Mega Elektra Santa Clara - 55540 Ecatepec de Morelos

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mega Elektra Santa Clara

Address :

Vía Morelos 380, Santa Clara Coatitla, 55540 Ecatepec de Morelos, Méx., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Méx.

Jesus Pacheco on Google

Excelente lugar para emplacar tu italika en el mismo dia de compra y ahorras en el pago se tenencia. El emplacado tarda de 30 a 45 minutos. Ay que pagar como 400 pesos por gestion de tramite.
Excellent place to place your italika on the same day of purchase and save on the payment of possession. Placing takes 30 to 45 minutes. Oh, you have to pay about 400 pesos for processing the process.
jose Navarro (Pepe) on Google

Excelente tienda de electrodomésticos, muebles, lavadoras, refrigeradores. Un poco elevados los precios, si los pagas en efectivo. Pero si los obtienes a crédito, los intereses se elevan a más del doble. Ejemplo, si obtienes un crédito de 10 mil pesos, cuando de pagar, terminas pagando 25 mil pesos.
Excellent store of appliances, furniture, washing machines, refrigerators. Prices are a bit high if you pay in cash. But if you get them on credit, interest is more than doubled. Example, if you get a credit of 10 thousand pesos, when you pay, you end up paying 25 thousand pesos.
λτΘɱίκλτ on Google

La sucursal pareciera estar sucia, hay muy pocos productos y pareciera parecer estar todo amontonado. Los empleados, como si no existieran y en telefonía todos jugando. En cuanto a la "Banca" lo hacen sin ganas y ni tus datos preguntan con tal de acabar lo mas rápido posible, siendo que no hay gente.
The branch seems to be dirty, there are very few products and everything seems to be piled up. The employees, as if they didn't exist and in telephony all playing. As for "Banking" they do it without desire and they don't even ask for your data in order to finish as quickly as possible, since there are no people.
Sanji Vinsmoke on Google

Productos muy interesantes, lastima que los vendedores son muy insistentes e incluso te ejercen presión frente a otros vendedores; eso si, si les dices gracias o algo que demuestre tu desinterés, son groseros o te ponen jeta de desagrado. Consejo de vida, no se endeuden con Banco Azteca ✌?
Very interesting products, it hurts that the sellers are very insistent and even put pressure on you in front of other sellers; that if, if you say thank you or something that shows your disinterest, they are rude or they make you face of displeasure. Life advice, don't get into debt with Banco Azteca ✌?
Anuar Bravo Guerrero on Google

Ojo con el empleado que te pregunta que operación vas a realizar. No sé quien les pide que pregunten eso, pero si yo fuera tu no le diría, desde ahí te van cazando. Las cajeras... Típicas cachas que consiguieron trabajo de administrativo y ya sienten que nadie las merece. Pésimo lugar para hacer movimientos bancarios... Si tienes otra opción, tómala.
Be careful with the employee who asks you what operation you are going to carry out. I don't know who asks them to ask that, but if I were you I wouldn't tell them, from there they are hunting you. The cashiers... Typical hunks who got an administrative job and already feel that no one deserves them. Terrible place to do banking... If you have another option, take it.
Olivia Gaytan on Google

Edgar Jauregui on Google

Nice place.
Marco Polo Erceg on Google

Slow and hardly they have what u want and higggggggg intrest, i really dont know why poor ppl keep paying the hig intrest

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