Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Patria - 45110 Zapopan

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Laboratorio Medico del Chopo | Análisis Clínicos -

Si busca análisis clínicos o estudios de gabinete, laboratorio médico del Chopo es el lugar indicado. Contacte a su sucursal más cercana para realizar su cita.

About Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Patria

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Contact Laboratorio Médico del Chopo Patria

Address :

Av. Patria 1744, Santa Isabel, 45110 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +7777
Website :
Categories :
City : Jal.

Av. Patria 1744, Santa Isabel, 45110 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
jfvrdesign on Google

Tuve una cita en enero del 2021, por motivos de privacidad solo dire que fue para extraccion de sangre. En base a eso me gustaria señalar los puntos a favor y en contra: A FAVOR: -El lugar esta muy limpio y cumplen con el protocolo de sana distancia en la sala de espera, hay tapete sanitizador y gel antibacterial. -La sala de espera es comoda, yo la use literal por menos de cinco minutos que fue mi tiempo de espera. -El personal es amable y denota profesionalismo. -Me gusto el cuidado con el que realizaron su trabajo, transmiten confianza. EN CONTRA: -Tienen un estacionamiento pero es muy pequeño. En conclusion, no se porque tiene tan mala calificacion sinceramente, es decir, si esperas un laboratorio con baños de oro y que un especialista en oncologia te extraiga sangre pues es evidente que no cumple. Pero si consideramos 5 estrelas como un lugar que esta limpio, agradable y que resuelve tus necesidades, entonces si lo recomiendo.Es importante mencionar que no se si para los estudios mas delicados sea la mejor opcion. Nota: Mi cita la hice por internet y tuve la opcion de pagar con tarjeta en linea o pagar en mostrador cuando estuviera en el laboratorio.
I had an appointment in January 2021, for privacy reasons I will only say that it was for a blood draw. Based on that, I would like to point out the points for and against: IN FAVOR: -The place is very clean and they comply with the protocol of healthy distance in the waiting room, there is a sanitizing mat and antibacterial gel. -The waiting room is comfortable, I used it literally for less than five minutes, which was my waiting time. -The staff is friendly and shows professionalism. -I liked the care with which they carried out their work, they convey confidence. AGAINST: -They have a parking lot but it is very small. In conclusion, I do not know why it has such a bad rating sincerely, that is, if you wait for a laboratory with gold baths and that an oncology specialist draws your blood, it is evident that it does not comply. But if we consider 5 Stars as a place that is clean, pleasant and meets your needs, then I do recommend it. It is important to mention that I do not know if it is the best option for the most delicate studies. Note: I made my appointment online and I had the option of paying by card online or paying at the counter when I was in the laboratory.
Kari D. on Google

El personal es amable, los estudios de imagen también son muy buenos, pero por favor, más personal, que nos tardan lo suficiente para perder un día de trabajo por un ultrasonido y una placa (esperé tres horas y otro estudio mejor lo dejé pendiente) pero había sólo una chica en recepción...
The staff is friendly, the imaging studies are also very good, but please, more personal, they take us long enough to miss a day of work for an ultrasound and a plate (I waited three hours and another better study I left pending) but there was only one girl at the reception ...
Juan De La Mora on Google

Yo llegué antes de las 9 y solo me tardaron en el personal de mostrador, faltan personas ahí aún cuando has hecho cita. El personal que realiza los estudios es muy amable y profesional, ellos quitan el mal sentimiento que te dejan los que te hacen esperar para hacer la orden de tus estudios.
I arrived before 9 o'clock and they only took me at the counter staff, there are still people missing even when you've made an appointment. The staff who carry out the studies is very friendly and professional, they remove the bad feeling that those who make you wait to do the order of your studies leave you.
Maribel Armenta Rosas on Google

