Mercado Caxtle - 80050 Culiacán Rosales

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Blvd. Paseo Toscana, Blvd. Alvaro del Portillo 2305-2305, 80050 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico

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City : Sin.

Blvd. Paseo Toscana, Blvd. Alvaro del Portillo 2305-2305, 80050 Culiacán Rosales, Sin., Mexico
Ulises CamSan on Google

Bonito lugar pero pesima atención. Fui a festejar mi cumpleaños con mi familia (eramos un grupo de 6). Ya sabiamos que íbamos a hacer fila para entrar porque es un lugar de moda, esperamos al rededor de 2 horas, el lugar estaba lleno pero se miraban algunas mesas vacias. Llegamos a las 7:00 y las muchachas de la entrada nos dijeron que habían como 15 grupos de personas por delante de nosotros y que no sabian a que hora nos iban a dar mesa, optamos por esperar porque no creimos que fueramos a durar tanto, despues de durar 2 horas esperando, otra persona que había llegado despues que nosotros se molestó porque llegaban personas y los pasaban sin respetar los turnos, nosotros nos acercamos con la muchacha de la entrada para que no le diera nuestro lugar a la señora enojada, en ese momento le preguntamos que si cuantas mesas faltaban para pasar nosotros, nos dijo que ya seguiamos. A los 5 min nos hablan para pasar, reitero que cuando llegamos dijimos que eramos un grupo de 6 personas. La host nos llevo a la mesa y cual fue nuestra sorpresa que era una mesa para 4 personas, y nosotros nos sacamos de onda porque le dijimos que éramos 6, nos dijo que cuando se desocupara una mesa que nos la iba a pegar, pero alrededor había 1 mesa sola, a demas a un lado había un grupo de señoras que llevaban a sus hijos (tenian 2 mesas para las señoras y 2 mesas para los niños). Pasaron 5 min y la mesa de las señoras y de los niños se desocupo, y pensamos que ya nos iban a dar otra mesa porque sinceramente no cabiamos. Después de un rato de ver las mesas solas, les dijimos amablemente a un mesero si nos podían pegar la mesa, a lo que el mesero nos dijo que iba a preguntar a la host. La host llegó y nos dijo que no nos iba a pegar otra mesa porque las mesas no se pegaban y que nosotros ya habiamos aceptado la mesa de 4 y que asi nos ibamos a quedar porque habia llegado mas gente y que esas mesas ya las tenia dadas, le recordamos que nos dijo que cuando se desocuparan mas mesas que nos iban a pegar otra, nos dijo que no se podía, el caso es que estuvimos alegando porque habian 5 mesas solas alrededor de nosotros, el caso es que nos dijo que cuando se desocupara un grupo que estaba al otro lado de nosotros nos iba a pegar esa mesa, pues ahi estuvimos alegando hasta que ya no supo que decir la muchacha y hablo para que nos pegaran la mesa finalmente.
Nice place but lousy attention. I went to celebrate my birthday with my family (we were a group of 6). We already knew that we were going to line up to get in because it is a trendy place, we waited around 2 hours, the place was full but there were some empty tables. We arrived at 7:00 and the girls at the entrance told us that there were about 15 groups of people ahead of us and that they didn't know what time they were going to give us a table, we decided to wait because we didn't think we were going to last that long, After spending 2 hours waiting, another person who had arrived after us got upset because people were arriving and passing them without respecting the shifts, we approached the girl at the entrance so that she would not give our place to the angry lady, in At that moment we asked him if how many tables were left for us to pass, he told us that we would continue. After 5 minutes they talk to us to pass, I reiterate that when we arrived we said we were a group of 6 people. The host took us to the table and what was our surprise that it was a table for 4 people, and we freaked out because we told her there were 6 of us, she told us that when a table was free she was going to hit us, but around there was only 1 table, on one side there was a group of ladies who brought their children (they had 2 tables for the ladies and 2 tables for the children). 5 minutes passed and the table for the ladies and children was vacated, and we thought that they were going to give us another table because honestly we did not fit. After a while of seeing the tables alone, we kindly asked a waiter if they could hit the table for us, to which the waiter told us that he was going to ask the host. The host arrived and told us that another table was not going to hit us because the tables did not stick together and that we had already accepted the table of 4 and that we were going to stay that way because more people had arrived and that those tables were already given , we remind him that he told us that when more tables were vacated that they were going to hit us with another one, he told us that it was not possible, the fact is that we were arguing because there were 5 single tables around us, the fact is that he told us that when If a group that was on the other side of us vacated, they were going to hit that table for us, because there we were arguing until the girl no longer knew what to say and finally spoke so that they would hit the table for us.
angel morones on Google

