Moving and Freight Ruiz - 64550 Monterrey

3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Moving and Freight Ruiz

Address :

Fabriles 2213, Jardines de La Moderna, 64550 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +88
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City : N.L.

Fabriles 2213, Jardines de La Moderna, 64550 Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Edna Cueto on Google

Excelente servicio y atencion. Yo no estaba muy confiada debido a los comentarios negativos que había leído. Sin embargo desde la cotización, rapida, precio justo, muy puntuales para recoger y entregar. Mis muebles bien protegidos. Los recomiendo definitivamente. Fue una mudanza de Monterrey a Veracruz.
Excellent service and attention. I was not very confident due to the negative comments I had read. However from the quote, fast, fair price, very punctual to pick up and deliver. My furniture well protected. I definitely recommend them. It was a move from Monterrey to Veracruz.
Nestor Villarreal on Google

Me iba guiar en los comentarios negativos de otras personas, pero me da gusto no haberlo hecho, el servicio me resultó excelente, llegaron antes de lo que esperaba y siempre hubo comunicación con el vendedor. Si me vuelvo a mudar, los volvería a contratar sin duda!
I was going to be guided by negative comments from other people, but I'm glad I didn't, the service was excellent, they arrived earlier than I expected and there was always communication with the seller. If I move again, I would definitely hire them again!
Mauricio Rodriguez on Google

Mas de 2 meses y no me entregaban nada, no te responden, no hay status de nada, llegaron tarde x las cosas, y tuve que ir a resolverlo y averiguar su dirección xq tenía una dirección falsa o se cambiaron de nombre y ah no me devolvieron el deposito/adelanto. La dirección no parece una oficina profesional ni nada, no se puede poner -5 ? ?
More than 2 months and they did not give me anything, they do not answer you, there is no status at all, they arrived late for things, and I had to go to solve it and find out their address because I had a false address or they changed their name and oh I did not They returned the deposit / advance. The address does not look like a professional office or anything, you can not put -5 ? ?
Aimee Alvarez on Google

Pésimo servicio. Los contraté y debían llegar a las 10 am , llegaron a las 4:30 pm. Les llamaba y no me contestaban el teléfono , fue una odisea realmente. Pedi hablar con el de logística que a su vez es el dueño se llama Martin y fue peor aún. Grosero de todo se justificaba y para colmo te voltea la situación todo el tiempo como que ellos no tienen la culpa , todo el tiempo se justificó con argumentos absurdos. Como q yo tenia q ajustarme a sus tiempos . Pagué 5 personas para la carga y el dia de la misma no llegaron tuvieron q cargar mi gente . Le sufrí durante tres dias porq el traslado y descarga fue otra situación complicada mas . NO LOS RECOMIENDO jamás , por ahorrarse tres pesos porq realmente es nada el ahorro comparado con otras mudanzas profesionales . Es la PEOR mudanza que he contratado en mi vida y llevo 13 veces q me ha cambiado.
Terrible service. I hired them and they had to arrive at 10 am, they arrived at 4:30 pm. I called them and they didn't answer the phone, it was really an odyssey. I asked to speak to the logistician who in turn is the owner called Martin and it was even worse. Rude of everything was justified and to top it all the situation turns you all the time as they are not to blame, all the time it was justified with absurd arguments. As I had to adjust to their times. I paid 5 people for the load and the day of it they did not have to load my people. I suffered for three days because the transfer and unloading was another complicated situation. I DO NOT RECOMMEND them ever, for saving three pesos because the saving is really nothing compared to other professional removals. It is the WORST move I have ever hired in my life and it has changed me 13 times.
Emmanuel Sauceda on Google

La peor mudanza del país sin duda. Me llegó la pata del sillón rota. Recogieron mi mudanza tarde, me la entregaron 2 dias despues de lo acordado, hablé con el director, el Sr. Jose Ruiz y le pido una compensación por esos dos dias enteros que estuve esperandolos sin tener nada en mi casa, diciendole que esperaría una compensación o claramente daría una mala recomendación de su servicio; a lo que me contestó: "Si quieres hablar mal de la empresa nomas porque no te queremos regalar dinero, hazlo"
The worst move in the country without a doubt. The leg of the chair arrived broken. They picked up my move late, they delivered it to me 2 days after what was agreed, I spoke with the director, Mr. Jose Ruiz and I asked him for compensation for those two whole days that I was waiting for them without having anything in my house, telling him that I would expect compensation or would clearly give a poor recommendation of your service; To which he replied: "If you want to speak badly about the company just because we don't want to give you money, do it"
Victor Villalba on Google

No los recomiendo, son descuidados y unos rateros! Contrate un servicio de mudanza de Monterrey a CDMX. Cuando los contacte fui muy especifico que necesitaba que me empacaran una television. La recepcionista me dijo que con un rollo de emplaye y una colcha era suficiente. Y que los de la mudanza se encargaban de empacarla. Para empezar se demoraron 2 semanas para entregar las cosas. La tele llego en dañada al punto de no funcionar. Como si le hubieran puesto algo pesado encima. Todas las cajas estaban en malas condiciones. Abrieron casi todas y las cerraron sin tener cuidado. Al desempacar note que me habian robado bocinas, ropa, y hasta la alcancia. Dure mas de una semana intentando comunicarme con ellos. Cuando al fin se dignaron en contestar, me dicen que ellos no se hacen responsables de la tele. Que era mi culpa por no haber pedido un seguro ni haber pedido un empaque mejor. Dos servicios que ellos nunca me mencionaron al contratarlos. Y aparte de todo se atreven a decirme que nadie abrio las cajas y no se robaron nada.
I do not recommend them, they are careless and some thieves! Hire a moving service from Monterrey to CDMX. When I contacted them I was very specific that I needed a television package. The receptionist told me that with a roll of place and a quilt was enough. And that the moving ones were in charge of packing it. To start it took 2 weeks to deliver things. The TV arrived damaged to the point of not working. As if they had put something heavy on him. All boxes were in poor condition. They opened almost all and closed them without being careful. When unpacking, I noticed that they had stolen my horns, clothes, and even the Alcancia. Last more than a week trying to communicate with them. When they finally deigned to answer, they tell me that they are not responsible for TV. That was my fault for not asking for insurance or asking for a better package. Two services that they never mentioned when hiring them. And apart from everything they dare to tell me that nobody opened the boxes and nothing was stolen.
Carlos Garza Burfford on Google

Pésimo servicio, tenía programada una mudanza a la cuál no llegaron, estuve marcandoles y me contestaron 1 vez para decirme que lo iban a checar después de eso apagaron el celular y no volvieron a contestar jamás hdsptm.
Terrible service, I had scheduled a move to which they did not arrive, I was dialing them and they answered me once to tell me that they were going to check it after that they turned off the cell phone and they never answered hdsptm again.
Nora Patiño on Google

Did not arrive on time. Each truck is individual, they do not work as a team. It took them forever. Their truck broke down. They did not have a circulation permit. I towed their truck, they did not even cover the harness that was damaged in the process.they damaged the wood / doors at pick up location. They did not finish. (I had hired a team for less furniture a year prior, and 4 people with o e truck finished what 6 people with two could not) HORRIBLE experience

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