Lonas y Viniles Monterrey - 64000 Monterrey

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lonas y Viniles Monterrey

Address :

En el corazón de monterrey, José María Morelos 432, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Website : http://www.lonasmonterrey.com.mx/
Categories :
City : N.L.

En el corazón de monterrey, José María Morelos 432, Centro, 64000 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Excelente Servicio, Me salvaron la vida para una presentación.
Excellent service, saved my life for a presentation.
Anparo Perez on Google

Excelente trabajo
Excellent work
Ariel Villanueva on Google

En muestra empresa pusieron unos los viniles con una resolución espantosa todo píxeleado, tampoco le pusieron sellador y a los 2 días se despegaron, no cumplen en tiempo ni en forma NO COMPREN EN ESTA EMPRESA
In sample company they put some viniles with a frightful resolution all píxeleado, they did not put sealer to him and to the 2 days they took off, they do not fulfill in time nor in form DO NOT BUY IN THIS COMPANY
flor esthela mendoza cuevas on Google

No recomendable, Aun cuando realizas el pago al 100% al inicio no toman con seriedad su trabajo, y tienes que buscarlos y te dejan de responder el telefono.
Not recommendable, Even when you make the 100% payment at the beginning they do not take your work seriously, and you have to look for them and they stop answering the phone.
Jorge Arturo Gomez on Google

Tengan mucho cuidado con este señor Jose Juan Duran, muy irresponsable e incumplido, le di anticipó de mas del 50 por ciento desde finales de septiembre para la impresión y colocación de una lona con bastidor, el tiempo pactado para realizar el trabajo era de una semana y al día de hoy 19 de noviembre sigo esperándolo, lo he buscado varias veces en la dirección que tiene publicada en Peatonal Morelos 432 y ya no se encuentra ahí, ya que el mismo guardia que se encuentra en la entrada dice que tiene mucho tiempo que ya no abren, le llamo a su teléfono y le envió mensajes y ya no me contesta, le he llamado de otros teléfonos que no es el mio y si contesta pero en cuanto le reclamo me cuelga y bloquea el numero, analicen mi opinión y las demás opiniones negativas que tiene, que seriedad puede tener este negocio que sigue manteniendo una dirección falsa, evítese pasar malos momentos, no haga trato con esta persona, lo mas seguro es que va a perder su dinero.
Be very careful with this Mr. Jose Juan Duran, very irresponsible and unfulfilled, I gave him more than 50 percent from the end of September for the printing and placement of a canvas with frame, the agreed time to do the work was one week and today, November 19, I'm still waiting for him, I have searched several times at the address he has published in Pedestrian Morelos 432 and he is no longer there, since the same guard at the entrance says he has a lot of time to They no longer open, I call him on his phone and he sent messages and he no longer answers me, I have called him from other phones that is not mine and if he answers but as soon as I claim he hangs up and blocks the number, analyze my opinion and Other negative opinions you have, how serious can this business have that continues to maintain a false address, avoid having a bad time, do not deal with this person, you will most likely lose your money.
tony vrabo on Google

Pesimo servicio la verdad es que deja mucho que decear este tipo de empresa que no es nada seria ni formal y mucho menos responsable segun quedaron de pasar a colocar el logo faltante cosa que no an echo aun que se les alla comentado que era el que mas nos interesaba tener La instalacion de los viniles en los muros no esta completamente terminada les falto la aplicacion del sellador de bordes u orillas para que no se me despegaran y el unico pretexto que se le ocurre decir a el señor Jose Juan Duran es que el no hiso los muros y no los pinto y que el sellador lo tenemos que comprar y aplicar nosotros ,cosa que en ningun momento se nos hico el comentaro A todo esto sumenle que ya beniamos vatallando durante barias semanas llamando emviando whatsap para que se nos hiciera la instalacion y simplemente no contestaban la verdad me quedo con un mal pero muy mal sabor de boca por parte de esta empresa Espero que mi reseña allude a las personas a no tratar con este tipo de gente (PESIMO SERVICIO) (NADA RECOMENDABLE).
Pesimo service the truth is that it leaves much to deceive this type of company that is nothing serious or formal and much less responsible as they were to move to place the missing logo which was not even though they were commented that it was the most we were interested in having The installation of the vinyl on the walls is not completely finished, I'm missing the application of the edge sealer or edges so they do not come off and the only pretext that occurs to say to Mr. Jose Juan Duran is that he did not make the walls and I do not paint them and that the sealant we have to buy and apply ourselves, something that at no time did we mention the comment To all this sumenle that we already beniamos vatallando during barias weeks calling emulating whatsap so that the installation was done to us and simply they did not answer the truth is I'm left with a bad but very bad taste on the part of this company I hope my review alludes to people not to deal with this kind of people (TERRIBLE SERVICE) (NOTHING RECOMMENDED).
Jesus Gonzalez on Google

