Mundopet Clinic Hospital - Tuxtla Gutiérrez

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mundopet Clinic Hospital

Address :

Libramiento Sur 156B, San Francisco, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico

Phone : 📞 +97
Categories :
City : Chis.

Libramiento Sur 156B, San Francisco, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis., Mexico
E. RgX on Google

Muy buen trato. El veterinario Guillermo es muy profesional.
Very good deal. Guillermo vet is very professional.
Majo chantiri on Google

La atención que le dan a tus mascotas es muy buena, el propietario te explica a detalle lo que van hacerle o lo que este mal o hay que tratar a tu animal. Lo recomiendo
The attention they give your pets is very good, the owner explains in detail what they are doing or what is wrong or you have to treat your animal. I recommend it
Lina Omran on Google

¡NO TRAIGA SU ANIMAL A ESTE VETERINARIO! ¡NO TRAIGA SU ANIMAL A ESTE VETERINARIO! Hace más de 3 semanas trajimos a nuestra gata para ser esterilizada en este "vetrinario". Ella no se recuperó bien y la mantuvimos allí por más de una semana para ser cuidada adecuadamente y ser sanada. La trajimos a casa el miércoles SIN DEFECAR con otro punto, crudo y doloroso. ¡Ellos tienen el cono que ves en la foto! ¡Sucio! ¡Antiguo! USADO ! ¡Este es un VET de 'dólar superior' en esta área! ¡Mi gato tuvo que ser visto por un veterinario de emergencia anoche cuando sus puntos se abrieron y fueron INFECTADOS POR SU CONO! Ella ha estado sufriendo durante 4 semanas y estoy tan completamente enojado con #mundopet. No se trata del dinero. Se trata de CARE para los animales. No les importa. Manejan un negocio y animales CARNICERO. Este veterinario no merece guardar su licencia. Le hemos enviado varios animales con el mismo resultado y ahora esto. Ya es suficiente y estamos hablando FUERA. DO NOT USE THIS VET! DO NOT BRING YOUR ANIMAL TO THIS VET! ¡NO TRAIGA SU ANIMAL A ESTE VETERINARIO! Over 3 weeks ago we brought our female cat to be spayed at this "vetrinarian". She did not recover well and we kept her there for over a week in order to be properly cared for and to be healed. We brought her home in Wednesday UNHEALED with another stitch , raw and painful. They have her the cone you see in the photo! Dirty! Old! USED ! This is a 'top dollar' VET in this area! My cat had to be seen by an emergency VET last night as her stiches opened up and were INFECTED BY HER CONE! She has been suffering going on 4 weeks now and I am so completely upset with #mundopet. Its not about the money It's about the CARE for the animals. They do no care. They run a business and BUTCHER animals. This veterinarian does not deserve to keep his license. We have sent multiple animals to him with the same result and now this. Enough is enough and we are speaking OUT.
DO NOT BRING YOUR ANIMAL TO THIS VETERINARY! DO NOT BRING YOUR ANIMAL TO THIS VETERINARY! More than 3 weeks ago we brought our cat to be sterilized in this "vetrinario". She did not recover well and we kept her there for over a week to be properly cared for and healed. We brought her home on Wednesday WITHOUT DEFECT with another point, raw and painful. They have the cone you see in the photo! Dirty! Old! USED! This is a 'top dollar' VET in this area! My cat had to be seen by an emergency vet last night when his stitches opened and were INFECTED BY HIS CONE! She has been suffering for 4 weeks and I am so completely mad at #mundopet. It's not about the money. This is CARE for animals. Do not care. They run a business and animals BUTCHER. This vet does not deserve to keep your license. We have sent you several animals with the same result and now this. Enough is enough and we are talking OUT. DO NOT USE THIS VET! DO NOT BRING YOUR ANIMAL TO THIS VET! DO NOT BRING YOUR ANIMAL TO THIS VETERINARY! Over 3 weeks ago we brought our female cat to be spayed at this "vetrinarian". She did not recover well and we kept her there for over a week in order to be properly cared for and to be healed. We brought her home in Wednesday UNHEALED with another stitch, raw and painful. They have her the cone you see in the photo! Dirty! Old! YOU! This is a 'top dollar' VET in this area! My cat had to be seen by an emergency VET last night as her stiches opened up and were INFECTED BY HER CONE! She has been suffering going on 4 weeks now and I am so completely upset with #mundopet. Its not about the money It's about the CARE for the animals. They do no care. They run a business and BUTCHER animals. This veterinarian does not deserve to keep his license. We have sent multiple animals to him with the same result and now this. Enough is enough and we are speaking OUT.
Itzia Figueroa on Google

