Large Millimeter Telescope

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The Large Millimeter Telescope (or Gran Telescopio Milimétrico Alfonso Serrano) is the world´s largest single-dish steerable millimetre-wavelength telescope designed specifically for astronomical observations in the wavelength range of 0.85 – 4mm. This binational project between México and the United States of America represents the largest and most complex scientific instrument constructed in México. Situated on the summit of Volcán Sierra Negra at an altitude of 4600 meters, the LMT has begun its exploration of the physical processes that lead to the formation and evolution of planetary systems, stars, black-holes and galaxies thoughout the 13.7 billion year history of the Universe.

Contact Large Millimeter Telescope

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Parque Nacional Pico de Orizaba, Volcán Sierra Negra, Puebla, Mexico

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City : Puebla

Parque Nacional Pico de Orizaba, Volcán Sierra Negra, Puebla, Mexico
CARLOS on Google

Extraordinario, al realizar el ascensor nocturno se disfruta el amanecer con una alegría que te llena de energía
Extraordinary, when doing the night lift you can enjoy the sunrise with a joy that fills you with energy
Mel Mart on Google

El Gran Telescopio Milimétrico Alfonso Serrano es el telescopio de plato único y movible más grande del mundo, diseñado para hacer observaciones astronómicas en longitudes de onda de 0.85-4mm. Estudia emisiones de radio emitidas por antiguas galaxias, nebulosas y discos protoplanetarios. Permite estudiar la formación de las primeras estrellas que hay en el Universo, la formación de las estrellas dentro de nuestra galaxia, y por último la formación de los planetas, y la síntesis de moléculas complejas que dan a la formación de la vida. Está situado sobre la cima del volcán Tiltiktepetl mejor conocido como La Sierra Negra. Recientemente ha iniciado la exploración de la formación y evolución de sistemas planetarios, galaxias, estrellas e incluso hoyos negros. Actualmente forma parte la red de telescopios dedicados al estudio de los agujeros negros pero sobre todo, investigan los indicios de un agujero negro “supermasivo“ en el centro de la galaxia, con una masa equivalente a seis millones de veces la de nuestro Sol. Debido a la contingencia sanitaria por Covid 19, sus actividades están suspendidas, sin embargo la comunidad científica sigue trabajando de manera virtual. Si deseas subir y ver por ti mismo: “el ojo de México” puedes contactar la página en Facebook ? Tleko Turismo, agencias de excursiones 100% recomendable.
The Alfonso Serrano Large Millimeter Telescope is the world's largest movable single-dish telescope, designed to make astronomical observations at wavelengths of 0.85-4mm. It studies radio emissions emitted by ancient galaxies, nebulae, and protoplanetary disks. It allows studying the formation of the first stars in the Universe, the formation of stars within our galaxy, and finally the formation of planets, and the synthesis of complex molecules that lead to the formation of life. It is located on the top of the Tiltiktepetl volcano, better known as La Sierra Negra. It has recently begun exploring the formation and evolution of planetary systems, galaxies, stars, and even black holes. It is currently part of the network of telescopes dedicated to the study of black holes, but above all, they investigate the signs of a "supermassive" black hole in the center of the galaxy, with a mass equivalent to six million times that of our Sun. Due to the health contingency by Covid 19, its activities are suspended, however the scientific community continues to work virtually. If you want to go up and see for yourself: "the eye of Mexico" you can contact the Facebook page ? Tleko Tourism, excursion agencies 100% recommended.
Jesus Daniel Silva Gamboa on Google

oof :D

It is amazing!

H. H. on Google

Come here to look into the past
Alpinism Utilitar Bucuresti on Google

It seems that coyolatl (Sierra Negra - Mexico) Seduces, let's stay! Are we still in this amazing room with a bunch of speleothem on the ground trace of an ancient earthquake?
Wolfgang Barthel on Google

The Large Millimeter Telescope is the world's largest single-aperture telescope (diameter = 50m), observing galactical wave lengths from 0.85 to 4 mm (75-350GHz). It is located at an altitude of 4850 meters on top of the Sierra Negra, Mexico and is a binational (Mexican 80% - American 20%) joint project of the Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE) and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The mission of the LMT is: 1) pursuing pioneering research, 2) train the future generations of scientists and engineers and 3) develop new technology for the benefit of society. The LMT studies objects, which are thermally cold like cosmic microwave background, molecular clouds, protoplanetary discs, star forming regions, comets, planets,

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