La Cienega de González , Nuevo León - La Ciénega de González

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Cienega de González , Nuevo León

Address :

La Ciénega de González, N.L., Mexico

Categories :
City : N.L.

La Ciénega de González, N.L., Mexico
Karina Ramos on Google

Paisaje, naturaleza y vistas muy agradables. Si te gusta respirar aire menos contaminado, este es el lugar!!!
Landscape, nature and very nice views. If you like to breathe less polluted air, this is the place!!!
Roberto Reyes Morales on Google

Hermoso lugar con cerros y montañas, riachuelos y riscos con hermosas cabañas de madera a buenos precios, hay muchas veredas para recorrerlas en cuatrimotos y razers. Venta de antojitos, productos a base de elote y licores de frutas de la región, altamente recomiendo este lugar para pasar agradables momentos con amigos o la familia.
Beautiful place with hills and mountains, streams and cliffs with beautiful wooden cabins at good prices, there are many paths to travel in ATVs and razers. Sale of snacks, corn-based products and fruit liqueurs from the region, I highly recommend this place to spend pleasant moments with friends or family.
Fabian Casal on Google

Hermoso lugar para un fin de semana desconectado de todo.
Beautiful place for a weekend disconnected from everything.
JL MED on Google

Excelente lugar para estar en contacto con la naturaleza, no hay señal de móvil. Buena opción para aislarte un rato del mundo urbano. Muchos lugares naturales y vistas hermosas de la montaña.
Excellent place to be in contact with nature, there is no mobile signal. Good option to isolate yourself from the urban world for a while. Many natural places and beautiful mountain views.
Juan Salinas on Google

Muy bonito lugar y la gente es muy amable
Very nice place and people are very friendly
juan gonzalez on Google

Tiffany Hensley on Google

Rock climbers: Stay at the RockCamp camping and pizzeria near the crag, walk to the walls, and find untapped potential. Now has easier climbing near La Boca and an overhung cave right on the road past the main area, even three trad routes (one a .13 on the famous cascade you rappel). Best climbing on limestone. Get the bare-bone local guidebook on Rakkup for $7, grab a local hand-drawn topo to donate to the local community, or wait for the printed version from Urs and Alma. Running trail past Boca Canyon goes to a view of Santiago.
Yolanda McGee on Google

I just don't get tired of visiting this place!!! I have been coming for the last 35 years...

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