Para Prueba de Antígenos de COVID necesitas hacer cita, pero si no la haces y lo requieres por viaje hay que presentar documentos de vuelo y pasaporte, ya que lo pide el “sistema”! Ósea si haces Cita en línea y pagas por adelantado no necesitas nada adicional ??? Y las pruebas de COVID son a partir de las 12pm porque a esa hora les llegan, eso no lo indican en su página.
For COVID Antigen Test you need to make an appointment, but if you don't and you require it for travel, you must present flight documents and passport, since the "system" asks for it! I mean, if you make an appointment online and pay in advance, you don't need anything additional??? And the COVID tests start at 12pm because they arrive at that time, they don't indicate that on their page.
Zero on Google

Fui a realizarme un electrocardiograma puesto que en la sucursal que me queda mas cerca no tienen el equipo para realizarla. La atencion por el personal fue buena y profesional y al terminar de realizar el estudio se me dijo que los resultados (Asi como con otros estudios que me realice) serian enviados a mi correo electronico en un plazo de 1-2 dias maximo. Ya han pasado 3 dias y no se me envio el correo electronico. Al llamar al numero telefonico que te proporcionan absolutamente NADIE contesta, esto sin importar la hora a la que se haga la marcacion y en el servicio al cliente que manejan a traves de WhatsApp me dicen que no se me va a enviar correo electronico alguno y que vaya yo a recogerlos en fisico. Es realmente indignante que un estudio que es tan sensible y determinante en la salud de una persona se vea retrasado por la incompetencia del personal de la clinica y de la pesima atencion al cliente que manejan los becarios que trabajan a traves del chat de WhatsApp. Si vas a realizarte un estudio asi y estas en mi misma situacion, recomiendo ampliamente que pidas que te manden los resultados a tu sucursal mas cercana (Por que si, son tan incompetentes que ellos no te van a decir que tienes esa opcion si quiera)
I went to have an electrocardiogram since the closest branch does not have the equipment to perform it. The attention by the staff was good and professional and at the end of the study I was told that the results (as well as with other studies that I carried out) would be sent to my email within a maximum period of 1-2 days. It's been 3 days and my email hasn't been sent. When calling the phone number that they give you, absolutely NOBODY answers, this regardless of the time the dialing is made and in the customer service that they manage through WhatsApp they tell me that no email is going to be sent to me and that I'm going to pick them up physically. It is really outrageous that a study that is so sensitive and decisive in a person's health is delayed by the incompetence of the clinic staff and the terrible customer service provided by the interns who work through WhatsApp chat. If you are going to carry out a study like this and you are in the same situation as me, I highly recommend that you ask them to send you the results to your nearest branch (because yes, they are so incompetent that they are not going to tell you that you even have that option)
Jordi Vargas Garibay Lopez on Google

Una sola persona en recepción para atender a mas de 30 personas. Entre cada turno son 15 p 20 minutos de espera. La atención sera buena. Pero el tiempo de espera es ridículo. Sus protocolos covid de no tener gente en caja atendiendo se ven obsoletos ante todo la gente esperando
A single person at reception to serve more than 30 people. Between each turn there are 15 p 20 minutes of waiting. The care will be good. But the waiting time is ridiculous. Its covid protocols of not having people in the box attending look obsolete above all the people waiting
Stephanie Celaya on Google

TERRIBLE COMPANY! I made an appointment three days in advanced with the call center and they sent me to a location that couldn't perform the test I needed. This location reschedule my test. I asked him for a confirmation and he couldn't give it to me then they rescheduled it a second time. Only to find out that the appointment wasn't true either. I'm using a different laboratory.
Salmon Ella on Google

I don’t know why they’re getting so much hate on reviews. We had an excellent experience. Was referred on a Sunday from a downtown Chopo lab that couldn’t complete our pre-flight Covid tests in that time frame. We jumped on a local bus & arrived before deadline. Facility is located on bus route within a few meters of the bus stop. Building is very clean, comfortable and staff was helpful. Swabbing experience was professional. Covid antigen test was $MX 598 and we had results via email within 1.5 hrs

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