Mariscos Puerto del Marqués - 43503 Huasca de Ocampo

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mariscos Puerto del Marqués

Address :

Hidalgo Tulancingo-Pachuca 18, El Calvario, 43503 Huasca de Ocampo, Hgo., Mexico

Categories :
City : Hgo.

Hidalgo Tulancingo-Pachuca 18, El Calvario, 43503 Huasca de Ocampo, Hgo., Mexico
Verónica Baños on Google

Pianista Fernando Bernabé on Google

Juan Rosas on Google

No había cócteles y la sopa de mariscos traía un cangrejo podrido.
There were no cocktails and the seafood soup brought a rotten crab.
Anderson R. Olivares Castillo on Google

La comida es buena (lo que si tienen, que muchas cosas de la carta no tienen) el servicio es lento, y se equivocan con lo que ordenas.
The food is good (what they do have, that many things on the menu do not have) the service is slow, and they are wrong with what you order.
Sergio Inzunza on Google

Lugar confortable, precios accesibles, buen sazón, atención buena y rápida, te dan un caldo de camarón, con dos tostadoras muy ricas al consumir tu cerveza. Seguro comeré ahí las veces que me encuentre por el rumbo y con hambre.
Comfortable place, affordable prices, good seasoning, good and fast service, they give you a shrimp broth, with two very tasty toasters when consuming your beer. I will surely eat there as many times as I am on the way and hungry.
Uziel Ernesto Hernandez Aparicio on Google

Excelente lugar, muy limpio con una excelente atención, el sazón de la comida es buena y lo mejor que te dejan estar con tu perrito en las mesas de afuera, eso agrega un punto adicional a favor
Excellent place, very clean with excellent service, the seasoning of the food is good and the best that they let you be with your dog at the tables outside, that adds an additional point in favor
Raul Espinoza on Google

El lugar se ve muy llamativo desde fuera, bueno, de hecho también adentro la decoración es muy linda, pero tiene sus problemas: el menú no está a la vista en la parte de afuera por lo que no se puede conocer los platillos y precios. La atención es deficiente y tardía. No aceptan tarjeta de crédito o débito lo cual pues no ayuda mucho al progreso de Huasca en general, ya que muy poco se reciben tarjetas en este bello pueblo mágico.
The place looks very striking from the outside, well, in fact the decoration inside is very nice, but it has its problems: the menu is not visible on the outside so you cannot know the dishes and prices. The attention is deficient and late. They do not accept credit or debit cards, which does not help much to the progress of Huasca in general, since very few cards are received in this beautiful magical town.
Nohemí Barrón on Google

