La Casa de la Arrachera - 27023 Torreón

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Casa de la Arrachera

Address :

Lib. Perif. Raúl López Sánchez 9555, Los Viñedos, 27023 Torreón, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +877
Categories :
City : Coah.

Lib. Perif. Raúl López Sánchez 9555, Los Viñedos, 27023 Torreón, Coah., Mexico
Rod Favela on Google

#1 en la carta no están la bebidas y no hay carta de bebidas, así que no sabes el costo de ellas a menos que estés pregunte y pregunte a los meseros, pedimos agua de jamaica, en un vaso chico repleto de hielos lo cual la convierte en carísima ya que si acaso traía 200 ml de líquido, menos que un juguito para niños, una cerveza (caliente) y un clamato preparado de forma pésima ya que estaba muy condimentado, no lo consumí, te llevan la comida en 4 tiempos, teniendo derecho a repetir cualquiera , no repetí ninguno por que no me gusto ningono para repetir, el primer tiempo pedimos frijoles charros ( bastante aguados) y sopa azteca sin pena ni gloria, 2° tiempo guacamole con sabor a pasado, bonito el color pero no el sabor, queso fundido con olor apestosillo como rancio, papas cambray muy grasosas con aderezo de mayonesa estilo chimichurri, un cuenco con chorizo con mal sabor y bastante seco, me imagino por múltiples recalentadas, como todo esta grasoso te da una sensación de saciedad no se si hecho por descuido o a favor del beneficio del restaurante, 3r tiempo llevaron 2 medallones de res, muy suaves pero con término visual de bien cocidos, lo que me hizo pensar en que también están recalentados, no se estaban regulares, acompañados con más aderezo de mayonesa chimichurri y cebollas asadas con la cáscara exrerior atch, frías por dentro tal vez por que eran de un día antes, después arrachera excelente término exterior e interior perfectos pero muy saladas, y con más cebollas del día anterior era muy buena cantidad, lastima del sabor, las sirven y hacen una faramalla de flamearlas, la cual me hubiera caído en gracia sin la molestia del aguacate pasado y la clamacheve terrible, no quisimos probar el 4° tiempo de postres y café, el staff bien obvio preocupado por su propina, había un cantante que me dio tristeza no por su desempeño si no por una cajita con la leyenda de que la propina es su sueldo, espero que no sea cierto, en general muy mal, no vuelvo, los baños limpios, mesas sin pena ni gloria, y todo es cuestión de opinión personal y perspectiva, había unos tipos frente a nuestra mesa que acabaron con todo y repitieron de arrachera, te dan una hoja de sugerencias la cual llene con lo anterior de forma resumida y que leyó la dueña, la cual por medio del staff me pidió retroalimentacion, lo cual creo innecesario, mejor hay que cuidar los detalles y probar antes de servir, el precio con la propina ya incluida en la cuenta hecha a mano imagino por la dueña, (lo cual considero pésimo, solo la di por que los meseros caen bien) fue de 695, la promoción era 1 buffet por 250 60 pesos de propina sugerida incluida en el total ,el cual debido a mi percepción y experiencia considero una estafa, claro si todo hubiera estado rico pues super bien, no vuelvo gracias, si quieren arrachera, les sugiero el restaurante del independencia a un lado del pollo, la diferencia de precio no la creo tan abismal, y todo se compra por separado pero es mejor opción, repito en base a mi punto de vista
#1 on the menu are not the drinks and there is no drinks menu, so you don't know the cost of them unless you are asking and asking the waiters, we ordered Jamaican water, in a small glass full of ice which the It becomes very expensive since if I brought 200 ml of liquid, less than a toy for children, a beer (hot) and a clamato prepared in a terrible way since it was very spicy, I did not consume it, they take the food to you in 4 times, having the right to repeat any, I did not repeat any because I did not like any to repeat, the first time we ordered charro beans (quite watery) and Aztec soup without pain or glory, 2nd time guacamole with a taste of the past, the color is nice but not the taste, melted cheese with a stinky smell like rancid, very greasy cambray potatoes with chimichurri-style mayonnaise dressing, a bowl of chorizo ​​with a bad taste and quite dry, I imagine from multiple reheats, since everything is greasy it gives you a feeling of satiety not s and if done by carelessness or for the benefit of the restaurant, 3rd time they brought 2 medallions of beef, very soft but with a visual term of well cooked, which made me think that they are also reheated, they were not regular, accompanied with more dressing of chimichurri mayonnaise and grilled onions with the outer shell atch, cold inside maybe because they were from the day before, then flank steak excellent finish outside and inside perfect but very salty, and with more onions from the day before it was a good amount, too bad of the flavor, they serve them and make a fuss of flambéing them, which I would have liked without the hassle of the past avocado and the terrible clamacheve, we did not want to try the 4th course of desserts and coffee, the staff obviously worried about their tip , there was a singer who made me sad not because of his performance but because of a little box with the legend that the tip is his salary, I hope it's not true, in general very bad, I will not return, the bathrooms are free clean, tables without pain or glory, and everything is a matter of personal opinion and perspective, there were some guys in front of our table who finished everything and repeated the arrachera, they give you a suggestion sheet which you fill out with the above in a summarized way and that the owner read, which through the staff asked me for feedback, which I think is unnecessary, it is better to take care of the details and try before serving, the price with the tip already included in the handmade bill I imagine by the owner, (which I consider terrible, I only gave it because the waiters like them) It was 695, the promotion was 1 buffet for 250 60 pesos of suggested tip included in the total, which due to my perception and experience I consider a scam, of course If everything would have been delicious, then super good, I won't be back, thanks, if you want flank steak, I suggest the restaurant at Independencia next to the chicken, I don't think the difference in price is that abysmal, and everything is bought separately but it's a better option, I repeated based on my point of view
Luis Alejandro Gomez on Google