Muy buena! fui a una terapia de masaje ?‍♀️ excelente!!
Very good! I went to a massage therapy ?‍♀️ excellent !!
Ariadna González on Google

Son unos abusivos, me dijeron que le harían una radiografía de $500 pesos a mi perro y cuando llegué por él me dieron una cuenta de 1500 pesos ya que le realizaron procedimientos que yo nunca autoricé, a demás te cobran $250 pesos por un vendaje! Jamás volveré a este veterinario!
They are abusive, they told me that they would do an X-ray of $ 500 pesos to my dog ​​and when I arrived for him they gave me a bill of 1500 pesos since they performed procedures that I never authorized, otherwise they charge you $ 250 pesos for a bandage! I will never go back to this vet!
Emily Julieth (Emy J. López) on Google

Realmente no tengo palabras para expresar el disgusto para con ellos. Hace unos meses mi eriza comenzó a desangrar como sí fuera su período (los erizos no tienen período) así que busqué por todos lados una veterinaria donde pudieran agendarla. Todos fueron honestos y decían que no sabían tratar con animales así, hasta que llamé a esta clinica. Dijeron que podía llevarla, le hicieron una "revisión" y dijeron que necesitaba vitaminas. Que su período era cada 3 meses y que estaría bien. La consulta me salió $600 con todo y vitaminas pero no me importó porque vamos, sabía que Púa ya estaría bien. Al mes siguiente comenzó a desangrar otra vez, y en menos de una semana Púa (así se llamaba) había muerto. En ese momento no quería respuestas, sólo quería a mí Erizo, pero por no poder decir la vezdad, un animalito que tenía mi amor y cariño (que como todos los dueños, sabemos lo que se siente el amor a sus mascotas) murió. Lo dejo a su criterio.
I really have no words to express my displeasure with them. A few months ago my hedgehog started bleeding like it was her period (hedgehogs don't have a period) so I looked everywhere for a vet where they could schedule her. They were all honest and said they did not know how to deal with animals like that, until I called this clinic. They said she could take her, they did a "checkup" and said she needed vitamins. That her period was every 3 months and that she would be fine. The consultation cost me $ 600 with everything and vitamins but I did not care because come on, I knew that Púa would be fine. The following month he began to bleed again, and in less than a week Púa (that was her name) had died. At that moment he did not want answers, he only wanted me Hedgehog, but for not being able to say the time, a little animal that had my love and affection (that like all owners, we know what it feels like to love their pets) died. I leave it up to you.
Victoria Arriaga on Google

El lugar es bastante higiénico, el personal amable y atento. El veterinario fue bastante profesional, resolvió dudas, explico muy bien y dió varias alternativas de solución. Lo recomiendo altamente
The place is quite hygienic, the staff friendly and attentive. The vet was quite professional, solved doubts, explained very well and gave several alternative solutions. I highly recommend it
Ashy Hayato on Google

De verdad que no quiero ni darle una estrella, cuando deje a mi gato allí para que la cuidaran pq me iba de viaje le pregunte por un número para poder contactarme con ellos y me dijeron que ellos lo harían, nunca me llamaron, los llame yo y no me contestaron :c estoy ansiosa pq no sé como esta mi pequeña :c
I really don't even want to give it a star, when I left my cat there to be taken care of because I was going on a trip, I asked for a number to be able to contact them and they told me that they would do it, they never called me, I called them and they didn't answer me: c I'm anxious because I don't know how my little girl is: c

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