National Institute Of Immigration - 11510 Ciudad de México

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Contact National Institute Of Immigration

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Av. Homero 1832, Polanco, Polanco I Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11510 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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City : CDMX

Av. Homero 1832, Polanco, Polanco I Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11510 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico
Pilar Martinez on Google

Nadie responde jamás Llevo semanas queriendo comunicarme para un trámite y nadie atiende. Y si te aventuras a ir, te dicen que debes llamar primero, sacar cita, bla bla... ¿?
no one ever answers I've been wanting to communicate for a procedure for weeks and nobody answers. And if you venture to go, they tell you that you should call first, make an appointment, blah blah... ?
María Blanca N. Covalles Calera on Google

Cuidado con la mafia de migración, desde el corrupto de Francisco Garduño Yáñez, hasta el último de sus empleados. El secretario de Turismo del Gobierno de México, Miguel Torruco Marqués, por un lado exige que vengan más turistas, pero al parecer está coludido con Francisco Garduño para pisotear los derechos de los turistas. Morenistas tenían que ser, siguen la línea de López Obrador y su gobierno autoritario. Como mexicana siento vergüenza de este gobierno fallido, y lamento los atropellos que viven los turistas extranjeros.
Beware of the migration mafia, from the corrupt Francisco Garduño Yáñez, to the last of his employees. The Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, on the one hand demands that more tourists come, but apparently he is in collusion with Francisco Garduño to trample on the rights of tourists. Morenistas had to be, they follow the line of López Obrador and his authoritarian government. As a Mexican, I feel ashamed of this failed government, and I regret the abuses that foreign tourists experience.
Telma Perez on Google

La verdad me siento decepcionada de la forma de informar estas instituciones, mi esposo trata de tramitar su residencia mexicana por mi parte ya que soy mexicana, y resulta que si le dan la visa en su pais de origen para hacer exclusivamente este tramite, dispone una semana para permanecer en Cd de Mexico y hacer todo en ese tiempo y cuando llega a migracion le dicen que todo esta facil y rapido y que cheque un link para hacer un cupo y resulta que le dan hasta despues de 2 meses cuando el ha salido de su pais para hacer este tramite exclusivamente, vuelve mi esposo para averiguar si es que no hay otra forma de hacer el tramite de residencia sin cupo y le dicen que no, que no hay manera de atenderlo sin ese cupo electronico, cuando ya has hecho un tremendo gasto para viajar por unica ves a Mexico y te salgan con esto sin pensar el gran sacrificio que causan a los aspirantes a una residencia. eso ademas que ya pagaste el tramite de visa. No veo sean empatico y considerados esta institucion para facilitar estos tramites. Muy mala atencion.
The truth is that I feel disappointed in the way these institutions report, my husband tries to process his Mexican residence for me since I am Mexican, and it turns out that if they give him a visa in his country of origin to do this process exclusively, he has a week to stay in Mexico City and do everything in that time and when he arrives at immigration they tell him that everything is easy and fast and that he check a link to make a quota and it turns out that they give him until after 2 months when he has left his country to carry out this process exclusively, my husband returns to find out if there is no other way to carry out the residence process without a quota and they tell him no, that there is no way to serve him without that electronic quota, when you have already made a Tremendous expense to travel to Mexico for the only time and they come out with this without thinking about the great sacrifice they cause to applicants for a residence. that besides that you already paid the visa process. I do not see that this institution is empathetic and considerate to facilitate these procedures. Very bad attention.
Karmen Vazquez Lopez on Google

Son unos ratas, viajé con mi familia desde Barcelona a México para conocer parte del país en 45 días de vacaciones, cuando pasamos por las ventanillas de inmigración, nos preguntaron el tiempo que íbamos a quedarnos y al mostrarles el itinerario, nos dijeron que desde el pasado Noviembre solo se puede transitar un mes por México con la visa de turista. La mañana siguiente llamé al instituto Nacional de inmigración para ver si se podía solucionar y me dijeron que me fuera a hablar con los de inmigración del aereopuerto para ver porqué me habían mentido al respecto, con la visa de turista se puede estar hasta 180 días, cuando llegamos y les pedimos amablemente que nos cambiaran la visa por el tiempo que estábamos en México nos contestaron que no se puede y que la única forma es pagar la multa al salir de México. Son unos ratas racistas e envidiosos, yo tengo para pagar pero espero que el dinero que nos roban se lo gasten en medicinas.
They are rats, I traveled with my family from Barcelona to Mexico to get to know part of the country in 45 days of vacation, when we went through the immigration windows, they asked us how long we were going to stay and when we showed them the itinerary, they told us that from the Last November you can only travel through Mexico for a month with a tourist visa. The next morning I called the National Immigration Institute to see if it could be solved and they told me to go talk to the immigration officers at the airport to see why they had lied to me about it, with a tourist visa you can stay up to 180 days, When we arrived and kindly asked them to change our visa for the time we were in Mexico, they told us that it is not possible and that the only way is to pay the fine when leaving Mexico. They are racist and envious rats, I have to pay but I hope that the money they steal from us is spent on medicine.
Julio Cesar Gomez Rodriguez on Google

Awful place
Cassie Grimm on Google

I don't recommend trying to do the processes alone. Even if they seem straightforward, probably something is missing on the website.
Joshua Willemse on Google

Atención está pésimo. They don’t attend you quickly and sufficiently. They never answer the phones. Be prepared to waste a lot of time getting anything done.
Freddy Lansky on Google

Used to take 4 hours in line to be attended, now they tell you come back in 4 months, went from bad system to no system. I took a peak inside at the “information desk” is like 100 employees inside just staring at the wall watching the paint peel

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