Motor Zone - 83210 Hermosillo

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

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Blvd. Antonio Quiroga 182, Internacional, 83210 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico

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City : Son.

Blvd. Antonio Quiroga 182, Internacional, 83210 Hermosillo, Son., Mexico
Valentín Rosales on Google

Buen servicio pero siempre quieren venderte más aunque no lo necesites.
Good service but they always want to sell you more even if you don't need it.
Marcel Martínez-Porchas on Google

Tengan cuidado con este Taller. Llevé mi carro a servicio y compré el paquete más caro, que incluía aceite sintético y bujías de platino. Pasadas unas semanas, el carro empezó a fallar y, al llevarlo a otro taller, me demostraron que el aceite no se lo habían cambiado y que las bujías eran de cobre y de mala calidad. Ya anteriormente había sospechado que no le cambiaban el aceite y sí lo cobraban. Pero esta vez me lo demostraron en otro taller, donde al parecer sí son profesionales.
Be careful with this Workshop. I took my car to service and bought the most expensive package, which included synthetic oil and platinum spark plugs. After a few weeks, the car began to fail and, when they took it to another workshop, they showed me that the oil had not been changed and that the spark plugs were made of copper and of poor quality. He had previously suspected that they did not change his oil and did charge it. But this time they showed it to me in another workshop, where apparently they are professionals.
Jorge L Soto Paez on Google

Nunca tienen cupo, inflan mucho sus precios.
They never have a quota, they inflate their prices a lot.
Luis Gerardo Martinez on Google

Muy amables, buenos precios, rápida atención
Very friendly, good prices, quick service
Pedro Figueroa on Google

Muy bien servicio a muy buen precio
Very good service at a very good price
German Daniel Noriega Soqui on Google

Un simple cambio de aceite no lograron hacerlo bien, no se de donde sacaron que se le echaba esa cantidad de aceite al motor, pero ahí esta varilla para corroborar que el nivel de aceite este bien, era algo sencillo... seria difícil confiarles algo como el sistema de frenado o de suspensión ya que podría ponerte en riesgo
A simple oil change could not do it well, I do not know where they got that amount of oil being poured into the engine, but there this dipstick to confirm that the oil level is fine, it was something simple ... it would be difficult to trust them with something such as the braking or suspension system as it could put you at risk
Laura Torrecillas on Google

Yo no soy de andar poniendo en mal a ninguna empresa pero creo que no es justo y la gente tiene que saber y tener cuidado con su dinero que tanto cuesta obtenerlo hoy en dìa. Fui a un cambio de aceite lo cual muy buenos para vender y ofrecerte paquetes, mi carro es viejito pero eso no quiere decir q lo tengo olvidado le cambió aceite y le doy sus servicios a tiempo el caso es q me marcan y me dicen que efectivamente salieron detalles del carro lo cual pague $4000 y uno de esos servicios era el anticongelante que el radiador tenía fuga etc ...pues todo bien les dije que si .. a los días empezó a gotear a tirarse y salía entre café y verde el caso es q tenía una fuga la cuál según esto era otra fuga ..que habían arreglado una y salió otra ..creo q a mi parecer entraría una garantía ..lo cual me solucionaron con cambiar todo el radiador con un valor de $7,000 por supuesto que no quice y me lo llevé a otro taller y qedo listo ..sacaron y limpiaron el líquido del radiador qe efectivamente no limpiaron solo le pusieron anticongelante y quizá lo manipularon .dijeron ellos q no movieron nada ..y SII les creo no hicieron nada de nada. Así se escudan pero esa fuga ni siquiera estaba...creo que hay que ser justos en esta vida y no nomás es vender es dejar al cliente contento y satisfecho NO LO RECOMIENDO MOTOR ZONE SOLIDARIDAD.. MAL SERVICIO SOLO QUIEREN VENDER ..
I'm not one to go around putting any company in a bad light, but I think it's not fair and people have to know and be careful with their money, which costs so much to obtain nowadays. I went to an oil change which is very good to sell and offer you packages, my car is old but that does not mean that I have forgotten it, I changed oil and I give it its services on time, the thing is that they mark me and tell me that indeed Details of the car came out, which I paid $4,000 for and one of those services was the antifreeze, the radiator was leaking, etc...well, everything was fine. is that it had a leak which according to this was another leak...they had fixed one and another came out...I think that in my opinion a guarantee would come in...which they solved for me by changing the entire radiator with a value of $7,000 of course not I wanted to and I took it to another workshop and it was ready...they took out and cleaned the liquid from the radiator, which in fact they did not clean, they just put antifreeze on it and maybe they manipulated it. They said they did not move anything...and YES I believe them they did nothing at all . That's how they hide but that leak wasn't even there... I think we have to be fair in this life and it's not just selling, it's leaving the customer happy and satisfied I DO NOT RECOMMEND MOTOR ZONE SOLIDARIDAD... BAD SERVICE THEY JUST WANT TO SELL...
Ernesto Vazquez Valencia on Google


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