Pesimo servicio, en donde trabajo instalaron unos viniles los cuales se despegaron a los dos dias ya que no colocaron sellador y tampoco nos indicaron que se tenia que colocar, las imagenes se ven pixeleadas y nunca nos dijeron sobre la resolucion antes de imprimirlos, batallamos mucho para contactarlos y que realizaran el trabajo aun y cuando el pago se les dio por adelantado.
Pesimo service, where I work installed a few vinyl which took off after two days because they did not put sealant and they did not indicate that it had to be placed, the images are pixelated and they never told us about the resolution before printing them, we fought a lot to contact them and do the work even when the payment was given in advance.
Abigail Mendoza on Google

Pésimo servicio, hable ayer como a medio día para solicitar unas lonas que me urgían para el día siguiente en la mañana y me dijeron que sin problema las tendrían, estuve ese día esperando a que me enviaran el diseño para autorizarlo, de haber sabido que no tendrían el diseño como lo habían dicho, se lo hubiéramos enviado, pero como dijeron que el costo era el mismo con diseño o sin diseño le dijimos que estaba bien que lo hicieran, me hablaron que me lo enviarían en la noche para que lo autorizara pero me lo enviaron hasta el siguiente día después de las 10 y me dicen que lo tendrán hasta las 3, que si ya no me interesaba, que solo les pagara el diseño, no le respondo y después me dicen que me la pueden tener a la 1 pero que necesitan que les deposite, con que confianza uno deposita si no le han cumplido lo que han dicho un día antes, además que el día anterior había preguntado donde estaban ubicados y me dicen que en cintermex por lo que le dije que una persona iría al local a pagar la lona y esperar a que estuviera lista a la una ya que ya eran las 11, y me pregunta que a donde irán que si a Guadalupe, San Nicolás, Cintermex o Cumbres y le digo que a cintermex porque él me había dicho que estaban ubicados en cintermex y me dice que él no está ahí, le pregunto que donde se recogería la lona y me dice que en cumbres hay lugar, le pregunto la dirección y no me la quiere dar que porque no quiere que vayan a presionar a la gente, que él está en San Nicolás, que llega a las 12:30, por lo que no nos da confianza depositarle. claro cuando yo le preguntaba al inicio por cómo iba con la lona no me respondía o me decía que le tuviera paciencia y después ya que le interesaba que le depositara estaba constantemente enviando WhatsApp.
Terrible service, I spoke yesterday at noon to request some tarpaulins that urged me for the next day in the morning and they told me that they would have no problem, I was waiting that day for them to send me the design to authorize it, if I had known that they would have the design as they had said, we would have sent it to them, but since they said that the cost was the same with design or without design we told them it was good that they did, they told me that they would send it to me at night to authorize it but They sent it to me until the next day after 10 and they tell me that they will have it until 3 o'clock, that if I was not interested anymore, that I only paid for the design, I do not answer it and then they tell me that they can have it 1 but they need to deposit, with what confidence one deposits if they have not fulfilled what they have said a day before, in addition to the previous day had asked where they were located and tell me that in cintermex so I told him that a person I would go to the store to pay for the tarpaulin and wait for it to be ready at one o'clock since it was already 11 o'clock, and he asks me where I will go to Guadalupe, San Nicolás, Cintermex or Cumbres and I tell him to cintermex because he he had told me that they were located in cintermex and he tells me that he is not there, I ask him where the canvas would be picked up and he tells me that there are places in summits, I ask him the address and he does not want to give it to me because he does not want them to go to press the people, that he is in San Nicolás, which arrives at 12:30, so we are not confident to deposit him. Of course when I asked him at the beginning about how he was doing with the canvas, he would not respond or tell me to be patient and then since he was interested in depositing he was constantly sending WhatsApp.

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