Mitsubishi Motors - 94299 Veracruz

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mitsubishi Motors

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Bv. Adolfo Ruíz Cortines, Costa de Oro, 94299 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico

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City : Ver.

Bv. Adolfo Ruíz Cortines, Costa de Oro, 94299 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
Adrian Crespo on Google

Acudí a la agencia para la compra de una pieza que me dijeron SI tenían en existencia... Llegó a la agencia y resulta que no, que se habían equivocado. Pésimo servicio por parte del área de refacciones
I went to the agency to buy a piece that they told me YES they had in stock... It arrived at the agency and it turns out that no, they had made a mistake. Terrible service from the parts area
Jorge Muñiz Prieto on Google

Excelente servicio .
Excellent service .
crest veracruz on Google

Desde el 1o de Diciembre 2021 se dio el anticipo de un Mirage g4 y ya facturaron y también ya cobraron la primera mensualidad y resulta que del carro sigue en.... No sabemos dónde está! Pedimos explicaciones y nos dice la vendedora que ya casi viene...! Ya van 3 fechas que no cumplen y nos jura que está semana ya viene... Es Miércoles 5pm y no sabemos nada de nada! En fin creo que la marca no tiene idea de cómo la queman con su ya merito llega...! En vez de ser una experiencia única la compra de un carro de agencia se vuelve una pesadilla! Los mantengo al tanto de comí va mi caso!
Since December 1, 2021, the advance payment of a Mirage g4 was given and they have already invoiced and also received the first monthly payment and it turns out that the car is still in.... We do not know where it is! We ask for explanations and the saleswoman tells us that she's almost here...! There are already 3 dates that don't meet and he swears that this week is coming... It's Wednesday 5pm and we don't know anything about anything! Anyway I think the brand has no idea how they burn it with its already merit arrives...! Instead of being a unique experience, buying an agency car becomes a nightmare! I keep you posted on how my case is going!
Marco Antonio Martinez Jimenez on Google

Horrible! Al principio todo padre, pero una vez que das el enganche todo se transforma en mentira tras MENTIRA! Vamos a cumplir 45 días de espera, dónde cada semana que viene es la buena....! No nos han dado copia de la factura que ya se firmó de hace un mes atrás, nos han dicho en dónde se encuentra la unidad y es la fecha que "sigue" ahí, hemos pedido hablar con el gerente y solo no quieren ponerlo en apuros, tenemos que estar tras la vendedora para que nos conteste con otra promesa que sabemos que no pasará! Ya vamos por la segunda mensualidad que pagaremos (aquí también nos "aclararon" que ya tenía que proceder inmediatamente el cobro) fueron muy Claros en que si nos atrasabamos 1 día en el pago son intereses tras intereses..! En fin compramos todo servicio de problemas y dolor de cabeza vaya "experiencia" de un auto nuevo de agencia"
Horrible! At first all father, but once you give the down payment everything becomes lie after LIE! We are going to fulfill 45 days of waiting, where every week that comes is the good one....! They have not given us a copy of the invoice that was already signed from a month ago, they have told us where the unit is located and it is the date that "still" there, we have asked to speak with the manager and they just do not want to put you in trouble , we have to be after the seller so that she answers us with another promise that we know will not happen! We are already going for the second monthly payment that we will pay (here they also "clarified" that the collection had to proceed immediately) they were very clear that if we were 1 day late in the payment it is interest after interest...! In short, we bought all the problems and headache service, what an "experience" of a new agency car"
Bianca Cabrera on Google

CUIDA TU DINERO, NO COMPRES AQUÍ! Pésimo, PÉSIMO SERVICIO de la concesionaria en Veracruz Boca del Río, cada año, CADA BENDITO AÑO es LO MISMO, me rompen los benditos tapones para "ofrecerme otros" de otra clienta, me lo rayan, éste año hasta con una mancha de PINTURA! SIEMPRE hay que estarse peleando con ustedes, SIEMPRE, que desgraciada flojera tengo de tener CADA AÑO que hacer corajes con ustedes para que hagan bien su TRABAJO, porque el SERVICIO ANUAL LO COBRAN Y BIEN COBRADO, nunca se hacen responsables , NUNCA! éste año con fotos y todo (de ustedes, sus pruebas!) No se quieren hacer responsables del manchón de pintura! Tal cual nos mandaron al demonio , SI NO HAS COMPRADO CON MITSUBISHI AHORRATE EL CORAJE Y EL DINERO!
TAKE CARE OF YOUR MONEY, DO NOT BUY HERE! Awful, AWFUL SERVICE from the dealership in Veracruz Boca del Río, every year, EVERY BLESSED YEAR is THE SAME, they break my blessed caps to "offer me others" from another client, they scratch it, this year even with a PAINT stain! You ALWAYS have to be fighting with you, ALWAYS, how unfortunate laziness I have to have EVERY YEAR to get angry with you so that you do your JOB well, because THE ANNUAL SERVICE IS CHARGED AND WELL CHARGED, they never take responsibility, NEVER! this year with photos and all (of you, your tests!) They don't want to be responsible for the paint stain! Just as they sent us to hell, IF YOU HAVE NOT PURCHASED WITH MITSUBISHI, SAVE YOUR COURAGE AND MONEY!
Edson Lopez on Google

Mitsubishi dealer

Adrian nava on Google

Great cars agency

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