Monumento Puertas del Camino Real - 28047 Colima

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Contact Monumento Puertas del Camino Real

28047 Colima, Col., Mexico
Victor Díaz on Google

No precisamente el monumento pero ahí hay un lugar para comer y poderse asear con tranquilidad para las personas que trabajamos en camiones de carga
Not exactly the monument but there is a place to eat and be able to clean with tranquility for the people who work in cargo trucks

Bien cuidada la estructura, recién pintada, el único pero la maleza al rededor. Quizás si no lo cuidan con pasto, que le pongan piso firme.
Well cared for the structure, freshly painted, the only one but the undergrowth around. Perhaps if they do not take care of it with grass, they will put a firm floor on it.
Ramón Garcia C on Google

La escultura monumental puerta del camino real, mejor conocida como la palmera de Sebastián, es un icono de la identidad colimense. Fue colocada para recibir el milenio, y fue la primera de tres esculturas monumentales de Sebastián, el pez vela en Manzanillo y el limonero en Tecomán y de muchas más por todo México. Vale la pena hacer tiempo para una foto.
The monumental sculpture door of the royal road, better known as Sebastian's palm tree, is an icon of the Colima's identity. It was placed to receive the millennium, and it was the first of three monumental sculptures by Sebastian, the sailfish in Manzanillo and the lemon tree in Tecomán and many more throughout Mexico. It is worth making time for a photo.

Muy lindo monumento es lo primero que ves al llegar a colima pero tiene bancas para sentarce y uno no puede porque no hay sombra esta en el puro sol
Very nice monument is the first thing you see when you arrive in Colima but it has benches to sit on and one cannot because there is no shade in the pure sun
Alexis Salgado on Google

Esta escultura representa una palmera con 10 hojas, que simbolizan los diez municipios que conforman el Estado de Colima. Es una obra del escultor Sebastián, quien desarrolló esta pieza en fierro esmaltado con una altura de 20 metros y 70 toneladas de peso. This sculpture represents a palm tree with 10 leaves which symbolize the ten municipalities that make up the State of Colima. It is a work of the sculptor Sebastián, who developed this piece in enameled iron with a height of 20 meters and 70 tons of weight.
This sculpture represents a palm tree with 10 leaves, which symbolize the ten municipalities that make up the State of Colima. It is a work of the sculptor Sebastián, who developed this piece in enameled iron with a height of 20 meters and 70 tons of weight. This sculpture represents a palm tree with 10 leaves which symbolize the ten municipalities that make up the State of Colima. It is a work of the sculptor Sebastián, who developed this piece in enameled iron with a height of 20 meters and 70 tons of weight.
gaen 01 on Google

Será monumento al olvido ,si eres turista te tomaras la del recuerdo entre el Pajonal seco ,y bancas mohosas/mojosas, y no hay luminarias , ni estacionamiento decente , laaastima por que tiene exelente vista a los volcanes digna del estado que visitan.
It will be a monument to oblivion, if you are a tourist you will take the memory between the dry Pajonal, and mohosas / mojosas benches, and there are no lights, or decent parking, laaastima because it has excellent view of the volcanoes worthy of the state they visit.
Elo Mar Sillo on Google

Si vienes de turista a Colima, cuando veas esto, esto te dice que ya estás dentro de la capital de este nuestro bello estado. Pongo 4 estrellas porque en ocasiones se encuentra rodeado de maleza, ojalá siempre se encuentre limpio. Insisto, BIENVENIDO A COLIMA.
If you come as a tourist to Colima, when you see this, this tells you that you are already inside the capital of this our beautiful state. I put 4 stars because sometimes it is surrounded by weeds, I hope it is always clean. I insist, WELCOME TO COLIMA.
Karina Cortés on Google

La bienvenida o despedida de este bello lugar, este imponente monumento te saluda en tu visita a colima. Creo que le hace falta algo de mantenimiento por parte de las autoridades competentes, de ahí en fuera una postal hermosa con los volcanes de fondo
The welcome or farewell to this beautiful place, this imposing monument greets you on your visit to Colima. I think it needs some maintenance by the competent authorities, hence a beautiful postcard with the volcanoes in the background

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