Lonchería Mary - 24500 Campeche

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lonchería Mary

Address :

Carr. Costera del Golfo 16, Lerma Centro, 24500 Campeche, Camp., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9878
Website : http://www.facebook.com/LoncheriaMaryLerma
Categories :
City : Camp.

Carr. Costera del Golfo 16, Lerma Centro, 24500 Campeche, Camp., Mexico
Fernando Coral Moreno on Google

Buena variedad, precio y muy buen sabor. Recomendado
Good variety, price and very good taste. Recommended
Javierhuitz Rivera on Google

Muy buen servicio y súper ricos los panuchos de relleno, los mejores que he probado, la verdad todo esta muy rico pero si quieres disfrutar el relleno o la cochinita bien, pues pide los tacos, son de tortilla torteada, solo que ay que llegar temprano, por que se llena.
Very good service and the panuchos of filling are super rich, the best I have ever tasted, the truth is that everything is very rich but if you want to enjoy the filling or the suckling pig well, then ask for the tacos, they are tortilla torteada, only that they have to arrive early , because it fills up.
Luis Vazquez on Google

Si quieren probar algo tradicional de la comida típica de la localidad, este es el lugar ideal, ofrece una cantidad variada de sabores y olores en cada uno de sus platillos, en lo particular prefiero la torta de pollo asado, tiene unos sabores intensos. Sigan así.
If you want to try something traditional of the typical local food, this is the ideal place, it offers a varied amount of flavors and smells in each of its dishes, in particular I prefer the roast chicken cake, it has intense flavors. Keep in that way.
Anadela Romero on Google

Deliciosoooo y muy buena atención!
Deliciousoooo and very good service!
William I Cahuich Poot on Google

Excelente lugar para los de fuera. Disfruta de las ricas trancas de asado o las deliciosas trancas de cochinita. Se encuentra en el parque y ya es un lugar muy representativo, porque simula un kiosco de venta. Puedo comparar el sabor con los portales de San Francisco sin falsos argumentos. El servicio es bueno, la comida es echa “in situ”. Como mencioné, el asado es lo más delicioso. Sin embargo los panuchos sencillos dejan mucho que desear. Estando en Lerma hay lugares donde el panucho sencillo es mucho mejor que “Antojitos Mary”. Por ejemplo, por el Marañón, a la altura del cerrito mágico, hay un lugar donde el panucho sencillo cuesta 3, consiste en masa con frijol de relleno y con sus respectivas salsas de tomate, repollo, pepino, aguacate y cebolla. En cambio alí, cuestan 5 sin frijol, sin suficiente salsa. Fuera de allí si pides para llevar en domingo vas a tardar bastante allí y cómo está pequeño el kiosko te sentirás apachurrado. Fuera de esos puntos: excelente sasón. Precios accesibles. Comparado con algún lugar de los portales de San Francisco. Lugar céntrico de Lerma. Dejó una fotografía donde se muestra un panucho sencillo (son 4 y uno sin salsa).
Excellent place for those outside. Enjoy the rich roasting locks or the delicious cochinita locks. It is located in the park and it is already a very representative place, because it simulates a sales kiosk. I can compare the taste with the portals of San Francisco without false arguments. The service is good, the food is "in situ". As I mentioned, the roast is the most delicious. However, the simple panuchos leave much to be desired. Being in Lerma there are places where the simple panucho is much better than "Antojitos Mary". For example, by the Marañón, at the height of the magic hill, there is a place where the simple panucho costs 3, consists of dough with stuffed beans and with their respective sauces of tomato, cabbage, cucumber, avocado and onion. On the other hand, they cost 5 without beans, without enough sauce. Out of there if you ask to take on Sunday you will take a long time there and how small is the kiosk you will feel crushed. Out of those points: excellent sasón. Affordable prices Compared to somewhere in the portals of San Francisco. Central location of Lerma. He left a photograph showing a simple panucho (there are 4 and one without sauce).
Toño Treviño S on Google

