Moovers España Bicis Scooters Motos Eléctricas Guadalajara - 44190 Guadalajara

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About Moovers España Bicis Scooters Motos Eléctricas Guadalajara

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moovers vehiculos electricos, venta de bicis electrica en guadalajara mexico, venta de motos electricas en guadalajara mexico
moovers vehiculos electricos, venta de bicis electrica en guadalajara mexico, venta de motos electricas en guadalajara mexico
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Contact Moovers España Bicis Scooters Motos Eléctricas Guadalajara

Address :

Av España 1885, Moderna, 44190 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Jal.

Av España 1885, Moderna, 44190 Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico
arturo canseco on Google

¡Los patines están padrísimos! Muchas gracias, fue una excelente opción. Completamente recomendado.
The skates are great! Thank you very much, it was an excellent option. Fully recommended.
enriqueta andres on Google

El patín que compré está padrisimo, tiene muy buena calidad además que alcanza buena velocidad, lo usamos mucho y no ha dado ningun problema, super buena elección!!!
The skate I bought is very cool, it has very good quality, it also reaches good speed, we use it a lot and it has not given any problem, super good choice !!!
Martin Bonilla on Google

Compre un patín, me ha salido bastante bueno! Muy funcional y fácil de usar, además de practico! Muchas gracias!
Buy a skate, it turned out pretty good! Very functional and easy to use, as well as practical! Thank you!
arturo alonso on Google

Divertidísimo! Compramos 2 scooters y aparte de recreativos te sacan de apuros para hacer pendientes y vueltas cercanas! Muy atentos y amables en la tienda (Translated by Google) Hilarious! We buy 2 scooters and apart from recreational ones they get you out of trouble to make slopes and close turns! Very attentive and friendly in the store
Hilarious! We buy 2 scooters and apart from recreational ones they get you out of trouble to make slopes and close turns! Very attentive and friendly in the store Hilarious! We buy 2 scooters and apart from recreational ones they get you out of trouble to make slopes and close turns! Very attentive and friendly in the store
Àngel Pilar on Google

Me gustaría compartir mi experiencia con la bicicleta MOOVERS modelo playa. Ya tengo un año con la bicicleta, y creo que la conozco bastante bien para dar una opinión fundamentada. Al principio tenía un poco de dudas sobre la calidad del motor y la batería. Supongo que es normal cuando no conocemos mucho sobre el tema o la marca. El modelo lo escogí porque las llantas y el cuadro le dan una apariencia de rudeza además me gusto mucho el diseño, anteriormente solo usaba una bicicleta convencional rodada 27.5. La bicicleta tiene dos modos de ayuda, uno con asistencia en el pedaleo (1 a 5) y otro con aceleración en el manillar. Antes de salir normalmente reviso el nivel de batería, las llantas y presión de las palancas de freno, normalmente hago recorridos de 50 a 60 km. Con el tiempo aprendí a combinar el uso de la asistencia, mi pedaleo y el frenado, comúnmente viajó a una velocidad promedio de 28 km/hr  por los semáforos y topes. Lo que hago para ponerla en marcha es iniciar el primer impulso con la asistencia en el número 1 para ayudarle con el pedaleo y después aumentó la asistencia a 2 o 3, si la vía me lo permite paso a la aceleración con el manillar y mantengo acelerando constante unos segundos (de esta forma se activa el modo crucero) y suelto el acelerador, esto hace que la bicicleta mantenga una velocidad constante. Cuando llevo prisa prefiero usar solo la asistencia de pedaleo, ya que de esta forma puedo alcanzar velocidades mayores a 30 km/hr la máxima velocidad que logró con la asistencia y mi pedaleo es 40 km/hr. Y es en esos momentos en los que se agradece el grosor de las llantas de esta bicicleta, en todo momento se siente bien plantada y segura, incluso en las curvas. En el aspecto económico desde un principio creí que sería una buena inversión, ya que la destinaría como mi medio de transporte para ir al trabajo, con ella obtuve dos ahorros. El primero y más importante para mí, el tiempo, pasé de ocupar 2: 30 hr a 40 min para llegar a mi centro de trabajo (25 km de distancia) y el segundo ahorro fue económico, pues cargar la batería es muy económico. Las cosas que se pueden mejorar son dos, de hecho hice una. Cambie los pedales por unos más anchos para estar más cómodo. La otra es de funcionamiento, me hubiera gustado que incorporara algún sistema para regenerar energía. Después de un año sigo disfrutando de mi bicicleta como el primer día, sin desperfectos, veloz y muy bonita.
I would like to share my experience with the MOOVERS beach model bike. I've been on the bike for a year now, and I think I know it well enough to give an informed opinion. At first I had a little doubt about the quality of the motor and the battery. I guess it's normal when we don't know much about the subject or the brand. I chose the model because the tires and the frame give it an appearance of roughness, and I liked the design a lot, previously I only used a conventional 27.5 wheeled bicycle. The bicycle has two assist modes, one with pedaling assistance (1 to 5) and the other with handlebar acceleration. Before going out I usually check the battery level, the tires and the pressure of the brake levers, I usually do trips of 50 to 60 km. Over time I learned to combine the use of assistance, my pedaling and braking, commonly traveling at an average speed of 28 km / hr through the traffic lights and bumps. What I do to start it is to start the first impulse with the assistance at number 1 to help him with pedaling and then increase the assistance to 2 or 3, if the road allows me to accelerate with the handlebar and I keep accelerating constant for a few seconds (in this way the cruise mode is activated) and I release the accelerator, this makes the bike maintain a constant speed. When I'm in a hurry I prefer to use only the pedaling assistance, since in this way I can reach speeds greater than 30 km / hr the maximum speed that I achieved with the assistance and my pedaling is 40 km / hr. And it is in those moments when the thickness of the rims of this bike is appreciated, at all times it feels well planted and safe, even in the curves. In the economic aspect from the beginning I believed that it would be a good investment, since I would use it as my means of transport to go to work, with it I obtained two savings. The first and most important for me, the time, I went from occupying 2:30 hr to 40 min to get to my workplace (25 km away) and the second saving was economic, since charging the battery is very economical. There are two things that can be improved, in fact I did one. Change the pedals for wider ones to be more comfortable. The other is operational, I would have liked it to incorporate some system to regenerate energy. After a year I still enjoy my bike like the first day, without damage, fast and very beautiful.
Pedro Gutierrez on Google

