Misión Santiago Apóstol de Jalpan - 76340 Jalpan de Serra

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Contact Misión Santiago Apóstol de Jalpan

Address :

Jardín Principal S/N, Centro, 76340 Jalpan de Serra, Qro., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Qro.

Jardín Principal S/N, Centro, 76340 Jalpan de Serra, Qro., Mexico
Mayhte C on Google

Gran templo católico en el centro de Jalpan. Aún sigue siendo una iglesia activa, se celebran misas y otros sacramentos. Su fachada es muy bonita y por dentro también lo es . Forma parte de las 5 misiones fernandinas de la Sierra queretana. A pesar del calor que hacía afuera, adentro no era sofocante, sino fresco. Tiene una gran explanada.
Great catholic temple in the center of Jalpan. It is still an active church, masses and other sacraments are celebrated. Its facade is very beautiful and inside it is also beautiful. It is part of the 5 fernandinas missions of the Sierra queretana. Despite the heat outside, inside it was not stifling, but cool. It has a large esplanade.
Adriana Haros García on Google

Una de las 5 bellas misiones que se encuentran enclabadas en la sierra de Querétaro, realmente hermosa y muy diferente a lo que usualmente estamos acostumbrados
One of the 5 beautiful missions that are located in the Sierra de Querétaro, really beautiful and very different from what we are usually used to
Pablo Organista on Google

Muy hermosa como las demás misiones, ésta se encuentra en el pueblo mágico de Jalpan de Serra
Very beautiful like the other missions, this one is located in the magical town of Jalpan de Serra
Fabian Kronenberger on Google

Esta é a igreja representante de Jalpan nas Missões Franciscanas da Serra Gorda. É um estilo arquitetônico e artístico diferente da média das igrejas que encontramos Mexico afora. Seu interior é de grande simplicidade.
This is the representative church of Jalpan in the Franciscan Missions of Serra Gorda. It is an architectural and artistic style different from the average of the churches that we find in Mexico. Its interior is of great simplicity.

Una de las cinco misiones franciscanas del siglo XVIII en la Sierra Gorda queretana. Su fachada es hermosa, decorada con múltiples motivos religiosos e indígenas. Aún conserva parte de su atrio de una planta con arqueria y pasillos, en el centro una fuente de cantera. Cuenta con una Capilla lateral. El interior es de una nave, sencillo. El atrio amplio con tres arcos de entrada. Visita obligada en Jalpan.
One of the five Franciscan missions of the 18th century in the Sierra Gorda queretana. Its facade is beautiful, decorated with multiple religious and indigenous motifs. It still conserves part of its atrium of a plant with arcade and corridors, in the center a quarry fountain. It has a side Chapel. The interior is of a nave, simple. The spacious atrium with three entrance arches. A must in Jalpan.
Rolando Bustamante on Google

Un lugar interesante. Toma relativamente poco tiempo visitarlo.
An interesting place. It takes relatively little time to visit.
Javier Orozco on Google

Uno de los sitios que vale la pena conocer y disfrutar en Jalpan de Serra, además de que forma parte de la historia de los misioneros franciscanos en la región de la Sierra Gorda Queretanas.
One of the sites that is worth knowing and enjoying in Jalpan de Serra, in addition to being part of the history of the Franciscan missionaries in the Sierra Gorda Queretanas region.
Juan Pablo Zm on Google

First franciscan mission built in Querétaro, around 1750, it's façade is beautifully preserved although in the inside of the church you may find that certain maintenance would be nice. In the inside you can find a relic from Saint Junípero Serra.

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