Es el lugar en donde la arrachera está más suave bien sazonada y jugosa. Agradable ambiente. Recomendado las micheladas. De precio muy accesible. 300 pesos buffets de 3 tiempos con toda la área her que quieras comer. Y lo más valioso y único que he visto fue la honestidad y servicio del mesero. Ya que terminamos con muy pocos sentidos y nos hizo la cuenta correcta.
It is the place where the flank steak is softer, well seasoned and juicy. Nice atmosphere. Recommended the micheladas. Very accessible price. 300 pesos 3-course buffets with all the area you want to eat. And the most valuable and unique thing I have seen was the honesty and service of the waiter. Since we ended up with very few senses and we made the correct account.
Vidrio Castle on Google

Muy mala experiencia, los manteles sucios, el cantante muy invasivo,los platos viejos y nisiquiera iguales como si solo fueran comprando platos para reponerlo, el mesero no se si era nuevo pero eramos 8 personas y dio 3 vueltas trayendo cosas como si fuéramos 7, tuvimos que decirle que eramos 8 para que trajera la cantidad correcta de vasos y platos ,mi esposo fue a reclamar que no le estaban llevando vasos ni cubiertos y uno de los meseseros se le puso al tu por tu y a amenazarlo con agarrarse a golpes, después uno de los encsrgados fue a disculparse y solo asi el servicio mejoró un poco nos dieron tequila de cortesia pero al servir tequila le mancho el pantalón a mi esposo, no nos ofrecieron carta y solo nos dijeron que lo único disponible era el buffet. Muy mala experiencia no volvería a ir.
Very bad experience, the dirty tablecloths, the very invasive singer, the old plates and not even the same as if they were only buying plates to replace it, the waiter I don't know if he was new but we were 8 people and he went around 3 times bringing things as if we were 7, we had to tell him that there were 8 of us so that he could bring the correct number of glasses and plates, my husband went to claim that they were not bringing him glasses or cutlery and one of the waiters put you on yours and threatened to beat him up, then one of the managers went to apologize and only then did the service improve a little they gave us courtesy tequila but when they served tequila it stained my husband's pants, they did not offer us a menu and they only told us that the only thing available was the buffet. Very bad experience would not go again.
jose esteban cervantes on Google

Good place
Amaury Jamir Meza Pérez on Google

Berenice Flores on Google

Juan Gustavo Leon on Google

Tasty. Good prices
chiquia romo on Google

Service took long, meat not cooked well

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