La bicicleta buena mientras duró (poco menos de un año). Pero a los once meses falló el sistema eléctrico. Simplente un día dejó de funcionar a medio trayecto. La primera vez que la llevé al taller tardaron tres semanas en regresármela, me cobraron $300 por la "reparación" y me la regresaron sin poder usar los niveles de velocidad eléctricos. Sólo funcionaba a máxima velocidad y fallaba intermitentemente. La volví a llevar por segunda vez. Me dijeron que no la podían arreglar del problema eléctrico y además con el cambiador de velocidades mecánicas roto. La llevé por tercera vez y lleva ahí dos meses. Sigo sin tener respuesta. Traté de venderla y, por supuesto no he podido.
The good bike while it lasted (just under a year). But after eleven months the electrical system failed. Just one day it stopped working midway. The first time I took it to the shop they took three weeks to return it to me, charged me $ 300 for the "repair" and returned it to me without being able to use the electric speed levels. It only ran at full speed and failed intermittently. I took it back a second time. They told me that they could not fix the electrical problem and also with the broken mechanical gear shifter. I took it for the third time and it has been there for two months. I still have no answer. I tried to sell it and of course I couldn't.
Neboysha Nestorovic on Google

WARNING: MOOVERS DO NOT HONOR THEIR WARRANTY! I bought the Cerro E-Bike from the Guadalajara store for $27,000 pesos. Only 5 months later the battery stopped working... The warranty on the battery is 6 months, but Moovers company refuses to honor it. All they have done is made excuses and said that I somehow got water into the battery because I live 20 minutes from the beach and the air is different o_0 Isn’t that a bit of a ridiculous excuse? The battery is supposed to be weather-resistant. I never even rode the bike in the rain nor took it to the beach. For $27,000 the least they could do is offer the battery at cost price, but they won’t even do that. They’re saying I need to pay full price, almost $500 USD for a new battery. Eventually they offered me a 10% discount just so I wouldn’t write this review, but it's better to warn people about Moovers’ dishonest practice when it comes to their warranty. Do you want to spend $27,000 on a bike that spontaneously breaks beyond repair in a few months? Of course not. Thanks, Moovers, for making it very difficult to go green. ADVERTENCIA: MOOVERS NO CUMPLEN CON SU GARANTIA! Compré la Cerro E-Bike en la tienda de Guadalajara por $ 27,000 pesos. Solo 5 meses después, la batería dejó de funcionar ... La garantía de la batería es de 6 meses, pero la empresa Moovers se niega a respetarla. Todo lo que han hecho es poner excusas y decir que de alguna manera le metí agua a la batería porque vivo a 20 minutos de la playa y el aire es diferente o_0 ¿No es una excusa un poco ridícula? Se supone que la batería es resistente a la intemperie. Ni siquiera monté la bicicleta bajo la lluvia ni la llevé a la playa. Por $27.000 pesos, lo mínimo que pueden hacer es ofrecer la batería a precio de coste, pero ni siquiera lo harán. Dicen que debo pagar el precio completo, casi $ 500 USD por una batería nueva. Finalmente, me ofrecieron un 10% de descuento para no escribir esta reseña, pero es mejor advertir a otras personas sobre la práctica deshonesta de Moovers en lo que respecta a su garantía. ¿Quiere gastar $ 27,000 en una bicicleta que se rompe espontáneamente sin posibilidad de reparación en unos pocos meses? Gracias, Moovers, por hacer muy difícil ser ecológico.
WARNING: MOOVERS DO NOT HONOR THEIR WARRANTY! I bought the Cerro E-Bike from the Guadalajara store for $ 27,000 pesos. Only 5 months later the battery stopped working ... The warranty on the battery is 6 months, but Moovers company refuses to honor it. All they have done is made excuses and said that I somehow got water into the battery because I live 20 minutes from the beach and the air is different o_0 Isn’t that a bit of a ridiculous excuse? The battery is supposed to be weather-resistant. I never even rode the bike in the rain nor took it to the beach. For $ 27,000 the least they could do is offer the battery at cost price, but they won't even do that. They’re saying I need to pay full price, almost $ 500 USD for a new battery. Eventually they offered me a 10% discount just so I wouldn’t write this review, but it's better to warn people about Moovers ’dishonest practice when it comes to their warranty. Do you want to spend $ 27,000 on a bike that spontaneously breaks beyond repair in a few months? Of course not. Thanks, Moovers, for making it very difficult to go green. WARNING: MOOVERS DOES NOT MEET THEIR WARRANTY! I bought the Cerro E-Bike at the Guadalajara store for $ 27,000 pesos. Only 5 months later, the battery stopped working ... The battery warranty is 6 months, but the Moovers company refuses to honor it. All they have done is make excuses and say that somehow I put water in the battery because I live 20 minutes from the beach and the air is different o_0 Isn't that a bit of a ridiculous excuse? The battery is supposed to be weather resistant. I didn't even ride the bike in the rain or take it to the beach. For $ 27,000 pesos, the least they can do is offer the battery at cost, but they won't even do it. They say I have to pay the full price, almost $ 500 USD for a new battery. Finally, I was offered a 10% discount for not writing this review, but it's best to warn other people about Moovers' dishonest practice when it comes to their warranty. Want to spend $ 27,000 on a bike that breaks spontaneously beyond repair in a few months? Thank you, Moovers, for making it very difficult to go green.
Juan Carlos Ibarra on Google