Bonito lugar, precios un poco exorbitante al local original, buena mixiologia y servicio y área agradable.
Nice place, prices a bit exorbitant to the original place, good mixology and service and nice area.
Ricardo Tanamachi on Google

Muy bonito y la atención es muy amigable
Very nice and the attention is very friendly
Genesis Barraza on Google

Mi visita fue un dia sábado alrededor de las 9.00 pm. NO recomiendo el lugar SI TE GUSTA IR A DISFRUTAR DE UNA BUENA COMIDA. SI vas a tomarte la foto para redes sociales, el lugar SI esta muy instagrameable. Tiene una iluminación agradable, acogedor, ambiente al natural con muchas plantas, mobiliario cómodo, muy bueno para beber con amigos, la musica a mi gusto muy fuerte y el sonido en un solo lugar (no tan ambiental como me hubiese gustado) Espectativas muy altas del lugar, vivo por la zona y sentía curiosidad desde el inicio la construcción del proyecto. Despues de enterarme que estarian 2 de mis restaurantes japoneses favoritos, no dudaba en que fuera una opcion a visitar. Al momento de la entrada, la host nos comenta que hay 17 grupos de personas adelante de nosotros, y al preguntar cuanto es el tiempo de espera no supo que decir. Ese es su trabajo, dar un estimado en el tiempo de espera, al menos dandote un aproximado tu pudieras decidir si prefieres esperar o retirarte del lugar (al menos llevando un control estadistico) PRIMER PUNTO NEGATIVO, LA HOST NO SABE HACER SU TRABAJO POR ENDE NO SABES CUANTO TIEMPO TENDRAS QUE ESPERAR. Al momento de que se nos da el pase a la mesa, tr van explicando la dinámica de orden (muy similar a la de un FOOD PARK) ya instalados en la mesa no se acerca el mesero a tomarnos la orden para las bebidas, nosotros lo abordamos primero, sin embargo el chico (Saúl) fue muy amable en cuanto a la atención. Nosotros ( 2 personas) ibamos con el objetivo de probar los platillos del Clan Taniyama y Tomo Open Kitchen, ya que las otras ubicaciones de estos restaurantes de la ciudad son lugares habituales para nosotros. Sabemos la calidad de los platillos que ofrecen y esperabamos eso en nuestra orden. Nuestra orden se hizo en un solo evento (bebidas, entradas, platillos) al cabo de un momento se nos informo que 1 de nuestros platillos ya no estaba disponible por falta de ingredientes. (Tonkatsudon- Clan Taniyama) Ordenamos 2 bebidas: un vaso chelado con Modelo especial y un Loro (Mojito de naranjita) SEGUNDO PUNTO NEGATIVO, en las bebidas no te ofrecen un agitador, la cerveza la sirven en Vaso (un vaso comun y corriente -no vaso cervecero ad hoc- y no te dan coasters)si estan ofreciendo un servicio de alta cocina, sus amenidades deberian estar al nivel. De entrada pedimos unas gyozas (orden de 8pzas) y unos camarones roca. Las Gyozas llegaron primero estaban servidas en el cesto tradicional de cocina al vapor (muy bien) pero las salsas adicionales venían en recipientes DESECHABLES, de nuevo si están cobrando un servicio de ALTA COCINA, mínimo presenta tus platillos como tal. El segundo plato llegó, los camarones roca tenían un sabor regular (están más ricos en Cabanna), la lechuga parecía de la que venden recortada en bolsa. NO VALE LO QUE PAGAS ni la porción ni el sabor. Tercer plato, SUSHI ARCOÍRIS, buena porción, pero el plato estaba demasiado chico y todo se veía amontonado, la salsa de soya estaba servida en un recipiente DESECHABLE, nada que comparar con el servicio de TOMO OPEN KITCHEN DEL MALECÓN. Como último, Y ULTIMO PUNTO NEGATIVO ordenamos un volcán dulce de leche a otro mesero (no Saul) y no paso la orden, por ende cerraron el lugar de donde era el postre y NO LO TRAJERON. Buena atención por parte del mesero, pero pésimo servicio de comida vs. precio. Finalmente si vas a degustar un buen platillo en el que te den la experiencia COMPLETA, te recomiendo vayas al restaurante, en este caso TOMO OPEN KITCHEN a espaldas de la torre academica de la UAS y CLAN TANIYAMA por el paseo del Ángel casi esquina con Aquiles Serdán
My visit was on a Saturday around 9:00 pm. I DO NOT recommend the place IF YOU LIKE TO GO TO ENJOY A GOOD FOOD. IF you are going to take a photo for social networks, the place IS very instagrammable. It has pleasant lighting, cozy, natural environment with many plants, comfortable furniture, very good to drink with friends, the music to my liking is very strong and the sound in one place (not as ambient as I would have liked) Very high expectations of the place, I live in the area and was curious from the beginning of the construction of the project. After finding out that 2 of my favorite Japanese restaurants would be there, I had no doubt that it would be an option to visit. At the moment of entry, the host tells us that there are 17 groups of people in front of us, and when asked how long the waiting time is, she did not know what to say. That is their job, to give an estimate on the waiting time, at least giving you an approximate you could decide if you prefer to wait or leave the place (at least keeping a statistical control) FIRST NEGATIVE POINT, THE HOST DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO DO ITS JOB THEREFORE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT. At the time we are given the pass to the table, they explain the dynamics of order (very similar to that of a FOOD PARK) already installed at the table the waiter does not come to take our order for drinks, we We boarded first, however the boy (Saúl) was very kind in terms of attention. We (2 people) went with the objective of trying the dishes of Clan Taniyama and Tomo Open Kitchen, since the other locations of these restaurants in the city are regular places for us. We know the quality of the dishes they offer and we expected that in our order. Our order was made in a single event (drinks, entrees, dishes) after a moment we were informed that 1 of our dishes was no longer available due to lack of ingredients. (Tonkatsudon- Taniyama Clan) We ordered 2 drinks: a chelado glass with a special Modelo and a Parrot (orange Mojito) SECOND NEGATIVE POINT, in the drinks they do not offer you a stirrer, the beer is served in a glass (an ordinary glass -not an ad hoc beer glass- and they don't give you coasters) if they are offering a haute cuisine service, their amenities should be up to par. As a starter we ordered some gyozas (order of 8 pieces) and some rock shrimp. The Gyozas arrived first, they were served in the traditional steamer basket (very good) but the additional sauces came in DISPOSABLE containers, again if you are charging a HAUTE CUISINE service, at least present your dishes as such. The second course arrived, the rock shrimp had a so-so flavor (they are richer in Cabanna), the lettuce looked like the one they sell cut in a bag. NOT WORTH WHAT YOU PAY for the portion or the taste. Third course, RAINBOW SUSHI, good portion, but the plate was too small and everything seemed piled up, the soy sauce was served in a DISPOSABLE container, nothing to compare with the service of TOMO OPEN KITCHEN DEL MALECÓN. As a last, AND LAST NEGATIVE POINT, we ordered a dulce de leche volcano from another waiter (not Saul) and the order did not go through, therefore they closed the place where the dessert was from and THEY DID NOT BRING IT. Good attention from the waiter, but lousy food service vs. price. Finally, if you are going to taste a good dish in which they give you the COMPLETE experience, I recommend you go to the restaurant, in this case I TAKE OPEN KITCHEN behind the academic tower of the UAS and CLAN TANIYAMA by the Paseo del Ángel almost corner with Achilles Serdan
Adrián Guzmán on Google

