Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Galerías Metepec - 52154 Metepec

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Laboratorio Medico del Chopo -

Laboratorio Medico del Chopo

About Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Galerías Metepec

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Contact Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Galerías Metepec

Address :

C. Leona Vicario 703, Centro, 52154 Metepec, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +87
Website :
Categories :
City : Méx.

C. Leona Vicario 703, Centro, 52154 Metepec, Méx., Mexico
guzelmi on Google

La atencion en recepcion es deficiente: solicite laboratorio (especifique tipo de examenes) y la empleada me dijo solo tienen paquetes por diabetes, hipertension, hipo o hipertiroidismo, ginecologico, etc... Al desglosar en que consiste el paquete que le solicite, me repitio lo que le pedi, es decir, se distrajo cuando hable con ella (estaba platicando con una de sus compañeras)... La encargada de tomar ECG tardo 45 min en aparecer, argumentando que nadie le aviso que habia personas esperando. Tampoco estuvo atenta para ver si habia mas gente en sala de espera. El encargado de Rayos X cuestiona a los usuarios sobre el motivo por el cual les piden tal o cual placa, sin conocer el historial medico de las personas. La atencion en Optica es excelente en tiempo y forma, al igual que el servicio del personal de limpieza.
Attention at the reception is deficient: request a laboratory (specify type of exams) and the employee told me they only have packages for diabetes, hypertension, hypo or hyperthyroidism, gynecological, etc ... She repeated what I asked, that is, she was distracted when I spoke to her (she was talking with one of her classmates) ... The person in charge of taking ECG took 45 minutes to appear, arguing that no one told her that there were people waiting. Nor was she attentive to see if there were more people in the waiting room. The X-ray manager questions users about the reason why they ask for this or that plate, without knowing the medical history of the people. The attention at Optica is excellent in a timely manner, as is the service of the cleaning staff.
José de Jesús Ortiz on Google

Parece que viven en la prehistoria! Su logística y todo es en base a papelitos. Deberían crean sistemas de gestión de información y personal más óptimos. Cómo en salud digna. El personal de toma de muestra de laboratorio es muy lento. En laboratorio de sangre había 8 personas esperando y las 4 personas que toman nuestra, platicando y riendo. Pésimo
They seem to live in prehistory! Its logistics and everything is based on papers. They should create more optimal personnel and information management systems. How in dignified health. The laboratory sample collection staff is very slow. In the blood laboratory there were 8 people waiting and the 4 people taking ours, talking and laughing. Appalling
abacuc 2002 on Google

Servicio lento y por lo regular muy saturado por lo mismo se aprecia falta de higiene y limpieza en las instalaciones.
Slow service and usually very saturated for the same reason there is a lack of hygiene and cleanliness in the facilities.
Melissa Ferreira on Google

Pésimo servicio, nos tuvieron esperando mas 1 hora para una radiografía y al preguntar nos dijeron que si nos iban a pasar al preguntar más tarde resulta que nisiquiera habían tomado el papel para ordenar el pase. Lo dejaron en la recepción y nadie se fijo, lo buscaron y ya enseguida nos llamaron. Mal control de sus formatos para pasar a los clientes a estudios.
Terrible service, they kept us waiting another 1 hour for an X-ray and when we asked they told us that if they were going to pass us when we asked later it turned out that they had not even taken the paper to order the pass. They left it at the reception and nobody noticed, they looked for it and they called us right away. Bad control of their formats to pass clients to studies.
Luis V on Google

NO entiendo como es que hay tanta gente aquí. El servicio es pésimo. 45 min para me atendieran y solo había 5 turnos delante de mi. Las cajeras platicando incluso con su jefe. TODOS jetones desde las cajeras hasta la que me tomó la muestra de sangre. Definitivamente para la próxima vez que requiera estudios clínicos acudiré a otras opciones. Como se muestra en la foto solo una cajera atendiendo.
I do not understand how there are so many people here. The service is terrible. 45 min to attend to me and there were only 5 shifts in front of me. The cashiers talking even with their boss. ALL jetones from the cashiers to which I took the blood sample. Definitely for the next time I need clinical studies I will go to other options. As shown in the photo only one cashier attending.
Marilu Gonzalez on Google

Es demasiado tardado el servicio, las personas de recepción dejar se atender por estar platicando y saliendo a comprar cosas.. es la primera vez que vengo a este laboratorio llevo 50 min esperando que me atiendan y se tardan mucho
The service is too long, the people at the reception stop being attended to because they are talking and going out to buy things... it is the first time that I come to this laboratory I have been waiting for 50 minutes to be attended to and they take a long time

Es una garantía de un buen laboratorio dónde tienen buen control sanitario, organizados y personal experimentado, sería importante que a primera hora dejen estacionar autos en sus espacios a primera hora y tengan un procedimiento para hacer filas respetando la distancia entre personas
It is a guarantee of a good laboratory where they have good sanitary control, organized and experienced personnel, it would be important that they allow cars to park in their spaces first thing in the morning and have a procedure to make lines respecting the distance between people
Mara Miranda on Google

Fui a hacerme un ultrasonido mamario, una semana antes hice la mastografia en laboratorio médico polanco ( lugar que me gustó aunque es algo más costoso que el chopo) al chopo no quería ir porque vi comentarios negativos; sin embargo, fui porque este estudio era mucho más caro en laboratorio médico polanco, así que decidí ir al chopo y probar. Mi experiencia fue muy buena, la sra. De la entrada es muy amable y respetuosa, yo había sacado cita previa y pagado el estudio porque así me respetaban un precio más accesible. Me pidieron llegar 30 min antes, yo llegué 20 min antes, confirmaron mi cita, pago y me dijeron que en la sala esperara a que el dr. me llamara. Esperé menos de 10 min. Al inicio no me encantó que fuera hombre el que hiciera el ultrasonido, pero mis respetos para este doctor, sumamente profesional y no me hizo sentir incomoda aunque al principio, como ya lo dije, si pensé que no me parecía que fuera hombre, pero su trato me parece correcto y me fui satisfecha del estudio. El resultado me llegó una hora después a mi email. Entonces, puedo decir que me gustó mucho la atención, el trato y la eficiencia de los laboratorios del chopo. No sabía que había estacionamiento y fui a sams, pero si hay estacionamiento con valet parking, el costo es el que tú consideres, no hay tarifa.
I went to have a breast ultrasound, a week before I did the mammography at the Polanco medical laboratory (a place I liked although it is somewhat more expensive than the poplar) I did not want to go to the poplar because I saw negative comments; However, I went because this study was much more expensive in the Polanco medical laboratory, so I decided to go to the poplar tree and try it. My experience was very good, Mrs. From the entrance she is very kind and respectful, I had made an appointment and paid for the study because that way they respected a more affordable price. They asked me to arrive 30 minutes before, I arrived 20 minutes before, they confirmed my appointment, I paid and they told me to wait in the room for Dr. she'll call. I waited less than 10 min. At first I was not delighted that it was a man who did the ultrasound, but my respects to this doctor, extremely professional and he did not make me feel uncomfortable, although at first, as I already said, I did think that he did not seem to me to be a man, but his treatment seems correct to me and I left the study satisfied. The result arrived an hour later to my email. So, I can say that I really liked the attention, the treatment and the efficiency of the poplar laboratories. I didn't know there was parking and I went to sams, but if there is valet parking, the cost is what you consider, there is no fee.

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