MECHANIKER CDMX Mantenimiento Automotriz - 14370 Ciudad de México

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MECHANIKER CDMX Mantenimiento Automotriz

Address :

Huipulco, Tlalpan, 14370 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : CDMX

Huipulco, Tlalpan, 14370 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Roberto Bernal on Google

Fui a revisar mi carro y me mintieron con lo que tenia mi auto según ellos eran demasiadas cosas afortunadamente me di cuenta por que se tardaron en dar el presupuesto y lo lleve a otro lado tengan cuidado
I went to check my car and they lied to me about what my car had, according to them they were too many things, fortunately I realized why they took time to give the budget and I took it elsewhere, be careful
DADG dadg on Google

Cuidado!!! Cuida tu dinero, quitan piezas y no reparan, tienen muchos paleros que lo recomiendan asi que no confies! Ya he leido de muchos que estafo, entre ellos a mi me estafo
Watch out!!! Take care of your money, they remove parts and do not repair, they have many drainers who recommend it so do not trust! I have already read of many that I scam, among them I scam
erick hugo gomez on Google

Fui a reparar mi vehículo, no te dan buen diagnostico, pésimo servicio, solo juegan atinar que es y te cobran a sobreprecio, la calidad de trabajo es pésima, no regalen su dinero, hay buenos mecánicos, el dueño Samuel es un ratero, falta de profesionalismo, hay piezas que no las cambian y te cobran, tengan mucho cuidado y en verdad pensar 2 veces asistir a este taller que desde que llegas ocultan que le hacen a tu vehiculo.
I went to repair my vehicle, they do not give you a good diagnosis, terrible service, they just play to guess what it is and they charge you at a premium, the quality of work is terrible, they do not give away their money, there are good mechanics, the owner Samuel is a thief, missing of professionalism, there are parts that do not change and charge you, be very careful and really think twice about attending this workshop that since you arrive they hide what they do to your vehicle.
Miguel Huerta on Google

Me recomendaron, a ver que tal queda mi auto
They recommended me, to see how my car looks
Venta de autos Romero on Google

Justo como muchos comentarios mas, te cobran por piezas que no cambian así mismo se hacen el buena onda Samuel el dueño cuando en realidad es una persona de bajos escrúpulos, nunca me quisieron dar notas, facturas de lo que se realizó al auto... después de muchos dolores de cabeza que decían que el auto estaba ya listo y se descomponía a los 30 km o menos por fin en un taller decente realizaron todo lo que se supone que le habían echó, según se rectifico y me mandaron la evidencia en el nuevo taller como solamente esta con lija trabajado... en fin, pésima experiencia no pierdan su dinero en lugares asi que despues ya se hacen los desaparecidos y solo avientan al ruedo a el encargado Rodrigo, no se dejen engañar ya que a mi ese error me salió sumamente costoso. tengo todas las pruebas desde que entró al auto y me decían que era una cosa y poco a poco se fue inflando la cuenta y me inventaban cada historia que bueno, ponían supuestas piezas sin autorización previa y que resultó no cambiaron nunca.
Just like many other comments, they charge you for parts that do not change so they make the good vibes Samuel the owner when in reality he is a person of low scruples, they never wanted to give me notes, invoices of what was done to the car ... After many headaches that said that the car was ready and broke down after 30 km or less, finally, in a decent workshop, they did everything they were supposed to have thrown at it, as it was rectified and they sent me the evidence in the new workshop as it is only with sandpaper worked ... Anyway, a terrible experience, do not lose your money in places so later the disappeared are already made and they only throw the manager Rodrigo into the ring, do not be fooled since that error was extremely expensive for me. I have all the evidence since he entered the car and they told me that it was one thing and little by little the account was inflated and they made up every story that well, they put supposed pieces without prior authorization and it turned out they never changed.
chaneke87 on Google

Hola!, tienen algún numero de contacto?, tuve un problema con los frenos de mi Mini Cooper 2012 All Black, se puso duro el pedal de freno, como si estuviera apagado y al parecer no solo fue el booster y me dicen que es tambien bla omba, ustedes me pudieran cotizar esa reparación? al parecer se tiene que cambiar la bomba
Hi! Do you have any contact number? I had a problem with the brakes on my 2012 All Black Mini Cooper, the brake pedal got hard, as if it were turned off and apparently it was not only the booster and they tell me it is also blah omba, could you quote me that repair? it seems that the pump has to be changed
jaime García Dominguez on Google

Jorge Enrique Sánchez García on Google

100% recomendable, la atención que brinda Samuel es muy buena y te explica a detalle lo que tu coche necesita. En ningún momento sientes que te quiera sorprender como en otros talleres. La manera de trabajar y con el cuidado que tratan a los autos es excepcional. No se dejen llevar por las malas reseñas que hacen otros pseudoclientes.
100% recommended, the attention provided by Samuel is very good and he explains in detail what your car needs. At no time do you feel that he wants to surprise you like in other workshops. The way they work and with the care they treat the cars is exceptional. Don't be fooled by bad reviews from other pseudo-clients.

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