Lucrezia Couture - 44100 Guadalajara

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Contact Lucrezia Couture

Address :

C. Pedro Moreno 229, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Pedro Moreno 229, Zona Centro, 44100 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
stephany ocampo on Google

nada recomendado la vdd.... te atienden muy mal....yo mande hacer mi vestido desde septiembre dimos anticipo y cuando era la fewcha de entrega me dijeron que no estaba agendada y no tenian mi vestido, y lo qe hisieron fue darme el vestido que yo escogi del aparador pinche vestido feo todo mal cosido y pegado con silicon y todo sucio .... es todo un estres comprar ahi la vdd no se los recomiendo no cumplen.... deben de cerrar ese lugar la vdd
Nothing recommended the vdd .... they serve you very badly .... I had my dress made since September we gave an advance and when it was the fewcha of delivery they told me that it was not scheduled and they did not have my dress, and what they did was give me the dress that I chose from the dresser fucking ugly dress all badly sewn and glued with silicone and all dirty .... it is all a stress buy the vdd there I do not recommend it they do not comply .... they must close that place the vdd
Ana Morales on Google

Definitiva mente un error me arrepiento de acer comprado mi vestido de novia me exigieron pago y en la hora de la entrega te tardan y pierden tu tiempo muy mala opción de compra
Definitely a mistake, I regret that I bought my wedding dress, they demanded payment and at the time of delivery they take you long and waste your time, very bad purchase option
art xprecion on Google

pesimooooo comprar aqui, nunca te dicen donde son las medidas, no es donde apartaste el vestido, te llevan a un edificio feo, solo y abandonado, el dia de la supuesta entrega no tienen listo el vestido te dan dar muchas vueltas, vestido mal hecho, un verdadero dolor de cabeza
pesimooooo buy here, they never tell you where the measurements are, it is not where you put the dress aside, they take you to an ugly building, alone and abandoned, the day of the supposed delivery they do not have the dress ready, they give you a lot of laps, poorly made dress , a real headache
Diana Mendoza on Google

Mande a hacer un vestido, el dia que fui a recogerlo no tenian la faldilla disponible por lo que tuve que dar 2 vueltas. El vestido mal hecho, le faltaban botones, broches y estaba descosido de un costado y segun ellos ya estaba listo. Pésimo lugar!
I had a dress made, the day I went to pick it up they didn't have the skirt available so I had to go around 2 times. The dress was badly made, it was missing buttons, snaps and it was unstitched on one side and according to them it was ready. Terrible place!
Miriam Beltran on Google

ERROR IR AQUI: les cuento mi caso, mandé a hacer un vestido para mi boda, di un anticipo de 5000 tengo el recibo la nota y todo. El día de la prueba y la entrega era el 3 de marzo, voy y no me dan respuesta y no puedo denunciar porque la nota no tiene ningún dato fiscal ni los datos del dueño y con eso la Profeco no me puede ayudar....así que CUIDADO!!! YO YA PERDI EL DINERO Y MIS PLANES SE ARRUINARON.... YO YA NO PUEDO RECUPERAR MI DINERO PERO USTEDES PUEDEN EVITARSE EL MAL RATO. Les comparto las fotos u.u
ERROR GO HERE: I tell you my case, I sent to make a dress for my wedding, I gave a deposit of 5000, I have the receipt, the note and everything. The day of the test and the delivery was March 3, I go and they do not give me an answer and I cannot report because the note does not have any fiscal data or the owner's information and with that, Profeco cannot help me .... so be careful!!! I ALREADY LOST MONEY AND MY PLANS WERE RUINED .... I CANNOT RECOVER MY MONEY BUT YOU CAN AVOID THE BAD TIME. I share the photos u.u
Silvia Tapia on Google

SIMPLEMENTE DEL ASCO no le doy menos estrellas por que no se puede se pudiera les diera -100 para ir a recoger estuvimos llamando a los numeros de la nota y jamas contestaron desde ahi una mala espina despues nos hicieron dar 3 vueltas, despues de el anticipo, para nos entregaron el vestido nos dimos cuenta que cuando llegamos a casa resulto que nos dieron unas aplicaciones que no eran y las que nos dieron asquerosas, llegas a la entrega donde te quitan tu nota y si despues tienes algun reclamo no tienes con que comprobar, depues fuimos a reclamar y no les quedo de otra mas que arreglar el vestido y pues al menos entregar algo de lo que ya habian quedado y no entregaron, que no fue todo, cuando vamos ya a la que se supone la entrega de todo bien, pesimo servicio la actitud de los del taller que por cierto es un edificio que no es el de la tienda feo y solo. Ojala mi reseña le sirva a alguien antes de comprar ahi. A la vendedora la vi unos dias atras en otra tienda que esta justo enfrente no se si sean los mismos pero pues mas vale.
SIMPLY OF ASCO I do not give less stars because you can not give them -100 to go to pick up we were calling the numbers of the note and they never answered from there a bad thorn after they made us give 3 laps, after the advance , to deliver the dress to us we realized that when we got home it turned out that they gave us some applications that were not and those that gave us disgusting, you arrive at the delivery where they take away your note and if later you have any claim you do not have to check , then we went to claim and they had no choice but to fix the dress and then at least deliver something of what had already been and did not deliver, which was not all, when we go to the one that is supposed to deliver everything well The attitude of those in the workshop, which by the way is a building that is not the ugly and lonely store, is very bad service. Hopefully my review will help someone before buying there. I saw the saleswoman a few days ago in another store that is right across the street. I don't know if they are the same, but it is better.
Edgar Omar Romero Guerrero on Google

Jamás pero jamás se les ocurra comprar aquí, ahora se hacen llamar Andrea Valentina, no cumplen con lo que te venden, se tardan en la entrega, mal pero muy mal hecho, mi novia fue a comprar su vestido y le dieron todo lo contrario a lo que prometieron, su velo todo mal cortado, mal diseñado, con pegamento por todos lados, no dan nunca la cara, son unas kimberlys que no valen ma_+#(@ , no sé ni porque confiamos en ellas, no compren nunca jamás aquí,
Never, but never ever think of buying here, now they call themselves Andrea Valentina, they don't deliver what they sell you, they take time to deliver, badly but very badly done, my girlfriend went to buy her dress and they gave her the opposite what they promised, their veil all badly cut, badly designed, with glue everywhere, they never show their faces, they are some kimberlys that are worthless ma_+#(@ , I don't even know why we trust them, never ever buy here ,
judith torres on Google

La verdad si muy mal servicio no cumplen y se la sacan que corren al de los diseños y que no tienen el modelo y dan vestidos mal hechos hay una pequeña muestra ????
The truth is that if they do not comply with very bad service and they take it away, they run to the designs and that they do not have the model and they give poorly made dresses, there is a small sample ????

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