MOTOS TWO WHEELS - 45060 Zapopan

2.7/5 based on 3 reviews


Address :

C. Puerto Guaymas 632-A, Miramar, 45060 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Jal.

C. Puerto Guaymas 632-A, Miramar, 45060 Zapopan, Jal., Mexico
DiegoGrMx on Google

Mi hermano me recomendo el lugar, ya que lo atendian bien, y le daban solucion a su moto, pero en mi caso fue distinto, el trato es bueno, gente muy amable, pero el trabajo dejo mucho que decear, ya que mi moto le fallaba la bateria y el regulador asi que ellos desarmaron la moto, cortaron la base de la bateria que tenia la moto para poner una mas grande, y dejaron toda la base cortada y por ende la bateria se movia muy exagerado, demas, la tornilleria del carenado la perdieron y pusieron cualquier tornillo que tuvieron hay. Al yo ver lo que hicieron y como dejaron el trabajo, les regrese la moto la moto para que vieran en "buen trabajo que hicieron" y ellos se ofrecieron a tratar de solucionarlo y dejarlo un poco mejor (con ningus costo extra) lo cual se agradecio, pero la verdad no me volvieron ganas de regresar sabiendo como pueden dejar los trabajos.
My brother recommended the place to me, since they looked after him well, and they gave him a solution to his motorcycle, but in my case it was different, the treatment is good, very friendly people, but the work left much to be desired, since my motorcycle The battery and regulator were failing so they disassembled the motorcycle, cut the base of the battery that had the motorcycle to put a larger one, and left the entire base cut and therefore the battery moved very exaggerated, others, the hardware of the Fairing they lost it and they put any screw that they had there. When I saw what they did and how they left the job, I returned the bike to the bike so they could see in "good job they did" and they offered to try to solve it and leave it a little better (at no extra cost) which was I am grateful, but the truth did not make me want to return knowing how they can leave their jobs.
Jose guadalupe Gevacio on Google

Muy profesionales
Very professional
Darwin Nicolas on Google

No recomiendo paranada este lugar, lleve mi moto de alto cilindraje ya que note que tenian mas afuera y pense que sabrian de motores grandes pero al principio me dijeron que en un dia me la tendrian y el costo y al final me tardaron mas de una semana, no me resperaron el precio me lo elevaron mucho, me le dejaron mas piezas, me le perdieron piezas y me le perdieron la tornilleria original del carenado, me le dejaron los tornillos incompletos y los que le pusieron nomas se los pusieron al azar de los que tenian ahi mismo, pesimo servicio
I do not recommend this place for anything, I took my high-cylinder motorcycle since I noticed that they had more outside and I thought they would know about large engines but at first they told me that in a day they would have it and the cost and in the end it took me more than a week , they did not respect the price, they raised it a lot, they left me more parts, they lost parts and they lost the original fairing hardware, they left me incomplete screws and the ones that they put on it were put at random of the that they had right there, terrible service

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