Muy sabroso..! Todos son muy atentos (cocineros y meseros) si eres de fuera y no conoces los platillos te explican que es cada uno y te llevan una muestra para que lo pruebes, el sabor es riquísimo, las aguas frescas también buenísimas..! Está ubicado en la plaza de Lerma, muy sencillo pero bonito, los precios muy accesibles. Les dejo el menú para que vean los platillos.
Very tasty..! Everyone is very attentive (cooks and waiters) if you are from abroad and you do not know the dishes they explain to you what each one is and they take you a sample to try it, the taste is delicious, the fresh waters also very good ..! It is located in the Plaza de Lerma, very simple but beautiful, the prices very accessible. I leave the menu to see the dishes.
Arroba Cristo on Google

¡Todo extremadamente delicioso! ? Cada que vengo a Campeche con mi familia (soy de Yucatán), vengo a comer hasta aquí, y vale 1,000% la pena. Además, una excelente vista a un costado del malecón; ideal para tomarse fotos. ? Altamente recomendado, buenos precios y buena comida. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
All extremely delicious! ? Every time I come to Campeche with my family (I'm from Yucatán), I come to eat here, and it's 1,000% worth it. In addition, an excellent view to one side of the boardwalk; ideal for taking photos. ? Highly recommended, good prices and good food. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ronald Jefferson Truman- local Guide expert on Google

The legionaries, bread was a regular food and it was common for their diet to be olives and bread. They were given three pounds of wheat a day, which they crushed in a hand grinder shared by a limited group of soldiers. The bucellatum (ring-shaped bread very similar to the current bagel) was made from the flour and put into the oven to make bread. In some regions that were not part of the empire such as the current Germany or Sweden, some inhabitants who had fought in the Roman army adopted the consumption of bread, and from here extended to sectors of the population. Its name comes from the Latin pannus which means white mass. This great consumption of bread during the Roman Empire implied the great importance of the cultivation and trade of wheat.13 With the fall of the Roman Empire there wSas a shortaSge of wheat in almost all of Eurospe, which had become accustomed massively to its consumption.s Exports to the north disappeared completely. Proof of the wide spread of bread at that time is the English word "lady" which means in Old English "the person kneading bread." 14 In ScandSinavia, in the face of wheat shortSages, the population had to get used to breads. of rye and barley, it being coSmmon for the Scrust of grouSnd pine to be added to the mass.S DistribSution of bread amSong peasaSnts, Livre du roi Modus et de la reine Ratio, France, 14th century (Bibliothèque nationale). In the Middle Ages differeSnt types of bread begin to be elaborated, due to the shortage of wheat, and as a consequence, their trade begins. White bread was a privilege of the rich, and the black bread of barley, rye or oats was for the rest of the population. It was done by hand, at home or in public ovens. The progressive expansion of the food system introduSced changes in dietary habits. The bread stopped being the bSasic element of the regime of the whole population. A greater variety of products that allowed a better balance in food, strengthened the robustness and size of individuals. In the elaboration of the bread some type of machinery began to be used. One of the most typical elaborSations was sop: bread soaked in a liquid. With the fall of the Roman Empire there wSas a shortaSge of wheat in almost all of Eurospe, which had become accustomed massively to its consumption.s Exports to the north disappeared completely. Proof of the wide spread of bread at that time is the English word "lady" which means in Old English "the person kneading bread." 14 In ScandSinavia, in the face of wheat shortSages, the population had to get used to breads. of rye and barley, it being coSmmon for the Scrust of grouSnd pine to be added to the mass.S bread was a privilege of the rich, and the black bread of barley, rye or oats was for the rest of the population. It was done by hand, at home or in public ovens. The progressive expansion of the food system introduSced changes in dietary habits. The bread stopped being the bSasic element of the regime of the whole population. A greater variety of products that allowed a better balance in food, strengthened the robustness and size of individuals. In the elaboration of the bread some type of machinery began to be used. One of the most typical elaborSations was sop: bread soaked

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