Mundo Animal Centro Maya - 77712 Playa del Carmen

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mundo Animal Centro Maya

Address :

Carr. Tulum - Cancún 2100, Playacar, 77712 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +98898
Website :
Categories :
City : Q.R.

Carr. Tulum - Cancún 2100, Playacar, 77712 Playa del Carmen, Q.R., Mexico
Jorge Espíndola on Google

El lugar ideal para los amantes de las mascotas, pero si de vestir y/o consentir a tu amado perrijoes el lugar ideal vas a encontrar de todo, complemente es un mundo animal.
The ideal place for pet lovers, but if dressing and / or pampering your beloved dog is the ideal place you will find everything, it is completely an animal world.
Diancy Medina on Google

Lamentablemente la calidad de las Ropas y Zapatos demasiado mediocres! El Servicio es pésimo, hay que buscar quién atiende en el Departamento donde se va a comprar! Esta semana en Zapatería de Hombre traté de comprarme unas Zapatillas Unisex, la Señora se negó y me envió a Zapatos de Mujer!!!..Preferimos ya ir a otros Comercios, como SEARS, ZARA, etc..Lo lamento, pues siempre me sentí a gusto...ya NO! Sujerimos cambios!
Unfortunately the quality of the Clothes and Shoes too mediocre! The Service is lousy, you have to look for who attends in the Department where you are going to buy! This week at Men's Shoes I tried to buy some Unisex Shoes, the Lady refused and sent me to Women's Shoes!!!...We prefer to go to other stores, such as SEARS, ZARA, etc...I'm sorry, because I always I felt comfortable... NOT anymore! We suggest changes!
Mariela Taylor on Google

Mi prima y yo fuimos ayer a Centro Maya a unas compras y en la salida vimos a una husky cachorra pérdida con cadena sin collar o identificación y supusimos que se había escapado de la veterinaria, tomamos la perra y fuimos a ver la vet de la foto que es la que se encuentra afuera y había dos mujeres paradas afuera solo viendo hacia los lados, sin intención se salir corriendo a buscar a la perrita, OBVIAMENTE no íbamos a dejar a la cachorra sin saber qué efectivamente su dueña la había dejado ahí, la señorita de la foto jaloneo a mi prima quejándose que era un perro bajo su responsabilidad y que no nos lo podíamos llevar. Nuestra intención siempre fue entregar el perro con su dueño y no dejarlo en la vet de nuevo con personas irresponsables que no les importa su trabajo. Llego el veterinario y minimizo el problema diciendo que la perrita ya lo tenían ellos y que dejáramos de hacer alboroto por que no la queríamos devolver sin que la dueña llegara… Yo tengo perros y no me gustaría dejar mis bebés en manos de gente tan irresponsable. El guardia de La plaza nos acompañó en todo momento por que se dio cuenta de cómo nos estaban tratando y que la perra estaba desorientada, deshidratada y perdida por un largo tiempo ( aunque fueran 30 segundos alguien se la pudo haber robado y ella cruzado la calle y terminado atropellada). Después de haberla entregado con sus dueñas( uñas niñas que nunca pudimos comprobar que eran las dueñas y honestamente ya había pasado tiempo desde que estábamos esperando entregar a la perra) yo tengo que trabajar y me tenía que retirar entonces la entregamos y tomamos las fotos para que quedara evidencia del trato que le dan a los animalitos. Nos fuimos a Sam’s a terminar las compras y antes de bajarno de la camioneta nos dimos cuenta que el veterinario se tomó el tiempo de seguirnos desde centro maya hasta Sam’s con una mujer que tomaba fotos de nuestra camioneta, placas y un video de nosotras entonces publico por seguridad de mi prima y la mía y hacemos responsable a esa persona si algo nos sucede a nosotros yo a nuestras pertenencias (coche). Nuestra intención siempre fue devolver la cachorra por que no es Justo que cuando quieras hacer las cosas bien, personas cómo estás traten de amendrentanos, específicamente un hombre siguiendo a dos mujeres cuando solo hicimos lo correcto. Ahora tenemos miedo. Comenten ustedes que hubieran hecho!!!!!???? Pd: No íbamos a publicar nada al final para dejar pasar el mal rato, pero como nos siguieron velamos por nuestra seguridad? y aparte que coraje pensar que esto le puede pasar a mi mascota o a la de alguna de ustedes…
My cousin and I went to Centro Maya yesterday to do some shopping and at the exit we saw a lost husky puppy with a chain without a collar or identification and we assumed that she had escaped from the vet, we took the dog and went to see the vet in the photo which is the one that is outside and there were two women standing outside just looking to the sides, without intention running off to look for the dog, OBVIOUSLY we were not going to leave the puppy without knowing that her owner had actually left her there, The lady in the photo pulled at my cousin complaining that it was a dog under her responsibility and that we couldn't take it with us. Our intention was always to deliver the dog to its owner and not leave it in the vet again with irresponsible people who do not care about their work. The vet arrived and minimized the problem by saying that they already had the dog and that we should stop making a fuss because we did not want to return her without the owner arriving ... I have dogs and I would not like to leave my babies in the hands of such irresponsible people. The guard from La plaza accompanied us at all times because he realized how they were treating us and that the dog was disoriented, dehydrated and lost for a long time (even if it was 30 seconds someone could have stolen her and she crossed the street and ended up run over). After having delivered it with its owners (girls nails that we could never verify that they were the owners and honestly it had already been a while since we were waiting to deliver the dog) I have to work and I had to leave so we delivered it and took the photos to that there will be evidence of the treatment they give to the animals. We went to Sam's to finish the shopping and before we got out of the truck we realized that the vet took the time to follow us from the Mayan center to Sam's with a woman who took photos of our truck, plates and a video of us then published For the safety of my cousin and mine and we hold that person responsible if something happens to us and to our belongings (car). Our intention was always to return the puppy because it is not Fair that when you want to do things right, people like you try to amend us, specifically a man following two women when we only did the right thing. Now we are afraid. Comment on what you would have done !!!!! ???? PS: We were not going to publish anything at the end to let the bad time pass, but since they followed us we watched over our safety? and apart from what courage to think that this could happen to my pet or to one of you ...
H. Taft on Google

Like this pet store very much.
Jungle Life on Google

Sweet employees, clean store, good selection of cat food and accessories.
Josue Pool on Google

It was great ?
Ekaterina Andreeva on Google

Great choice of food, equipment for animals
Jason Courtright on Google

This place claims to be a veterinary clinic and in reality it's just a local Petco. Their website lists vet services and severl doctors operating from opening until closing 7 days a week but It Is just a big lie. After I asked for vet services at 1:20 PM, the persona at the counter told me I had to come back at 4:00 PM because the doctor was out. When I confronted him with the web info he just shrugged His shoulders and told me again to come back at 4:00pm. If you expect good customer services and truth in advertising do not go this place.

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