Method Moreno - Organic Regenerative Medicine - 03023 Ciudad de México

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Contact Method Moreno - Organic Regenerative Medicine

Address :

La Morena 1305, Narvarte Oriente, Benito Juárez, 03023 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +77
Categories :
City : CDMX

La Morena 1305, Narvarte Oriente, Benito Juárez, 03023 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Héctor Scorpion 2000 on Google

El tratamiento que me ha estado dando para mis rodillas y dolores permanentes desde hacía 2 años prácticamente me los ha eliminado y por supuesto que lo comparto y recomiendo 100%
The treatment has been giving me to my knees and permanent pain for 2 years almost been removed me and of course I share and recommend 100%
jorge garcia resendiz on Google

En mi experiencia con el Dr. Moreno, inicie hace 3 años con el por problemas de salud como gastritis, gastroenteritis, salmonelosis y cierto tipos de bacterias estomacales lo cual causo que tuviera problemas de deficiencia de nutrientes y disminuyeron mis defensas, empecé con sus tratamientos por querer estar mejor físicamente y porque soy competidor en fisicoculturismo, necesitaba estar fuerte para poder seguir mis preparaciones a las 3 semanas empecé a notar cambios drásticos al mes y medio ya estaba compitiendo como lo hacía normalmente antes incluso mi salud física llego a niveles mayores a los que tenía hace años, como fisicoculturista incluso me ha ayudado a tener mejores resultados en mis entrenamientos, hemos usado una serie de multivitaminicos y sueros intravenosos y aminoácidos, también hemos utilizado apitoxina y células madre o placenta para poder mejorar mi salud elevando mi sistema inmunológico, y he obtenido los mejores resultados, en mis ganancias musculares, seguiremos trabajando ya que es 100% recomendado para todo tipo de personas con cualquier patología o simplemente quieres mejorar tu salud incluso verte bien, las terapias y células madres me han ayudado a rejuvenecer, por lo tanto estoy muy agradecido con el Dr. Moreno.
In my experience with Dr. Moreno, I started 3 years ago with him due to health problems such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, salmonellosis and certain types of stomach bacteria which caused me to have nutrient deficiency problems and my defenses decreased, I started with his treatments For wanting to be better physically and because I am a competitor in bodybuilding, I needed to be strong to be able to continue my preparations at 3 weeks I began to notice drastic changes a month and a half I was already competing as I normally did before even my physical health reached levels higher than those who had years ago, as a bodybuilder has even helped me to have better results in my workouts, we have used a series of multivitamins and intravenous sera and amino acids, we have also used apitoxin and stem cells or placenta to improve my health by raising my immune system , and I have obtained the best results, in my muscular gains Yes, we will continue working since it is 100% recommended for all types of people with any pathology or you simply want to improve your health even seeing you well, the therapies and stem cells have helped me to rejuvenate, therefore I am very grateful to Dr. Moreno .
Itzel Cárdenas Estrada on Google

Inicialmente, usamos sus servicios para la diabetes y luego tomé cursos a través del Dr. Moreno. Estoy satisfecho con lo que he aprendido y con el progreso de mi madre.
Initially, we used their services for diabetes and then took courses through Dr. Moreno. I am satisfied with what I have learned and with my mother's progress.
Niamo Muid on Google

Knows what he is doing and can be depended on to deliver as promised. A+ for integrity and professionalism. Highly recommended.
Vince Comfort on Google

I am impressed with him. I hope he brings his services to Uganda. Dr. Moreno is a breath of fresh air and cares about his patients.
paul brown on Google

I visited Dr. Moreno in Mexico and he treated an ankle injury . It was painful to walk and my ankle was weak. Due to my job as a Correctional Officer I am on my feet constantly while at work. Dr. Moreno occasionally provides stem cells and Apitoxin treatment so I can continue to work and support my family. The treatment he provides was not affordable for me to obtain in the United States .
Alex brown on Google

I have had 2 appointments with Dr. Moreno in Mexico. The first time I was having an excruciating knee and lower Back pain. His Apitoxina formula and methods, have relived and ceased my pains. He also provided great hospitality with an exceptional Basil tea he makes.
Heru Modern Monk A on Google

Dr. Moreno has established a baseline for education and encouragement for me to pursue my personal life experiences with health and medicine. He also has been my inspiration to become healthy man and writer in my career. Dr Moreno has contributed more than he knows and appreciate that. Heru Modern Monk

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