Llantas y servicios Michelin - 27250 Torreón

3.4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Llantas y servicios Michelin

Address :

Calz Manuel Gómez Morin, Residencial Campestre la Rosita, 27250 Torreón, Coah., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +877
Categories :
City : Coah.

Calz Manuel Gómez Morin, Residencial Campestre la Rosita, 27250 Torreón, Coah., Mexico
Alejandro Montoya on Google

Sthefyy Ramirez on Google

Jose Tavizon on Google

Norberto Torres on Google

Buenas llantas
Good tires
Jesus Ortiz on Google

jaime carmona on Google

Buen servicio
Good service
Ana Laura Mo on Google

Fui a que me desponcharan una llanta, era la segunda vez que utilizaba este servicio aquí, por lo que sabía que aceptaban tarjeta. Cuando quería pagar, el gerente me dijo que no podía pagar con tarjeta porque la señorita que cobraba estaba en su hora de comida y el por "ética" no podía moverle a la terminal. Como no cargo efectivo le dije que entonces tenía que ir a un cajero y regresar a pagar, el gerente dijo que estaba bien pero como si la molestia de no pagar con tarjeta no fuera suficiente, el tipo sin preguntarme le pidió a uno de sus mecánicos que me acompañara como para que no me "fugara". Me hicieron subir a un hombre extraño a mi auto que fuera conmigo al cajero. Fue muy incómodo. El mecánico de camino me dijo muy apenado que le parecía pésimo el trato del gerente hacia mi, y que en realidad el no sabe usar la terminal y que por eso no me quiso cobrar con ella y que mínimo debió decirle a la señorita que si sabe que bajara a cobrarme, osea ella si estaba en las instalaciones, pero prefirieron incomodarme y tratarme como delincuente a mi que interrumpirla a ella para hacer una transacción que le tomaría 2 minutos. Me parece pésimo que a ciertas horas no acepten tarjeta porque su gerente no sabe usar una terminal. No regresaré!
I went to get a flat tire, this was my second time using this service here so I knew they accepted card. When I wanted to pay, the manager told me that I couldn't pay with a card because the lady who was collecting was at her lunch hour and because of "ethics" she couldn't move her to the terminal. Since I didn't charge cash I told him that then he had to go to an ATM and come back to pay, the manager said that was fine but as if the inconvenience of not paying with a card wasn't enough, the guy without asking me asked one of his mechanics to come with me so that I wouldn't "run away". They made me put a strange man in my car to go with me to the cashier. It was very uncomfortable. The mechanic on the way told me very sorry that he thought the manager's treatment of me was terrible, and that in reality he does not know how to use the terminal and that is why he did not want to charge me with it and that at least he should have told the lady that if he knows to come down and charge me, that is, she was on the premises, but they preferred to bother me and treat me like a criminal than to interrupt her to make a transaction that would take 2 minutes. It seems terrible to me that at certain hours they do not accept cards because their manager does not know how to use a terminal. I will not come back!

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