C E R O R E C O M E N D A B L E ! Fui a comer con mi novio, llegamos a las 4:30 aprox. y tardaron en llevarnos la carta (no tenían mucha gente para justificar la tardanza). Para empezar pedimos una entrada de pescadillas y una empanada de camarón, si bien llevan grasa, la empanada de camarón se notaba que nisiquiera la habían escurrido un poco, parecía caldillo de tanta grasa que le escurría. ( Solo nos comimos los camarones y dejamos el pan por qué estaba muy pastoso de grasa). Para el plato fuerte primero me lo trajeron a mí y 20 minutos después aún no le traían su comida a mi novio por lo que como yo ya había terminado mi platillo, decidimos cancelar el suyo y pedir la cuenta. Al cancelarlo ya le trajeron su plato (suponemos que a la mesera se le olvidó traerlo) ya no lo quisimos de cualquier manera, se lo hicimos saber a la mesera y le pedimos nuevamente la cuenta. Nos la trajeron contándonos el plato que no habíamos consumido y al negarnos al pagar por algo que no consumimos y que además venía frío (por la tardanza) la mesera nos amenazó con traer a la policía para que pagaramos. Les pedimos hablar con el gerente o bien, que si trajera a algún oficial para aclarar el asunto y nos respondió que entonces esperáramos dos horas a qué llegara el gerente. Obviamente queríamos conocer el pueblo no estar ahí sentados dos horas por algo que no fue nuestra culpa y le pedimos que entonces trajera a la policía o nos diera otra alternativa pues no íbamos a pagar algo que no consumimos ni nos íbamos a esperar dos horas. Al final salió un chico que con una actitud amable nos preguntó qué pasaba, le explicamos que si íbamos a comer en pareja, queríamos comer juntos no uno y después otro y que como no fue así por eso que cancelamos el platillo, nos dio la razón y nos trajeron la cuenta. En la cuenta nos habían cobrado el platillo más caro que fue el que cancelamos y al pedirle a la mesera que lo rectificara (jamás de forma grosera o mal) volteo los ojos y se llevó la cuenta. La cerveza cuesta $35 y por el echo de pedir un tarro para servirla en la cuenta nos cobraron $55 por qué el tarro se cobra aparte, cosa que no nos dijeron y se me hace algo ilógico que un tarro con un poco de limón y sal cueste $20. Ya no quise pelear otra vez y lo pagamos. La experiencia fue muy mala, de verdad aunque la comida no es mala su servicio y entradas deja mucho que desear. Very disappointed in this place that supposably is one of the high end places to eat in Huasca! Where should I begin ? My girlfriend and I visited this place at around 5pm Thursday April 18, 2019. The place was not as packed due to the “Semana Santa” weekend, we sat down and ordered a round of beers and some appetizers. Everything was fine until we order our main plate. My girlfriend ordered some camarones a la diabla which is shrimp in diabla sauce and I ordered some giant shrimps wrapped in bacon and cheese. We finally got our beers and nicely asked the waitress for lemons and salt you know here in Mexico beers get along well with lemons and salt, she took forever and the beers were getting warm, also took at least 7 minutes to get me napkins that I previously asked for as well. At that point my girlfriend gets her dish, we assumed mine was on the way! I asked my girlfriend to eat up since her food would get cold I was expecting my plate to not take too long. She stared to eat very slowly while mine came in. 20 minutes passed and still nothing, At this point I was very disappointed in the lack of service and in the way they time their food. I asked the waitress to cancel my order and to get me the bill since my girlfriend was done eating and I was not going to eat alone. The point in going out to dinner is to eat TOGETHER! The waitress refused to get my bill and instead brought me my plate, so I asked her nicely to get he bill that I was not about to pay for a plate that I was not going to eat and her response was “I just work here I’m an employee” so I said I understand your a employee but it’s your responsibility to time your food correctly...
C E R O C E M E N D A B L E! I went to eat with my boyfriend, we arrived at 4:30 approx. and they took to take us the letter (they did not have many people to justify the delay). For starters we ordered an entree of whiting and a shrimp empanada, although they carry fat, the shrimp empanada one noticed that they had not even drained it a bit, it looked like a caldillo of so much fat that it was draining. (We only ate the shrimp and left the bread because it was very pasty with grease). For the main course they brought it to me and 20 minutes later they still did not bring their food to my boyfriend so since I had already finished my dish, we decided to cancel his and ask for the bill. When they canceled it they brought their plate (we suppose that the waitress forgot to bring it) and we did not want it any way, we told the waitress and we asked her for the account again. They brought it to us, telling us about the dish we had not consumed and refusing to pay for something that we did not consume and that also came cold (because of the delay) the waitress threatened to bring us to the police so that we could pay. We asked them to speak with the manager or, if he brought an officer to clarify the matter and he answered that we then wait two hours for the manager to arrive. Obviously we wanted to know the town not be sitting there for two hours for something that was not our fault and we asked him then to bring the police or give us another alternative because we were not going to pay for something that we did not consume nor we were going to wait two hours. At the end a guy came out with a kind attitude asked us what happened, we explained that if we were going to eat as a couple, we wanted to eat together not one and then another and that it was not like that why we canceled the dish, gave us the reason and they brought us the bill. In the account they had charged us the most expensive dish that was the one we canceled and asking the waitress to rectify it (never rudely or badly) I rolled my eyes and took the bill. The beer costs $ 35 and by requesting a jar to serve it in the account they charged us $ 55 why the jar is charged separately, something that they did not tell us and it makes me something illogical that a jar with a bit of lemon and salt cost $ 20 I did not want to fight again and we paid for it. The experience was very bad, really although the food is not bad your service and tickets leaves much to be desired. Very disappointed in this place that supposably is one of the high end places to eat in Huasca! Where should I begin? My girlfriend and I visited this place at around 5pm Thursday April 18, 2019. The weekend, we were down and ordered a round of beers and some appetizers. Everything was fine until we order our main plate. My girlfriend ordered some shrimp to the devil which is shrimp in diabla sauce and I ordered some giant shrimps wrapped in bacon and cheese. We finally got our beers and nicely asked the waitress for lemons and salt you know here in Mexico beers get along well with lemons and salt, she took forever and the beers were getting warm, also took at least 7 minutes to get me napkins that I previously asked for as well. At that point my girlfriend gets her dish, we assumed mine was on the way! I asked my girlfriend to eat up since her food would get cold I was expecting my plate to not take too long. She stared to eat very slowly while mine came in. 20 minutes passed and still nothing, At this point I was very disappointed in the lack of service and in the way they time their food. I asked the waitress to cancel my order and to get the bill since my girlfriend was done eating and I was not going to eat alone. The point in going out to dinner is to eat TOGETHER! The waitress refused to get my bill and instead brought me my plate, so I asked her nicely to get that bill that I was not about to pay for a plate that I was not going to eat and her response was "I just work here I 'm an employee "so I said I understand your a employee but it's your responsibility to time your food correctly ...

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