Laboratorio San Angel - 76116 Santiago de Querétaro

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Laboratorio San Angel

Address :

Av de las Fuentes 1511, Satélite, 76116 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Qro.

Av de las Fuentes 1511, Satélite, 76116 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., Mexico
Felipe Montoya on Google

Pésimo servicio, lugar, entregas, etc. Pedí un estudio, lo cobraron y el resultado ni siquiera venía completo... tampoco en ningún momento se comprometieron a corregirlo. Debí haber sabido que es pésimo lugar ya que no tienen clientes, el lugar está desierto.
Terrible service, location, deliveries, etc. I asked for a study, they charged for it and the result was not even complete ... nor at any time did they promise to correct it. I should have known that it is a lousy place since they have no customers, the place is deserted.
Ceci Woo on Google

Llamé para cotizar unos estudios de laboratorio y radiología, pero me dijeron regresar la llamada y hasta que yo llamé el siguiente día, les llamo para preguntar qué horarios y solo hacen como que no escucha mi voz y cuelgan. Se supone que estás pagando, cómo para que se pongan especiales.
I called to quote some laboratory and radiology studies, but they told me to return the call and until I called the next day, I call them to ask what hours and they just pretend they don't hear my voice and hang up. You're supposed to be paying, how to make them special.
antonio lopez on Google

Servicio de laboratorio malo. Atendían antes a personas que iban ha hacerse otros análisis por que ellos si eran clientes y yo no. Yo iba de parte de una empresa.
Poor lab service. Before, they treated people who went to have other tests done because they were clients and I was not. I was part of a company.

Fui por una urgencia menor y me atendieron rápido, respindieron mis dudas. Me gustó la atención de la doctora en turno y de la. Asistente médica
I went for a minor emergency and they attended to me quickly, they answered my doubts. I liked the attention of the doctor on duty and of the. Medical assistant
Cristian Butanda on Google

Me dijeron que me entregarían mi resultado a las 7pm ,ya son las 10 pm y sigo esperando para mandarlo a la universidad,pésimo servicio
They told me they would give me my result at 7 pm, it's already 10 pm and I'm still waiting to send it to the university, lousy service
Alberto Morales on Google

Ya tengo 4 días y no me han podido enviar mi factura, me urge, por qué me la está pidiendo la empresa para la que laboro, todo muy bien pero pésimo, me dijeron que ya me la enviaban y no me ha llegado nada a mi correo .
I already have 4 days and they have not been able to send me my invoice, I am urgent, why is the company I work for asking me for it, all very well but terrible, they told me that they already sent it to me and nothing has arrived to me mail .
Manuel Trejo on Google

pesimo servicio no supieron explicar los costos de lo que se estaba cobrando y para ser recepcionista deberia de tener toda esa informacion o si no tener los costos a la vista
Terrible service they did not know how to explain the costs of what was being charged and to be a receptionist you should have all that information or else have the costs in sight
Elizabeth Macias on Google

Pésimo servicio, supuestamente abren a las siete ,yo llego a consulta a las 8:40 y me dicen que el médico entra hasta las nueve!!! Regreso a las 1 de la tarde y me dan una y mil excusas porque no tienen médico, porque desde en la mañana no me lo dicen??? Ya ni médico tienen en esa decadente clínica.
Terrible service, supposedly they open at seven, I arrive at the consultation at 8:40 and they tell me that the doctor does not come until nine! I return at 1 in the afternoon and they give me a thousand excuses because they don't have a doctor, because they haven't told me since the morning??? They don't even have a doctor in that decadent clinic.

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