No se nos permitió juntar una mesa para poder acomodar más gente. La comida no fue de mi agrado (las regias). Un lugar muy bonito para ir a tomarse la foto para redes sociales, pero si no vas a eso no vale la pena
We were not allowed to push a table together so we could fit more people. The food was not to my liking (the regias). A very nice place to go to take a photo for social networks, but if you don't go to that, it's not worth it
Fernanda Reyes on Google

Gran estilo de food park con toda la maravilla de la naturaleza y muy cómodo, variedad de comida sin duda mi favorito Trapiche Bistro con sus tortas y terkos deliciosos.
Susana Sánchez on Google

Excelentísimo servicio, música, comida e instalaciones. La única desventaja es que por ser muy novedoso la lista de espera es muy larga. Se recomienda reservar con anticipación.
Excellent service, music, food and facilities. The only disadvantage is that because it is very new, the waiting list is very long. It is recommended to book in advance.
Sergio Recio on Google

Muy bonito lugar. Buen ambiente. Sin embargo muy rebasados en la atención, mucho tiempo de espera del platillo y no tienen por ende la temperatura correcta. El personal muy presionado.
Very beautiful place. Good atmosphere. However, they are very overwhelmed in attention, a long time waiting for the dish and therefore they do not have the correct temperature. Staff under pressure.

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