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C. Padre Mier 1380-pte, Maria Luisa, Centro, 64040 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

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City : N.L.

C. Padre Mier 1380-pte, Maria Luisa, Centro, 64040 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Alma Garcia on Google

El día de hoy fui a realizarme prueba de antigenos y la persona de recepción me atendió con mal carácter no utilizo malas palabras pero me dijo hablaba en mal tono al igual que la persona que me.realizo.el.examen supongo que ya era su hra de salida pero no estuvo agradable mi experiencia
Today I went to take an antigen test and the person at the reception attended me with a bad character, I did not use bad words, but he told me he spoke in a bad tone, just like the person who.performed.the.exam, I suppose it was already his hra out but my experience was not pleasant
Ricardo A. on Google

Cuando solicitas un estudio de Orina y pasas al baño ha resultado un par de veces que No tienen Jabón para Lavarte las manos. Eso me ha dejado Mucho que desear en el Servicio al Cliente.
When you request a urine study and go to the bathroom, it has turned out a couple of times that they do not have soap to wash your hands. That has left me a lot to be desired in customer service.
Liz Jaramillo on Google

El peor lugar para asistir por laboratorios, las señoritas con la peor actitud y lentitud. Tardaron 1 hora en atenderme (había 2 personas adelante de mi) No sirve de nada que sea 24 hrs. Ya parece laboratorios del IMSS. Cero recomendable. Mejor buscar otro lugar
The worst place to attend for laboratories, the ladies with the worst attitude and slowness. It took 1 hour to attend to me (there were 2 people in front of me) It is useless that it is 24 hours. It already looks like IMSS laboratories. Zero recommended. better find another place
Adriana Wong Redondo on Google

Fui a hacerme una prueba de sangre normal con 6 meses de embarazo y fue la peor experiencia. 1. Me mandaron a la fila de prueba COVID porque no había personas para que fuera más rápido (acto seguido atrás de mi llegan 2 pacientes para prueba COVID con todos los síntomas) 2. Mi papel para sacar sangre nunca lo mandan a las pruebas NO COVID por lo cual me brincan 6 personas que estaban después que yo y por más que les explicaba NO entendían. Pésimo servicio a parte de exponerme a contagiarme de COVID tuve que invertir más de 40 minutos cuando el resto de los pacientes que llegaron después que yo en 10 minutos estuvieron afuera.
I went for a normal blood test 6 months pregnant and it was the worst experience. 1. They sent me to the COVID test queue because there were no people to make it go faster (immediately after me, 2 patients arrive for COVID testing with all the symptoms) 2. My paper to draw blood is never sent to the NO COVID tests, which is why 6 people jumped me who were after me and no matter how much I explained to them, they did NOT understand. Terrible service, apart from exposing myself to catching COVID, I had to spend more than 40 minutes when the rest of the patients who arrived after me were outside in 10 minutes.
Antonio Silva on Google

Cuál es la razón para que las personas que vienen a realizar pruebas Covid no puedan avanzar con el llenado de formatos en lo que son llamados a tomar la muestra?, generan aglomeraciones que no son recomendadas para efecto de evitar contagios y tampoco son gratas para sus clientes. Optimizar el tiempo de sus clientes se agradecería mucho, el caso que comparto es de la sucursal matriz en Padre Mier.
What is the reason why people who come to perform Covid tests cannot advance with the filling of forms in which they are called to take the sample? They generate agglomerations that are not recommended for the purpose of avoiding contagions and are not pleasant for their customers. Optimizing the time of your clients would be greatly appreciated, the case I share is from the parent branch in Padre Mier.
MD Carlos JIménez on Google

***PESIMO SERVICIO*** 1.—— $600 que se pago por una Curva de tolerancia a la glucosa de 3 hrs, no alcanzo para que pudieran ponerle a la paciente un cateter intravenoso (Yelco) y estar tomando muestras de ahi a la hora, a las 2 hrs y a las 3 hrs, post carga de glucosa, en su lugar dejaron una Aguja rigida con una jeringa por 3 hrs, con la indicacion de no mover para nada el brazo, sino la aguja podria perforar la vena, ya se imaginaran como termino la paciente con el brazo despues de estar 3 hrs sin poder moverlo. 2.——Posterior a realizar el pago del estudio en la caja, se tardaron mas de 45 mins en pasar la paciente a tomarle la muestra, recordando el ayuno prolongado que esta prueba implica, el cual se prolonga con el tiempo excesivo de espera, para cobrar hay personal de sobra, pero para tomarte la muestra ahi te dejan olvidado. 3.——Mezclan los pacientes sanos, con los pacientes con Covid, en el area de cajas y fila de espera, hay que recordar que es de suma importancia que los pacientes con factores de riesgo como (adultos mayores, embarazadas y con enfermedades crónico degenerativas), no sean expuestos a los pacientes con Covid, protocolo el cual no se cumple aqui.
***TERRIBLE SERVICE*** 1.—— $600 that was paid for a glucose tolerance curve of 3 hours, it was not enough so that they could put the patient an intravenous catheter (Yelco) and be taking samples from there at the hour, at 2 hours already 3 hours, post glucose load, in its place they left a rigid needle with a syringe for 3 hours, with the indication not to move the arm at all, otherwise the needle could perforate the vein, you can imagine how the patient ended up with the arm after being 3 hours without being able to move it. 2.——After paying for the study at the register, it took more than 45 minutes for the patient to go to take the sample, remembering the prolonged fasting that this test implies, which is prolonged by the excessive waiting time, There are plenty of staff to charge, but to take the sample there they leave you forgotten. 3.——They mix healthy patients with patients with Covid, in the checkout area and waiting line, it must be remembered that it is of the utmost importance that patients with risk factors such as (older adults, pregnant women and those with chronic diseases degenerative), are not exposed to patients with Covid, a protocol which is not followed here.

CARLEX666 on Google


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