Mueblerias Lara - 78421 San Luis

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Contact Mueblerias Lara

Address :

Cuartel Cruces Vicente Guerrero 191, Olivos, 78421 San Luis, S.L.P., Mexico

Categories :
City : S.L.P.

Cuartel Cruces Vicente Guerrero 191, Olivos, 78421 San Luis, S.L.P., Mexico
Fernanda Benavides on Google

Max on Google

No lo recomiendo, compre un mueble y pague para que le pusieran llantas, es un servicio que ofrecen en las instalaciones, el detalle es que cuando lo hicieron dañaron unos cajones y se los reporte me dijeron que lo iban a reparar pero no más no me han dado respuesta, los eh estado esperando las fechas que me dan de entrega y no cumplen. Pésimo servicio. Esta es una actualización (Hoy es 18 de septiembre de 2021) hasta el día de hoy no han solucionado el problema de unos cajones, me dan respuestas ''como que está lloviendo'' ''tenemos mucho trabajo'' ''paso una emergencia familiar'' ya solo me interesa que me regrese los cajones para llevarlos con alguien que sepa hacer las cosas bien. Hablé con los encargados y aún así siguen quedando mal. Se los dejo a su decisión si quieren adquirir algo con ellos solo les comparto esta experiencia y lo que les podría pasar.
I do not recommend it, buy a piece of furniture and pay to have tires put on it, it is a service that they offer in the facilities, the detail is that when they did it they damaged some drawers and they reported them to me they told me that they were going to repair it but no more they did not They have responded, I have been waiting for the delivery dates they give me and they do not comply. Terrible service. This is an update (Today is September 18, 2021) until today they have not solved the problem of some drawers, they give me answers '' like it's raining '' '' we have a lot of work '' '' I have an emergency familiar '' and I'm only interested in returning the drawers to take them with someone who knows how to do things well. I spoke with the managers and they still look bad. I leave them to their decision if they want to buy something with them, I only share this experience and what could happen to them.
Abigail Gómez on Google

Muy mal servicio no lo recomiendo. Compre una sala y un comedor lo pagamos de contado y la sra quedó de entregarnos en 15 días lo cual no sucedio, les marcamos en repetidas ocasiones y no contestaban hasta que fuimos y nos daban largas con que tuvieron prob con el proveedor y que ya solo faltaba la mesa, que los muebles ya estaban en ruta, dije que ya no quería los muebles y me regresarán el dinero y fue ahí cuando mágicamente ya estaban los muebles (y por los empleados supe que apenas habían llegado esa noche osea que 15 días estuvieron diciendo mentiras y no fueron capas es de avisar por una llamada y decir que había retraso con el pedido) lo que colmo todo fue que nos dijeron que serían 30 días para que nos regresarán el dinero por lo que accedimos a quedarnos ya con los muebles y o sorpresa TRAÍAN VARIOS DETALLES (DETALLES QUE EL SR (EL DUEÑO) QUEDÓ EN VENIR A REPARAR A LA CASA. Han pasado aprox 2. 5 meses y aún no vienen a repararlo y ya no se dignan en contestar y la vdd son MUY MALA CALIDAD LOS SILLONES ESTÁN TODOS Duros, TE RECARGAS Y TRUENAN LOS COJINES QUE TRAE ESTÁN DEFORMES Y SI RECARGAS EL CODO EN LA ESPONJITA SE QUEDA MARCADO Y NO REGRESA A SU FORMA, EL COMEDOR ESTÁ DESNIVELADO AL IGUAL QUE 2 SILLAS Y LOS COJINES ESTÁN SUPER DUROS (CABE MENCIONAR QUE LOS MUEBLES QUE VIMOS EN EXHIBICIÓN NO ESTABAN ASI)
Very bad service I do not recommend it. I bought a living room and a dining room, we paid for it in cash and the lady agreed to deliver it to us in 15 days, which did not happen, we called them repeatedly and they did not answer until we went and they gave us the long run that they had a problem with the supplier and that they only the table was missing, that the furniture was already en route, I said that I no longer wanted the furniture and they would return my money and that was when the furniture magically was already there (and from the employees I learned that they had barely arrived that night, that is, they were there for 15 days telling lies and they were not capable of notifying us by calling and saying that there was a delay with the order) what made everything last was that they told us that it would be 30 days for them to return the money, so we agreed to keep the furniture myself surprise THEY BRING SEVERAL DETAILS (DETAILS THAT THE MR (THE OWNER) AGREED TO COME TO REPAIR THE HOUSE. It's been approx 2.5 months and they still haven't come to repair it and they no longer deign to answer and the vdd are VERY POOR QUALITY THE ARMCHAIRS ARE TO DOS Duros, YOU RECHARGE AND SHOCK THE CUSHIONS THAT IT BRINGS ARE MISFORMED AND IF YOU RECHARGE YOUR ELBOW ON THE SPONGE IT REMAINS MARKED AND DOES NOT RETURN TO ITS SHAPE, THE DINING ROOM IS OFF LEVEL AS WELL AS 2 CHAIRS AND THE CUSHIONS ARE SUPER HARD (IT SHOULD BE MENTIONED THAT THE FURNITURE WE SAW ON DISPLAY WAS NOT LIKE THIS)
Wendolin Arriaga on Google

Pésimo servicio, para vender te ofrecen garantía de un año y según muy buena atención. Compre un comedor, pague extra para que hicieran el cambio del tapiz de las sillas, cuando las trajeron, una silla tenía una fisura, de inmediato hablé y simplemente no respondieron, lleve la silla y se comprometieron a traerla reparada y jamás lo hicieron. No lo recomiendo.
Terrible service, to sell they offer you a one-year guarantee and according to very good service. Buy a dining room, pay extra for them to make the change of the upholstery of the chairs, when they brought them, a chair had a crack, I immediately spoke and they just did not answer, I took the chair and they promised to bring it repaired and they never did. I do not recommend it.

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