet ready and it still takes time and the second starter was to bridge the gap. It was definitely a great idea, because you didn't spend time waiting, but were allowed to try a second starter. The food was delicious too. The starters, the fried tuna and also the Almond raisin cake were really tasty and well balanced in terms of taste. I think it's the best restaurant in the hotel that we've tried so far. The only thing that bothered us was that there seemed to be too few menus, but it wasn't that bad. What is not so great, however, is that at the starter buffet you do not know which dishes are spicy and which are not. I don't eat anything spicy myself and had 1-2 very spicy starters, which simply burned in my mouth when I tried them. It would be good if there was a pepperoni or a crossed-out pepper on the label with the name of the food, as a sign of spicy or not spicy.
Fran Pacheco on Google

Restaurante temático mexicano del Grand Palladium Riviera Maya Colonial. Cenamos toda la familia y pasamos un buen rato. Lo bueno: - la isla/buffet de ensaladas y ceviches - la atención del staff - música en directo Areas de mejora: - a la comida en general le falta sabor - la no elección del grado de picante para los platos. Resumiendo, una estancia agradable, supongo porque vas en modo “vacaciones” y todo te gusta. Pero no pagaría por un restaurante como este si fuese a cenar por mi cuenta.
Mexican themed restaurant at the Grand Palladium Riviera Maya Colonial. We had dinner as a whole family and had a good time. The good: - the island / salad and ceviches buffet - the attention of the staff - live music Improvement areas: - food in general lacks flavor - the non-choice of the degree of spiciness for the dishes. In short, a pleasant stay, I suppose because you are in "vacation" mode and you like everything. But I wouldn't pay for a restaurant like this if I were dining on my own.
Robert Shearer on Google

The tortilla soup was cold. Aguachile never appeared. Tuna tacos were inedible.
Lara Lichtenstein on Google

The starters were good. They have a salad buffet with a great variety. The main menu was very bad, the enchiladas we had were gooey and weren't tasty. The dessert was also not as good as we expected. But the service is kind and helpful.
Krzysztof G on Google

Tasty mexican cuisine in Grand Palladium. Also nice serwis, you can order house wine.
RickD W on Google

A great experience for a taste of Mexican food at the Grand Palladium. A superb salad bar! The entrees included octopus, shrimp burrito, pork, & beef frajitas. All so delicious & fun to share. The squash crepe brûlée is a must for dessert. Great job guys!!

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