Lynch Laboratorios Clínicos - 44430 Guadalajara

3.8/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Lynch Laboratorios Clínicos

Address :

C. Salvador López Chávez 1139 A, Quinta Velarde, 44430 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9878
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Salvador López Chávez 1139 A, Quinta Velarde, 44430 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
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Tristemente no hay 0 estrellas, lleve a mi bebé de 1 año 2 meses, la persona que atiende le inyectó 1 jeringa de aire en su piel, le reventó su venita, tuve que llevarlo a urgencias y ahora está en observación para descartar un coágulo con su pie inflamadisímo. Ella colocó una mariposa catéter, bombeó la jeringa, el émbolo se salió del tubo y ella lo volvió a meter directamente sin desconectar la jeringa del catéter. La mujer es muy amable, pero parece que no está preparada, lamentable experiencia. Mi hijo está lastimado, perdí mi día de trabajo y de paso los gastos del hospital. PARTE 2 (en respuesta a la respuesta del laboratorio) Conozco estos procedimientos, creen que porque uno no se dedica a extraer muestras clínicas vivimos en ignorancia. Lo que está mujer hizo no estuvo bien, lo correcto si no sabes extraer muestras a bebés (porque no todos saben) es decirlo, ella juró y perjuró que sabía. Le dio 7 piquetes y nosotros entendimos, lloramos junto a nuestro bebé, pero cuando se le hizo una bola del tamaño de un limón, le quitó todo y lo dejó así, a pesar de que había habido flujo de sangre, simplemente no puso atención y eso hizo que esa extracción que pintaba para ser exitosa se convirtiera en una vuelta al hospital porque mi bebé no aguantaba el dolor. Sin contar que no retiraba la liga del brazo y del pie de mi hijo, yo tenía que estarle diciendo "se lo quita, por favor? Se le están poniendo sus dedos blancos". Además de los pellizcos horribles que le daba con la liga, lo llevé a Siglo XXI y en menos de 2 minutos ya habían extraído la muestra, para no pellizcarlo le colocaban un pedazo de papel, y se notó de inmediato que ellos sí eran profesionales. Es algo que jamás voy a pasar por alto y menos que quieran justificar la burrada que hizo esta mujer, mi hijo está bien de salud, pero ir al médico se convirtió en un verdadero martirio desde que ocurrió esto, en las noches se levantaba llorando del susto, y las madres llegamos a odiar a quienes lastiman a nuestros hijos, sobre todo cuando llega a materializarse en un problema físico. No vayan a este lugar, no vayan a este lugar, no vayan a este lugar. Ni mi familia, ni las familias de mi familia vamos a volver a poner un pie en ese laboratorio, íbamos aquí desde que estábamos chicos, pero ni siquiera dieron la cara en su momento.
Sadly there are no 0 stars, I took my baby of 1 year 2 months, the person who attends injected 1 syringe of air into his skin, he burst his little vein, I had to take him to the emergency room and now he is under observation to rule out a clot with his swollen foot. She put in a butterfly catheter, pumped the syringe, the plunger came out of the tube and she put it right back in without disconnecting the syringe from the catheter. The woman is very kind, but it seems that she is not prepared, unfortunate experience. My son is hurt, I missed my day of work and hospital bills along the way. PART 2 (in response to the response from the laboratory) I know these procedures, they believe that because one is not dedicated to extracting clinical samples we live in ignorance. What this woman did was not right, the right thing to do if you don't know how to extract samples from babies (because not everyone knows) is to say so, she swore and perjured that she knew. He gave him 7 pricks and we understood, we cried with our baby, but when he got into a ball the size of a lemon, he took everything away and left it like that, even though there had been blood flow, he just didn't pay attention and That made that extraction that I thought was going to be successful turn into a return to the hospital because my baby couldn't stand the pain. Not to mention that I didn't remove the garter from my son's arm and foot, I had to be telling him "take it off, please? His fingers are turning white." In addition to the horrible pinches that I gave him with the rubber band, I took him to Siglo XXI and in less than 2 minutes they had already extracted the sample, so as not to pinch him they placed a piece of paper on him, and it was immediately apparent that they were professionals. It is something that I will never overlook and unless you want to justify the nonsense that this woman did, my son is in good health, but going to the doctor has become a real martyrdom since this happened, at night he would get up crying from the fright, and we mothers come to hate those who hurt our children, especially when it materializes in a physical problem. Don't go to this place, don't go to this place, don't go to this place. Neither my family, nor the families of my family are going to set foot in that laboratory again, we went here since we were kids, but they didn't even show their faces at the time.

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