Muni Meditation Center - 11000 Ciudad de México

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Contact Muni Meditation Center

Address :

Avenida Prado Norte, Lomas - Virreyes, Lomas de Chapultepec III Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

Phone : 📞 +9879799
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City : CDMX

Avenida Prado Norte, Lomas - Virreyes, Lomas de Chapultepec III Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Linda De la O on Google

Muy buen centro de meditación Una experiencia increíble desde el principio hasta el final. La ubicación esta perfecta y el lugar esta precioso.
Very good meditation center. An amazing experience from start to finish. The location is perfect and the place is beautiful.
Ana Monsivais on Google

"¡La gente me pregunta literalmente si me he puesto botox! Este retiro fue todo lo que necesitaba para resetear mi cuerpo y mi vida. Jorge es un joven Maestro y tan increíblemente inteligente, intuitivo y amable. Todo lo que he aprendido de Jorge hace que las dificultades que trae la vida sean más fáciles de manejar, sé que pase lo que pase, tengo mi práctica, que eleva mis vibraciones y mis estados de ánimo y esto es realmente todo lo que necesito. El curso de Jorge me ha dado la confianza para perseguir mi futuro con facilidad y gracia. ¡¡¡Muy recomendable!!! Te cambiará la vida".
"People literally ask me if I've had botox! This retreat was all I needed to reset my body and my life. Jorge is such a young Master and so incredibly smart, intuitive and kind. Everything I have learned from Jorge makes the difficulties that life brings easier to deal with, I know that no matter what happens, I have my practice, which raises my vibrations and my moods and this is really all I need. Jorge's course has given me the confidence to pursue my future with ease and grace. Highly recommended!!! It will change your life."
Balam Kin on Google

Jorge es perceptivo y ese tipo de profesor que sabes que se preocupa profundamente por tu crecimiento - dispuesto a empujar a sus alumnos a lograr lo que él sabe que está dentro de nosotros y ofrece retroalimentación, ejemplos y técnicas prácticas para lograr lo que es único para cada alumno - para ti. Con un espíritu tan bello y experimentado, comparte con nosotros lo que ha aprendido y nos permite acompañarle en su viaje hacia la iluminación, compartiendo sus propios retos y su historia, lo que hace que la experiencia sea aún más... aterrizada... profundamente humana... encantadora. Personalmente, me abrió los ojos a lo que mi cuerpo era capaz de sentir - y con ello llegó un sentido renovado de las posibilidades que se encuentran en todos y cada uno de nuestros cuerpos... a cómo podemos alinear y ESCUCHARLO, y por eso estoy extremadamente agradecido.
Jorge is perceptive and the kind of teacher you know cares deeply about your growth - willing to push his students to achieve what he knows is within us and offers feedback, examples and practical techniques to achieve what is unique to you. each student - for you. With such a beautiful and experienced spirit, he shares with us what he has learned and allows us to accompany him on his journey towards enlightenment, sharing his own challenges and his story, which makes the experience even more... grounded... deeply human... enchanting. Personally, it opened my eyes to what my body was capable of feeling - and with it came a renewed sense of the possibilities found in each and every one of our bodies... how we can align and LISTEN to it, and for that I am extremely grateful.
Vicente Cruz Mac Gregor on Google

Jorge es auténtico! Todo el retiro está diseñado para ayudarte a desarrollar tu práctica y hacer avances. He leído innumerables libros sobre meditación, pero lo que realmente necesitaba era el tiempo y el lugar para trabajar en mi práctica. Este retiro fue perfecto para ello. Su técnica es directa y sencilla pero produce resultados profundos para la mente/cuerpo Para cualquiera que esté considerando este retiro, le imploro que dé el salto. Invierte en ti mismo y no te decepcionará.
George is authentic! The entire retreat is designed to help you develop your practice and make progress. I have read countless books on meditation, but what I really needed was the time and place to work on my practice. This retreat was perfect for it. His technique is direct and simple but produces profound results for the mind/body. For anyone considering this retreat, I implore you to take the plunge. Invest in yourself and you will not be disappointed.
Jalil Novelo on Google

I never imagined I could meditate for 2 straight hours ! I’ve have been trying to improve my mediation for years but it was until I took Muni’s weekend seminar that I finally got the tools and structure to take my practice to another level. Jorge is a kind and honest guide, his feedback is always spot on but most importantly he lets the practice speaks for itself.
Eduardo Marquez on Google

“This is not just a meditation retreat, it is the most fundamental purity of what meditation is, before commercialization. In a way, it is the lost art of non-doing in order to then be the best you. This is the most effective practice that I have been exposed to and have not come across anything this in depth in such a simple way. For me what was particularly powerful was learning the utility of my super consciousness. In simple terms, you will not only learn concentration and inner peace, you will transform your body, your mind and your ability to live, fully! I came for trauma related PTSD/Anxiety, I left with techniques to heal at any given time whether it be mentally, physically or spiritually.
Kathleen Reily on Google

I came to Jorge with the intention of learning and growing more in the art of meditation. He is a patient and compassionate instructor and a wealth of knowledge. Before my retreat with him i was feeling very heavy with internalized grief and anger from relationships. When i completed the retreat i felt joyful, light, and far more resilient as a result. Much gratitude!!

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