Mudanzas Baez - 66460 San Nicolás de los Garza

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mudanzas Baez

Address :

C. Nopal 1221, Las Puentes 1 5o Sector, 66460 San Nicolás de los Garza, N.L., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +8878
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City : N.L.

Alexis Hernandez on Google

Excelente servicio y un trato de primer nivel siempre atentos a cualquier solicitud.
Excellent service and a first level treatment always attentive to any request.
Liliana Medina on Google

Muy mala experiencia la verdad sobre todo con quienes te atienden en las oficinas, te dicen algo y luego te lo cambian, te cobran mal, no son específicos desde un inicio. No los recomiendo.
Very bad experience the truth especially with those who attend you in the offices, they tell you something and then they change it, they charge you badly, they are not specific from the beginning. I do not recommend them.
Francisco Ortiz on Google

Excelente servicio, monitoreado en todo momento por una supervisora, personal muy calificado para las maniobras de los muebles, además de la seguridad de ver la ubicación de mis muebles en tiempo real por GPS !
Excellent service, monitored at all times by a supervisor, highly qualified personnel for furniture maneuvers, in addition to the security of seeing the location of my furniture in real time by GPS!
Mercedes Fernandez on Google

Las personas que se encargaron de empacar y descargar hicieron un trabajo excelente. Sin embargo, hubo cargos extras no justificados. Nosotros pedimos que se nos entregara una semana después y nos dijeron que sin problema porque ellos tenían bodega y se incluía en la mudanza. Después negaron haber dicho eso y nos cobraron extra. Cuidado con eso y pídanlo por escrito.
The people who were responsible for packing and unloading did an excellent job. However, there were extra charges not justified. We asked that it be delivered to us a week later and they told us that no problem because they had a warehouse and it was included in the move. Then they denied saying that and charged us extra. Be careful with that and ask for it in writing.
Karla D. Sánchez on Google

No lo recomiendo para nada. La atención por parte de Martha Serrato muy bien al principio, parecían muy profesionales. Apenas llegaron los cargadores a mi domicilio y se les quitó el profesionalismo. Cuidado que te dicen una precio en su cotización y luego te llaman ya que cargaron y se llevaron tus cosas para decirte cuánto tienes que pagar de excedente. A mi sorpresa fueron 4,000 pesos, dijeron “sino quiere pagar le bajamos sus cosas”. Obviamente si iba a pagar, solo que le cuestionaba sus costos, ya que en mi caso ya tenía todo desarmado, emplayado y listo para bajar. Incluso en el mismo momento conseguí que utilizaran el elevador cuando la administración no lo permitía. Me cobraron 800 pesos por bajar UNA pieza por las escaleras, 1,200 porque la cama-cuna no era tan grande como se la imaginaban, y 1,000 de acarreo. Al llegar al destino, empezaron a bajar cosas, cuando bajaron la lavadora noté que traía un super golpe y en ese momento le dije al responsable y detuvieron la bajada de las cosas. Me trataba de convencer que ese golpe se reparaba por 300 pesos, le marqué a Martha y se hizo la que no me escuchaba. Tuve que pedirle al encargado que le marcara de su celular y solo así “me escuchó “. Hasta que me enojé y me puse a reclamarles me dieron 1,000 pesos por el daño, y entonces reanudaron la descarga. Me parece de mala educación como diciendo “o aceptas los 300 o no te bajo lo demás “. Obviamente después de desempacar vimos que las cajas venían abiertas, las TVs golpeadas, muebles dañados y sucios, y a ellos les vale. NO LOS CONTRATES, no cuidan tus cosas y todo es negocio para ellos.
I do not recommend it at all. Attention from Martha Serrato very well at first, they seemed very professional. As soon as the chargers arrived at my home, their professionalism was removed. Be careful that they tell you a price in their quote and then they call you as they loaded and took your things to tell you how much you have to pay in surplus. To my surprise it was 4,000 pesos, they said "if you don't want to pay, we will lower your things". Obviously if he was going to pay, only he questioned his costs, since in my case he already had everything disassembled, emplayado and ready to go down. Even at the same time I managed to get them to use the elevator when the administration did not allow it. They charged me 800 pesos to go ONE piece down the stairs, 1,200 because the cot-bed was not as big as they imagined, and 1,000 for carrying. When they arrived at the destination, they started to download things, when they lowered the washing machine I noticed that it was bringing a super blow and at that moment I told the person in charge and they stopped the download of things. I tried to convince myself that this blow was repaired for 300 pesos, I called Martha and she pretended not to listen to me. I had to ask the manager to dial him from his cell phone and only then "did he hear me". Until I got mad and started to claim them they gave me 1,000 pesos for the damage, and then they resumed downloading. It seems rude to me like saying "either you accept the 300 or you don't get the rest". Obviously after unpacking we saw that the boxes came open, the TVs beaten, furniture damaged and dirty, and they are worth it. DO NOT CONTRACT them, they do not take care of your things and everything is business for them.
Iris Navarro on Google

Excelente servicio y atención, mis pertenencias en buen estado. Y el personal responsable h respetuoso
Excellent service and attention, my belongings in good condition. And the responsible and respectful staff
Alex Estrada on Google

Venia manejando y los choferes me cerraron, iban en su camion pero creian que tenian carro particular acelerando y cerrando a todo mundo. No los contratare y nunca los recomendare. Muy mal
I was driving and the drivers closed me, they were in their truck but they believed that they had a private car accelerating and closing everyone. I will not hire them and I will never recommend them. Very badly
Gerardo Tenorio Castillo on Google

Terrible, la atención al inicio parecia excelente, sin embargo, Martha, la asesora que estuvo dandome servicio sirvio para nada. Se indicó que era una mudanza grande donde se transportaria un automóvil de tamaño mediano y para mi sorpresa llegaron ennun camión chico, los mismos empacadores comentaron que no estaban informados de llevar un auto. Me hicieron manejar hasta el otro lado de la ciudad para entregar el carro en la bodega y cambiaran de camión porque se habían equivocado. Nos dañaron varios muebles, rompieron una lámpara, y hasta se les cayó mi asador Weber, lo descuadraron los desgraciados. No sólo eso, sino también se robaron mis herramientas de jardinería, bolsas de basura, inclusive unas cubetas con extensiones y piedras volcanicas que usaba en una pecera. Se negaron a llevar mi árbol en maceta de limón a pesar de haber dicho que no había problema, este era factor importante para escoger la empresa. Empacaron una caja con cactus y macetas que también se robaron. No solo eso sino quisieron aplicar cargos extra, la realidad es que los mande muy lejos y no les pague un quinto adicional. Se robaron mi escoba también. No los recomiendo para nada, y la señora Martha debería dedicarse a otra cosa.
Terrible, the attention at the beginning seemed excellent, however, Martha, the advisor who was giving me service, was useless. It was indicated that it was a large move where a medium-sized car would be transported and to my surprise they arrived in a small truck, the packers themselves commented that they were not informed of taking a car. They made me drive to the other side of town to deliver the car to the warehouse and change trucks because they had made a mistake. They damaged several pieces of furniture, they broke a lamp, and they even dropped my Weber grill, the unfortunates knocked it off balance. Not only that, but my gardening tools, garbage bags, even some buckets with extensions and volcanic stones that I used in a fish tank were also stolen. They refused to take my potted lemon tree despite saying no problem, this was an important factor in choosing the company. They packed a box with cacti and pots that were also stolen. Not only that, but they wanted to apply extra charges, the reality is that I send them very far and do not pay them an additional fifth. My broom was stolen too. I don't recommend them at all, and Mrs. Martha should be doing something else.

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