Una estrella es mucho, participe en una de sus dinámicas giveawey siendo el "ganador" para después tener una pésima atención y un trato poco profesional. No recomiendo este tipo de empresas que solo quieren lograr estatus en sus redes a base de engaños. Ahora imagina como es la atención si fueras un cliente inconforme. Respecto a tu respuesta: Entiendo que quieran salvar el pellejo diciendo que yo soy el que me equivoque. Por qué obvio no supieron aceptar como erróneamente manejaron toda la situación. Así como cuentan su versión yo te recuerdo: 1. Después de 24hrs de haber ganado solo me mandaron un msj de que yo cometí un error y que no era el ganador. Solo así... 2. Envíe diferentes msj para hablar con alguien pero solo me dejaste en visto. 3. Hasta que empecé a hacer más ruido a nivel público me contestaron. Pero para eso ya estaban casi anunciando al siguiente ganador. 4. Me contestan que tengo una cita con el dueño y cuando pido nombre con quién me voy a dirigir antes de la cita, me dejan en visto y msj que hasta la fecha no fue contestado. 5. Como darme cuenta de la evidencia en Instegram sobre el sorteo si me bloqueron... La cuestión es que no supieron manejar la situación desde un principio, un error lo comete cualquier, pero la atención a cliente es pésima y solo basta leer las demás opiniones para darse cuenta que ¡no es la mejor atención la que brindan! Por ejemplo: no abren en horarios establecidos y que tengo razón por que apenas contestas está opinión 1 mes y medio despues. PD: La reputación que les preocupa debería estar totalmente alineado con tu personal que atiende las redes sociales y como resuelve este tipo de situaciones. Saludos
A star is a lot, participate in one of his giveawe dynamics being the "winner" and then have a lousy attention and an unprofessional treatment. I do not recommend these types of companies that only want to achieve status in their networks based on deception. Now imagine what care is like if you were a dissatisfied customer. Regarding your answer: I understand that they want to save the skin saying that I am the one who is wrong. Why obviously they could not accept how they erroneously handled the entire situation. Just as they tell their version I remind you: 1. After 24 hours of winning, they only sent me a message that I made a mistake and that I was not the winner. Just so... 2. Send different msgs to talk to someone but you just left me on sight. 3. Until I started making more noise at the public level, they answered me. But for that they were almost announcing the next winner. 4. They answer that I have an appointment with the owner and when I ask for a name with whom I am going to contact before the appointment, they leave me on sight and msg that to date it has not been answered. 5. How to realize the evidence in Instegram about the draw if I was blocked ... The point is that they did not know how to handle the situation from the beginning, any mistake is made by anyone, but the customer service is terrible and it is only enough to read the other opinions to realize that it is not the best care they provide! For example: they do not open at established times and I am right that you hardly answer this opinion 1 month and a half later. PS: The reputation that worries them should be totally aligned with your staff that attends social networks and how it solves this type of situation. Cheers

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